media coverage of tyler shooting

Dallas Morning News

Just for the record, the Dallas Morning News reported that Mr. Wilson's
intervention probably saved lives by distracting the shooter from his
intended targets, and causing him to panic and leave the scene.

Of course they quoted the anti-gun idiots. The Dallas chapter president
of the Million Mom March was quoted asking "...what it he had hit a
bystander while he was firing?". Some people just will never get it.

God bless Mark Wilson. He "Walked the Walk".

ever notice with the Anti's it's always "what if". I believe that if Mark Wilson had not been there more people would have died. To give one's life for the protection of others is one of the most Heroic things a person can do.

Jungle Work
Anyone notice in the video coverage from the courtroom...all you saw of the presiding judge was the assend of his black robes as he abandoned the people in the pews for the safety of his office? Talk about a coward!

I must have seen the clip a dozen times on FOX and MSNBC, and I never got the impression there was automatic fire or a reload.

Hope that judge loses his seat in the next election.
I believe that if Mark Wilson had not been there more people would have died.
Now that it appears clear that Mr. Wilson did make a telling hit on Arroyo Sr. (in the groin), I think that it's also obvious why Arroyo left the scene after shooting Mr. Wilson. It's also likely that impairment from this wound may have saved officer's lives at the roadblock where Arroyo was killed.
Double Naught Spy wrote:

Why does the newspaper have to mention Wilson? They already have on several occasions. And why do they need to note that he was a CHL holder?

Seriously DNS, no disrespect intended, but if you even have to ASK that question.....maybe your on the wrong forum? :confused:
CNNs Beyond the Headlines piece

I was in a sports bar last night and saw CNN with 5 minute or so "Beyond the Headlines" segment titled "Tyler's Hero" which seemed to center around Mr. Wilson's actions. I couldn't hear anything said but it looked like it may have been interesting. Anyone catch it and care to comment about what was presented?
yesterday editorial in the Ridgecrest Daily Independent in California.

"Contrary to what gun banners and opponents of concealed carry laws would have us believe, legally armed citizens are not vigilantes at heart. Most are just like Mark Wilson; they care about their safety and the safety of their community. Under most self-defense statutes, and many state constitutions, they have a right to intervene, perhaps even a duty. Wilson lost his life while saving others and courageously defending his neighborhood with a firearm.

Residents of Tyler were blessed by his presence. The rest of us are diminished by his loss."

Jungle Work