media coverage of tyler shooting


New member
in todays houston chronicle the article about the shooting in tyler was an injustice to Mr. Mark Wilson. it made absolutely no NONE mention of the fact that Mr. Wilson was a CHL holder who intervened and tried to put an end to this tragedy and wound up giving his own life in the process.

"upset over child support,a man wearing body armor and firing an AK-47 rifle killed his ex-wife and a bystander in the tyler town square" a bystander?

the only time it even mentioned Mr. Wilson was "the deceased victims were identified as Maribel Estrada and Mark Wilson."

Mr. Wilson wasnt a bystander he was a hero. this from the only newspaper in the fourth largest city in the country. is that pathetic or what?
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Did a bit of research today...

The earlier articles were pretty good about noting that Mr. Wilson fired on the murderer.

The articles today seem to be divided between saying he intervened or tried to (no mention of shooting) and a number that don't mention him at all other than as a bystander who was shot with only a few mentioning that he shot the murderer more than once.

Doesn't leave much doubt about how the media feels about reporting positively on CHL holders and defensive gun use.

The police spokesman and one of the deputies that witnessed the shooting say that the shooter's son would be dead if Mr. Wilson hadn't intervened.
God loves the Houston Commie Cronicle. In my opinion the only thing that leans futher left is the Tower of Pizza. If they printed it was daylight outside, I'd get a flashlight and go look. Pukes from the 60s running the place.

Jungle Work
the most horrible part was that apparently as Mr. Wilson was already on the ground wounded and pleading for his life that scumbag shot him again.

another error in the chronicle stated that the scumbags weapon was an automatic weapon. ive never fired an Ak but they would be semi-auto right?

i feel another assault/hi cap mags ban in the future unfortunately.
Drop in select fire parts kits and manuals are all over the WWW.
The people selling these are taking your word that you will not use them on any post-ban firearm
A co-worker reported that he had heard the gun was full-auto on the TV news.

All of the articles I've seen reported the gun as being semi-auto or didn't say. Another co-worker saw the video shot in a nearby courtroom and said that from the sound of the shots it didn't sound like a full-auto.
your so right jungle. the chronicle just gets worse all the time. they even cover SOCCER in the sports section lol, but whats real funny is they will print those articles in spanish, as if someone who cant read english is buying the paper just so they can read that one little article. i sure do miss the houston post, when it bit the dust is when the chronicle really went down the crapper. i guess they lost their incentive to put out a quality newspaper.
A real AK is semi or full auto. It can be either. Most Civilian Look Alikes are only Semi Auto. Like Civilian ARs are only Semi while M-16s are usually Semi or FA depending on what position you put the off/on switch in.

Jungle Work
our channel 13 news affiliate sux too.....

not even an honorable mention of the actions of the deceased :( ! Surely if us gun nut internet guys have these facts already, the well connected and "free press" badge wearing news stations do :confused: ? Shameful to say the least :eek: ......
deputy da

If I heard the newsclip from kltv correctly the DA's office there in Tyler is pro CLH. The Deputy DA they were interviewing even called Mark Wilson a hero. Sounds like a nice place to live.
A message I sent to the papers and news stations in Tyler, Texas, about the media coverage.

Was wondering about your coverage on the Tyler, Texas Courthouse shooting.

Was wondering where the details are about the heroics of Mr. Mark Wilson, who was killed in the shootout? He was a hero. He was a regular citizen, that gave his life in defense of the lives of total strangers. He was a CCL holder, and used his weapon in a law abiding manner to save the lives of people he didn't even know. As I said, a true hero. Now I do not want to take away from the facts, this tragedy needs to reach the people. But it also needs to reach the people about the heroic, selfless actions of this brave american. You do him and his family a terrible injustice. Give this man the credit, and the honor he deserves for what he did that terrible day.

I doubt I will get a reply tho.
this just shows how biased the media is against guns... sickening :barf:

The Sun Sentinel metioned mark wilson as a deceased bystander but nothing about him actually taking action against the assaliant... :barf:
in todays houston chronicle the article about the shooting in tyler was an injustice to Mr. Mark Wilson

Why would you even think that newspapers were about justice? Why does the newspaper have to mention Wilson? They already have on several occasions. And why do they need to note that he was a CHL holder?


Sure enough, some of the early reports said the rifle was automatic. Just like with pistols, people don't understand the difference between an autoloader and a fully automatic firing gun. I have an automatic (loading) semi-auto (firing) AR15. Pretty much all semi-auto firing guns are automatic loading guns. My 1911 is a .45 ACP, Automatic Colt Pistol, but automatic loading only.

If you listen to the reports from the courtroom video, you can hear the shots are NOT in full auto. They aren't even particularly fast semi-auto. I was quite dismayed by the images of the bailiffs in court with their fingers on the triggers of their revolvers.
I'm actually kind of proud of Channel 8 here in Dallas. They did mention the incident, but they spent more time talking about the hero who returned fire, rather than the man who started the incident.

It was mentioned, repetatively, how his actions saved a number of lives.
Fort Worth print media (on Friday) and several local TV new reports (Thursday night and Friday morning) were -- surprisingly -- respectful and properly praised Mr. Wilson's courage and initiative. In addition, the involved law enforcement agencies all lauded Mr. Wilson, both through their press representatives and their leadership.
from double naught spy... "Why would you even think that newspapers were about justice? Why does the newspaper have to mention Wilson? They already have on several occasions. And why do they need to note that he was a CHL holder?"

i would think that newspapers were supposed to be about the facts, they left out plenty in this case. dont know where you get your houston chronicle DNS, but they have ran 2 articles on this incident and NEITHER mentioned Mr. Wilson as doing ANYTHING other than dying. and why mention that he was a chl holder? how about so that people will know he was a law abiding citizen, instead of someone who was illegally carrying a handgun. DUH
Media coverage of Tyler shooting

Opinions are like "dear rears" and we all have one, but the Houston Chronicle and the Austin Statesman are not even worth putting in the bottom of a bird cage. Karl Marx would have loved both newspapers.