Members over 55...has the younger generation any idea what freedom is?

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First Off : You guys posting the Texas Farm Utilization Code (or anything as large) keep in mind almost no one will read anything that big in entirety. You will always know true knowledge, because it can be stated succintly.

Second Off : George Hill seems to have the wrong generation in his crosshairs. Give me a break. The BABY BOOMERS are the only ones who fit his demographics. Walk into your 13.50 an hour job for no skills at the local BIG-3 plant. The boomers are the ones that gave us 30 years of DEMOCRATS. The boomers are the ones that gave us the DEBT. The boomers are the generation that elected the CLINTONS. If ANY group is to be slapped silly with a dead salmon, it's the DAMN BOOMERS. I will take any boomer on, point to point. I may ask you how you vote, however.

What do I remember about freedom? As somone past the 55 mark I remember this:

I determined how many gallons of water my toilet flushed - not the government

I determined how many gallons/minute my shower head used - not the government

I choose who I sold my property to - not the government

I decided what kind of exhaust system I wanted on my car - not the government

I saved my money to buy health insurance for my family (Yes, I did have to do without a few things others had) - not the government

I was out of work at times but trained myself
to get a better job next time - not the government

and on and on and on.......
RKBA! Ozzie has a bone to pick....kinda wonder who's side he is on ;)

Wants to fry the he has "issues" with his parents

Lessee see now....Oh my, Bill Clinton is the 1st Pres without not only military service, but also no WW2 service, but is he a boomer? But we also have Sen and Cong who had WW2 and are still around. Hmmm, there just has to be liberals and unconstitutionalists there, doncha think there Ozzie?

Listen up, want to indict and place blame? Start with yourself and keep your parental issues out of this.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

I'll go back past age twenty. And I'm over fifty five.

At age ten, my Daddy (yes it was Daddy) sent me into town to buy a box of .22 long rifles at the General Store.

He gave me a dollar & told me to bring the change back. Well, I didn't. I bought the .22's but spent the change on coconut mackeroons.

After the whup'n I got, it was four days before I could sit comfortably, but it took twenty years for me to eat coconut again.

Yes, firearms were a tool then, but unlike the buck saw or grubing matax, I realy loved Daddy's little .22 & he not only taught me how to use it, but encouraged me to hunt.

There were ten in our family, so cotton tails & fox squirrels were a welcome addition to the meals ( we lived in farm country three miles from a small town )

At age twelve ( about 1949 ) I would take that .22, a box of bullets in my pocket, board the small town bus to the big city, walk from the terminal about five blocks to my uncles work place & wait for him to get off work so we could go squirrel hunt'n the next day.....I'd spend the night at his house & we'd drive thirty miles out of town in the opposite direction from where I lived to hunt.

Now I didn't know what a gun case was, just packed that puppy right out in the open & nobody ever questioned it.

Bought my Win 94 30-30 when I was still in hi school ( same General Store ) only I'm 17 now in 1954.

Had to give a speech in Literature class & the teacher said we could use a prop.

OOOO-K, how about the 94 ? Nooo problem.

Now, try to place this scene in today's world.

Just before speech class, I was excused to retrieve my 30-30 from my 36 Chevy (still no carying case)

Walked up that long side-walk into the school building, into the speach class ( got an "A" ) didn't get expelled, no SWAT teams, no felonys arrests or prison time.

It was a different day in time indeed.

The wost problem we had was chewing gum in class..... a student could get in serious trouble for that.

So, why such a different culture today?

There are many reasons, but to make a long story short, I'll condense the problem to this;

Government ! Specifically taxes !

Todays wage earner can't bring enough of his paycheck home, because of the horrendous taxes he must pay, to support his family therefore necessitating both parents to work.

Now, who parents the children? Traditionaly this has been "Mom's" job.... but wait, If Mom was fortunate enough to land a "Day" job then after nine hours at the sweat shop she can't be emotionaly or physicaly capable of performing an adaquate job at home.

So, we have moral break down, destroyed family values, divorces, battered wives, battered husbands, single parent familys (Lord, who does the parenting in a single parent family while single parent works ? )

Instant gratification, refusal to accept responsibility, religious decay, politicians & government officials lying.....big time.

And on & on, like the slipery slope, we never seem to regain any footing lost.

Apathy?, corruption?, defeatist or can't happen to me attitude ?,

One learns from ones mistakes... right ?


Ralph in In.
I find it interesting to note that the post X'rs are starting a subculture respecting of liberty. Yup, She's commin' back. Of course the public education will do all it can to stop this, but the Libs are failing and they know it. I hope to die in a country as free as my father was born into, or die gettin' us there.

Gen xer.
Ralph, Cool, Ozzie WTF??? I was born in 1949 and considered a boomer by the demogarphic standard. In the early 60's I was most likely considered a redneck, in the late 60's I was a liberal. In the real world of today I am what I am! What in the HELL are you trying to say?
Slabsides: The lesser degree of freedoms "back then" came from "us, the folks" of our neighborhoods and towns, and had to do with getting along peaceably. It also had to do with that devlish concept, "Responsibility for the consequences of your actions".

