Messed up scope


New member
Recently bought a used, cheap, tasco scope to put on my modified m91/30. Everything seems fine, except for one strange issue. And pardon my expressions, I dont know scope language. The knob on the top changes horizontal, and the knob on the side changes vertical. For some odd reason, when I went to sight it in today, the knobs were all messed up. If i moved the horizontal knob to the right, it went up. And when I moved the vertical adjustment up the scope went to the right. I actually was able to sight it in, but its very strange. Is this just because im using a cheap $30 scope, and should just expect this?
Sounds like your scope isn't the problem.

Now the bad news...

The knob on the top is your elevation. Moves in the vertical plane.
The knob on the side is your "windage". And moves in the horizontal plane.

Your description of how they are operating is correct. The description of how you thought they worked is backwards.
Are you sure that the top turret controls the horizontal? It's been a very long time since I owned a Tasco, but I'm pretty sure that on most of my scopes the top turret controls the vertical, and the side turret controls the horizontal.
So um, were the directions printed on the scope adjustment caps? That would explain bunches. They can get easily mixed up.
Hmm, the knob on the top says (arrow) left is 1/4 inch at 100 yards, and same with the side knob. Except it is (arrow) right. I can send a picture.
I think your scope was improperly assembled. I just checked, and all of my scopes have the elevation turret on top, the windage is always on the side. Maybe you can switch the heads so that the elevation is on top and the windage is on the side. Or chalk it up to what happens when you buy a cheap scope and go get a better one.
Damn, that would make sense that it must have been assembled wrongly. I have another tasco brand scope on my mini-14, actually its the exact same model just a little older. And the elevation is on the top, windage on side. Tried to take it off and switch them but it appears you cant.
Damn, that would make sense that it must have been assembled wrongly. I have another tasco brand scope on my mini-14, actually its the exact same model just a little older. And the elevation is on the top, windage on side. Tried to take it off and switch them but it appears you cant.
Of course, there's a chance that you can just ignore the labeling and just use the turrets as they're supposed to be used. I don't know if there's any real difference in detents between the two turrets. Or Tasco might even replace the scope if you're attached to it.

Who knows? In 50 years that thing might be worth extra money; kind of like stamps that were printed upside down are worth a lot more than the originals.
I think I will just live with the turrets being wrong for now. I can still use it even though the label is wrong. And like I said I was able to get it sighted in. Not at all attached to this scope, maybe sometime soon I will buy a better scope. But for now it will serve its purpose.
You mounted your scope incorrectly.
You are 90 degrees out. I have one mounted like that but I did on purpose. I did so brass from the M1A would not hit the turret.
Even though it may seem as simple as rotating to the right 90 degrees, it isnt. As I said, and as the pictures showed, the turret that had the knob saying L ---> 1/4 at 100 yards is adjusting elevation. And the turret that says UP ---> 1/4 at 100 yards is adjusting windage. Moving to the right 90 degrees would not change that fact, the labeling would still be wrong. As stated by Rangerrich, its an assembly problem. Who ever assembled the scope in China got the labeling on the turrets wrong. I did not realize that, and thought something was wrong with the scope, and that's why I started the thread.
The rifle itself was built to be a cheap but rugged and reliable beater of a military rifle. I'm not a fan of that rifle, but would venture to guess that it can take a beating that the Tasco couldn't handle much of at all. If you want a cheap used scope that can take some punishment for such a rifle, I recommend that you look for an older Weaver K4, steel tube scope that is still in good condition. You should be able to find a good one for 50 bucks at most gun shows. Even some of those are beat beyond consideration, but they sold a lot of them and it's not hard to find one in serviceable condition. Certainly, lens technology has advanced to where there is better glass now, but I don't think there is a more rugged scope made today. If there is, I'd like to know about it.
From your pictures the scope is mounted improperly.

The turret marked "L" is adjusting the elevation because you have it positioned on TOP.

The turret marked "up" is adjusting the windage because you have it positioned on the SIDE.

The turret marked "up" should be on top.

The turret marked "L" should be on the side.

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The turret is always located on the right hand side for windage, not the left side. The L on the knobs means that if you turn it in that direction you will move point of impact to the left.
The elevation turret is always on top.
Good luck shooting.