Medical question--

"I have noticed one thing however, their mobility is much more limited than before. No more long hunts or hill scaling. They hunt closer to camp and in a less rugged terrain. They also use natural blinds."

I think it's mental, not physical. Some people that have this kind of trauma for the first time in their life let it get to them. I know of people like myself that just continue on after open heart, triple bypass, hernia, back and other surgery.
I know some that have sat on the porch waiting years to drop dead from it and are otherwise healthy. If I get to that point, life has truly ended for me.
Please don't take that the wrong way. I'm on A-fib and have a damaged heart valve. I still climb 40' + to get on roofs most every day. I cut trees down and clear land almost by hand. Do your therapy to get back in shape and live once the injury has healed. Flesh and blood heal nicely and completely.
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Frank, your a hoot and an inspiration---I've met several men out at the range who had mentioned a bypass or whatever, but of course I didn't give it much thought til it happened to me---now I understand their pleasure at being back to the range---as I've said, I've got the .204 in a nice heavy Ruger #1 [ very little recoil ],and that will do nicely for awhile--I'm even going to wait a few more weeks before shooting that one----John
Age and your personal health condition are big factors.
If over 50, at least 16 weeks, if over 70, wait six months.
As we get older we damage easier and heal slower.
I'm 55 and I had bypass surgery in June. I have fired pistols but it still hurts to cough and hurts like bloody hell to sneeze. I went back to work in August but those first two weeks like to have killed me. I'm stronger now, a lot stronger but I put on a lot of weight after surgery and quit smoking too so it wears me out to walk very far. I'm not even thinking of firing a rifle yet. Not even a no kicker like a 30-30.
Your Doctor and rehab staff are the people you need to listen to.

If you tear your aorta you will die knowing that you killed yourself with the non barrel end of the gun.

Get a 22 pistol and a 22 rifle and work on the basics till YOUR Doc gives you the ok to shoot the 06.

Don't spoil many good years to come by rushing it now.

Good Luck,
Glad you made it off the table..;)