McDonalds' Employee Fired After Shooting Robbers

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I have seen a hunting video with Dave in it! Too Bad I hate the food :(

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!
Not that I'm defending Mickey D's, but in reality, they had to fire him, because to not do so would open up the possibility that the policy in question maybe, perhaps, just might be......wrong <gasp!>, which would

A) Kill them in any future lawsuit involving the slaughter of unarmed employees and patrons and

B) Bring other policies into question that the geniuses in management thought up and we can't have that.
I sent a letter to McDonalds.
I got a response writen by some poor lady named Elaine. I'm sure that she has been bombarded by e-mail. She said that the McDonalds in Houston was an independant franchise operation, and since it was a police matter, she could not give any more info. Sounds like a cop out to me. I wrote her back and asked if the "no weapons" policy was general corporate, or left up to the individual resturant manager.
No word back yet.
I have asked two of my gunowning friends to boycott them so far. More to follow.
Let's get this thing started!! It's high time that gunowners told Corporate America that we are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more!!


Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited July 07, 2000).]
I'm a McDonald's assistant manager, and I have never heard, signed or
seen any policy which forbids us to carry guns at work, given we
follow the laws (which are pretty lenient in Switzerland, BTW).
However, we have the directive to surrender the cash drawers to
robbers and then lock up the safe (before opening it, one has to wait
two minutes - if we punch in another code, the safe will still open
after the present time, but there's a SWAT team en route. Since our
urban restaurant can be covered completely by police, it is a BAD idea
to rob our restaurant, especially if one knows the police is maybe 200
meters away. No, I believe the restaurant in Berne is safe from
robberies. And lunatics running amok in a McD, at noon? I would
probably not shoot since it is rather probable that I hit the wrong

We had robberies in McDs down here, but without anybody harmed, thank
God. If the robbers decided to kill Tamils, I won't be close when the
Tamils get their hands on the perps. A bullet would be humane, but
since they are not allowed to own guns here, I suspect punishment
would be a slow affair.
I sent a letter,too. I wish I would have read a few more posts here! I got irate on the first one! No reply from McD's yet

And if you hear from my Louise, won't you tell her I love her so?
104K. It's about that time, boyzengurls. Go ahead with Part II.

BTW, don't expect a personal response from Mickey's. They probably have a filter and auto-reply on all comments containing "Willis Lee," "janitor," or "Houston."
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