We didn't have either Gummint or political correctness and the threat of lawsuits to "enforce" controls.

I guess you might say the focus was on getting along with your neighbor, not suing him.

:), Art

"No social ill is ever so bad, as after there is a government program to solve it."

[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited December 24, 1999).]
But what's so beautiful about this particular discourse is that the generations before us have risked and gave their lives so that we can bicker like this now.

Today, I still see that threat, but from within. Instead of trust and understanding, there is an internal struggle over the Second Amendment, and the attempt to circumvent it. Why the incessant babble that guns kill children? I have guns and kids. My kids are fine. Are we to live in a society where our fundamental laws have been infringed simply because of ignorance and lack of trust?

Wait, I'm rambling. But you get my point.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited December 24, 1999).]
I have real problems with the kids of the WW2 generation. They have had the best our American empire had to offer, and they squandered it like drunken sailors. They continue to be the most selfish, uninformed voting block, putting democrats into office routinely. X-ers and those to come, DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND MR. BOOMER WON'T TRY AND VOTE HIMSELF YOUR PAYCHECK AS A SOCIAL SECURITY "RIGHT".

((Comments deleted by moderator.))

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 25, 1999).]
I certainly know what is is SUPPOSED to be. Being 46 has had it's benefits. Like knowing a time when God, Country, and Mother(not necessarily in that order) meant something. You had a right to speak your mind, and most of the time, you could truly say what was on your mind, without fear of reprisals from government, or others. Not so today.
I remember when the board of education was a smart slap on the ass when you stepped out of line in school. It was a time when Mom, or Dad took that same discipline at home.
It was a time when your Father bought you a .22 rifle for Christmas, or your birthday (money permitting). It was a time when the local cop knew you, your parents, and your friends. It was a time when your elected leaders didn't sell you out for political contributions, and make every legal, and illegal attempt to enslave you.

It was a time when the United States was becoming a World Power, and WAS a power to be reckoned with. A time when a man was proud to be a soldier, and was treated like a hero when he returned form service.

Unlike the manner we were treated during the Vietnam "action", when you were spat upon, and cursed for serving your country. Unlike now, where you wonder if you'll go to jail for protecting your Family, and home from criminals intent from taking all from you.
Not like now, when our "Leaders???" are committing blatant acts of crime, and don't give a damn. Not like now, when our schools, with the help of Federal interference, turn our children against us. When our "government" decided the necessity to resort to very illegal activities to prosecute citizens. Many times, committing crimes worse than the ones they hope to charge people with, all for the sake of Justice.
Not like now, when a group of citizens practicing "Right to Peaceful Assembly", are attacked by police. Not like now, when citizens are are shot to death by members of an elite death squad known as the "HRT", a.k.a. Hostage Rescue Team. Their job apparently has nothing to do with hostage rescue.
Not like now, when a Federal agency is involved in an execution of over 80 citizens, then lies about it's wrongdoings for years.

Do we know what Freedom is, yes we can read about what it was in the History books, or at least until such time that those books are banned for being conservative, or subversive.

Best Regards,

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited December 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited December 24, 1999).]
Freedom- ability to do as we wish and want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of our fellow human beings.

That's always been my definition, I've never seen it though. I'm 25 and as long as I can remember I have been *asked* to follow the rules set forth by others. Do I know freedom? Probably not in terms of what others know, but I have a longing for being able to be my own person, my own soul in this universe.

Free??? I never feel more free than when the recoil of a rifle rolls me back, a pistol jumps in my hands and the x-ring on an IDPA target gets a hole. I never feel more free than when I run a carbine course at a local match and the machine of freedom bucks swiftly and another projectile races downrange. Why is it I never feel more free than when in the company of guns?

I live in a generation where others are willing to sacrifice rights for supposed safety, and I live in a world where my right is my safety. I see people asking the government to manage their lives, while my world revolves around keeping them out of mine.

I may be imposing by not being 55, but this question can't be answered without all voices. I hold among my dearest possesions ten friends, ten fellow men who hope and pray to turn freedom loose once again. Political aspirations and the power to bring it about our goal. But we also try to prepare for that failure and the day they call for my guns, my rights, my safety. Is it the breath of freedom alive in the hearts and souls of young men? We hope it is.

We long for a person to stand tall on a political podium and proudly proclaim, "I'm a shooter, I value freedom, so I value guns."

I guess I have ranted long enough, said my peace here.

I leave you now with a thought, it's writer I do not know, it was relayed to me by my grandfather several years ago, about the time I cast my first vote.

"No matter what you are told, no matter how they attempt to make it seem, all people must remember one thing, Freedom has never been Free."

Good night and God bless.

They teach conformity, it equals servitude, and that leads to genocide based not on race but resistance,


This thread started off as earnest questions about our not so ancient history. It turned into a rather disconcerting, disenfranchising, and devisive tar and feathering, repleat with some very broad strokes of the brush! In the better interests of sound reason and unity of purpose this thread is hereby locked.
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