Mel Gibson - PAYBACK


New member
A lot of people were less than impressed with Mels last Leathal Weapon movie being anti gun.

I just saw an ad for another $$ maker for him called Payback.

Firing a Beretta 92 in each hand looked cool but when Melon head starts interviews with the HCI mumbo spouting from his lips whilst saying " Come & see my latest flick" ..... It gets me a mite annoyed!
So hows a bit of "Payback" from you guys & stay away from Mel The Sellout Gibson & his two faced concepts !

I am less than thrilled to be associated with him as an Australian !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I won't be spending my money either. Just goes to show you how some people can and do talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Justice for one,Justice for all.
Gibson's a real disappointment. Brilliant actor; gifted director; all 'round bright guy. One might hope he'd see the hypocrisy in his position. Especially in light of the enormous safety violations comitted in each of his flicks.

Whacha think of taking 'ole Mel back from us? We'll trade you Mel for all those banned long guns which are being destroyed.

I wouldn't watcth movies by those people if they paid me. My time and braincells are worth something. However, I'd like to recomment a film called "The Dawning". I think it is from the early 90s. Stars Anthony Hopkins, though, ironically, he's not the best actor in it.

Shows the comical and the tragic sides of the early 1920 Ireland, right before their liberation war. Cameos by Webley 455, SMLE Mk3 and a "Broomhandle" Mauser. Very nicely done...not perfect, but well worth renting. Definitely NOT a formula movie...had no way of predicting how it would go.

<a href="">Check out my list of other recommended movies and books</a>. Most of Bruce Bethke's books are off-line right now, but Cyberpunk is posted on my read it. It is a funny, biting and very thoughtful story of a two-bit looser of a kid becoming a citizen. Cameo appearance by a Mosin-Nagant rifle <g>

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting might be a gun nut.
I here you! Will never watch a Mell Gibson movie again, too bad I realy liked "Braveheart". Did anyone hear that interview Stupvester Stupllon gave where he said: "This gun violence won't stop untill we go around to everyones door and just take all the guns". Can you believe this crap! I read somewhere this guy had a shooting range under one of his houses, that he no doubt bought from the money he made on his "violent gun movies".
I wouldn't dream of thinking that these Hollywood gunmen are smearing all this gratuitious violence on screen and spouting drivel at the media because of (oh dear! dare i say the dirty word?) money... would you? -
El Chimango Pete
The other gun from the other down under

Member NRA (life), SASS (life 'El Chimango Pete' #20037), Muzzle Loaders, other clubs in Argentina. Firearms Instructor
On ICQ "Buzzard-Pete"
I have to wonder if the Stallone quote wasn't taken out of context. I've read other quotes by him that were quite pro-self defense.

Personally, I'd rather Mel Gibson were on our side of the fence.

"We the People" was never intended to reference the collective.
Elchimango, ANOTHER.... AUSSIE !

Wow, that makes 3 so far !!

Been feelin' a tad undergunned on the net to date, so I printed out my home page and pinned it to my Clubs notice board.

<a><a href="">Para/1911 Message Board</a>

Rich, if Mel was on our side of the fence, he would probably end up shootin' himself in the foot from years of poor & unsafe gun handling practices ingrained in him from so many violent/gun glorifying, bloodthirsty, penile envy, cinema graphic terror films.... whew ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited February 22, 1999).]
The last I saw, the "Ladies Hoplophobe Journal" was criticizing him for being pro-gun. When did the change happen?
Well, dont worry - Payback was a horrible film. One of the worst films this last year... Next to Virus which was the worst film ever.


Resistance is Futile
" dont't see many Hollywood luminaries speaking out for conservative causes, do you? It's not because there aren't any.
"It's because they won't take the heat. They dare not speak for fear of ABC or CBS or CNN and worst of all, the IRS.
"Cultural war saps the strength of our country becuase the personal price is simply to high to stand up for what you believe in..."
Charlton Heston in his speech at The Claremont Institute's Constitution Day Event, Universal City, CA, Sept.17, 1998

'Old Moses was speaking as NRA President - text available (please e-mail me)

El Chimango Pete
The Other Gun from The Other Down Under (sorry HS - thats Argentina: same Southern Cross tho')
Has anyone though about writing to these two gentlemen to let them know how we feel and ask exactly where they stand on self defense, 2nd Amendment,ect. If some oen can supply a mailing address I would write.
Wasn't Mel's most famous line ever:

"...we'll never let them take our FREEDOM!"

Braveheart was his creation in just about every sense of the word. But then I don't doubt his two-faced-ness after seeing the blatant subliminal anti-gun programming in Lethal Weapon X.
Very strange indeed. Maybe he doesn't equate FREEDOM with GUNS?

In Braveheart, his freedom-fighters certainly utilized the best weapons they could get their hands on. I didn't see any of them throwing down their maces and swords when confronting the King's armies. Didn't hear talk about "sword violence" as the primary social problem.

Doesn't anyone have any specific quotes or info (pro-gun or anti-gun) on ANY celebrity (Mel, Sylvesturd, or others) that can be verified as fact?

One thing that Prof Lott verified as fact in "More Guns, Less Crime" is that the queen (or at least princess) of the anti-gunners, Dianne Feinstein herself, is a Calif. CCW license-holder. Greater hypocrisy I cannot imagine.
While Braveheart was entertaining, the battle scenes for both major battles fought by Wallace were historically inaccurate. OK, no history lesson since I've droned on too much on hoplites.
I agree -- I gave up watching Mel Gibson movies, even though I quite admire the bloke.
But don't blame us Aussies entirely for him ;-)
I believe he was BORN in the US, RAISED here in Oz, and then went back to the US after the success of the Mad Max movies.

Exactly. How many remember Tom Selleck (*fanning meself*)? He started speaking out on conservative issues and now the boy doesn't work anymore.

Face it, realize it and internalize it: The anti defense and anti freedom minions will use any means to silence us lest we interfer with their agenda. Remember the old saying: "tell a lie long enough and it becomes the truth"...we see it happening daily, it shouldn't surprise you.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"