McCain's VP Choice


New member
As a thoroughly disgruntled conservative I have little desire to vote for this guy.
So about the only thing that can get me to vote for him is if he chooses a running mate who is more conservative than he is. I suppose of the national names I could be persuaded by Romney or a few others but I suspect that Mr. "Straight Talk" is not going to choose someone conservative. Given his desire not to offend anyone on the left it wouldn't surprise me for him to select someone less conservative than he is.
As a thoroughly disgruntled conservative I have little desire to vote for this guy.

Similar here. I will probably force myself to vote for him, but it would help if he has a good VP selection. You would think that since he is really not a conservative he would try to get that vote with a conservative VP, but maybe not.

The fun part of this campaign has been watching the Dem's tear each other apart. The not so fun part is going to be who is left to vote for.
the fun part to date

has been reading the post of those who are so sure Johnny will be victorious. So many who say they don't like McCain but will vote for him anyhow.
So many who say they don't like McCain but will vote for him anyhow.

From a fun standpoint it pales in comparison the Obama, Hillary, Dean side show. And the Democratic convention..heck that will be like a three ring circus. McCain just ain't that funny. And the Republican convention will be boring.:D
His best bet would be to take Louisiana's Governor Bobby Jindal; but he has said no already he wants to term limit then for the presidency himself.
As long as he picks somebody younger than 60 and to the Right of him I can't say I care much.

I'm still inclined to write-in Dick Cheney as the most qualified candidate.
I'm still inclined to write-in Dick Cheney as the most qualified candidate.

Please, please, please tell me you are not being serious in regards to Dick Draft Dodging/Waterboarding/Iran Attacking/Chickenhawk Cheney.

Back to the OP:
I'd hope for Colin Powell but that will never happen.

*sigh* For once, me the liberal, machine gun owning, gay-rights & tree-hugging supporting atheist is in the same boat as all you conservatives and can't stand the thought of anyone of the candidates running on either side actually being Prez :D (even though I personally have a great deal of respect for McCain).

But though they may not be the best, there is no where to go but up from our current glorious leader......
Sarah Palin...she immediately destroys key Democratic issues such as gender, Freedom of Choice and gun control.

WildwhatacoupAlaska TM
Colin Powell or Condi Rice would be a shining triumph for McCain. I think either choice, especially Condi, would almost ensure his victory.

The saddest part about all this is the fact that even alot of the demo left is scared to death of Hillary and Obama. Now that says something that should not be readily ignored.....
Although Powell or Rice may seal the deal their conservative credentials are quite lacking. We really don't know where Rice stands on much and Powell has declared himself a social liberal in the past.
I'm really looking for someone both more conservative than McC and brings some electability to the ticket. Else McC will have to run to the middle/left to get elected.
McCain will choose someone more liberal than himself; to try and capture the high negatives of Hillary, and to a lesser extent, Obama. Conservatives? Screw 'em, let them vote third party (knowing that most won't).

McCain could possibly select Michael Bloomberg (member of all political parties); or (shocker) Al Gore is still available. :eek: The ultimate bi-partisan co-president ticket!

That would put a whole new spin on the future role of the major parties, eh?
Odd how history repeats itself. Early in our constitutional republic the winner of the most electorial votes was president and the runner up was vise pres. This was a wholly unworkable situation and was changed.
Here we could be faced with just such a possibility. McCain/Gore, unthinkable.
What The Huck?

Here's a CNN picture showing McCain & Huckabee chumming it up on the "Straight Talk Express"

I think picking someone like Huckabee would be political suicide given that he only appeals to a limited subsection of America (i.e.-evangelical Christians) and pretty much scares the hell out of everyone else. Moderates would flee to the Dems.

And Mitt "Magic Underwear" Romney would do pretty much the same thing, given his high "creepo" factor in his inability to make up his mind about anything.

McCain needs to be really smart about who he picks. If he associates himself with someone who apprears to be slimmy it will bring down his reputation as a man of integrity and being a man of courage and he'll be left with nothing to run on.

He needs to highlight his proven courage in Vietnam and the fact that he's not just another person paying lip service to "Support the Troops" while supporting the war, since his son is a ground pounding enlisted man in the Marines (how many other Pols put their $$$ where their mouth is?). It says alot about the man's character, even though I think he's clearly wrong about the War.
Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin...she immediately destroys key Democratic issues such as gender, Freedom of Choice and gun control.

Ken, given the recent birth of the Palins' child (with Down's Syndrome) do you think she's still interested? I think she'd be a great choice...