Meat or Trophy? I go for the meat!!!!


I agree a lot of hunting can be done cheaper than the example I gave. I hunt deer and pronghorns on my Fathers ranch and I get to do that at quite a discounted rate. I'll still spend $50-$60 for a weeks hunt in diesel plus tags and other incidentals. Here in Colorado I only get one animal per season so I have to make my shots count to get the most buck(or doe) for my bang:D . I still spend on an average from $1.50 and up per pound of meat in my freezer when I hunt the cheap stuff.
As my grandpappy used to say, "horn make poor soup." I would shoot a wallhanger if he came by but I generally drop the first doe(or 2)that walks by.
+1 to all the "meat first" comments. I hunt on/near family farms and deer are considered crop-eating varmints. Taking out the does not only culls the herd better but 2-3 young doe yield less, but tastier meat IMO. Sure, it I see a nice buck, I'll take him...but I never pass on a young doe.
I'm hunting a Whitetail with a Giant Rack myself, BUT I never have the paintince to get one. When I see a Decent 8-point that is probally bigger than my last one or really close I'll take him..... but I also hunt in a 2 Buck 3 Doe county where if you need to fill 2 tags in a day it wouldn't be much of a problem.
I'd love to shoot a trophy bull or buck, but I'm a meat hunter at heart and will shoot the first legal animal that presents a good target.