McCain's VP Choice....

The south is going to go for McCain. I don't think he needs a Southerner to get those votes. Who else are they going to vote for? No one here wants Hillary, and there aren't enough black people for Obama to win.

I think he needs Lieberman.
No, not kidding. I think Lieberman would guarantee him enough cross over votes from moderate Democrats that he would defeat Hillary or Obama. No one else I can think of will give him anything he doesn't already have.

Understand I think a McCain/Lieberman ticket would suck, but I am talking about winning the election here.
he should ask condi

we need another president surrounded by yes men like we need more illegals crossing the border and jobs/manufacturing technology exported to China.

No, not kidding. I think Lieberman would guarantee him enough cross over votes from moderate Democrats that he would defeat Hillary or Obama. No one else I can think of will give him anything he doesn't already have.

Understand I think a McCain/Lieberman ticket would suck, but I am talking about winning the election here.

It would suck and it would loose. Lieberman is not a Dem for a reason, he fully supports Iraq. Nothing has the Dems more motivated than Bush's handling of Iraq and pairing McCain up with a guy whose own party turned on him over Iraq (and against which he ran and beat) is not going to attract cross over voters. McCain has done enough leftist things already to gain any crossover votes that are to be had.

He doesn't need to worry about Rep voters in the south voting for the Dems. He needs to worry about them showing up to vote at all. Sorry but too many people are tired of holding their nose in the voting booth. McCain needs a Conservative or Libertarian.
Why would I vote for Johnny Mc, if he chose a true conserative as VEEP?

The VEEP does nothing unless the POTUS asks him to.

Usually the job is attending State funerals and occasionally voting in the Senate. And that vote is directed by the President.

Palin may have the brains to do the job (maybe not the experience yet), but I see Florida's Jeb Bush or Texas Gov Rick Perry in line ahead of her for the (R) VP position with the smart nod going to Perry (the US ain't ready for another Bush at this time methinks... even tho' JB might be better than his big brother).

It'll be interesting to see who the good old boys in the "cigar-smoke filled back rooms" (do they do that any more?... smoke cigars I mean) choose.
Jeb Bush would be a sure loss. He would be good but there is too much resentment against the name Bush for him to get elected. However Jenna would bring some new blood to the ticket. ;)

Besides I have decided that the best choice is Paris Hilton. She is just as qualified as any of the front runners and a lot more pleasing to look at. :D
Jeb Bush would be a sure loss. He would be good but there is too much resentment against the name Bush for him to get elected.

McCain & Bush... there is a loosing ticket. Plenty of conservatives are displeased with Bush as it is. Think of how having Bush on the ticket would mobilize the left!

Then there is the whole familial dynasty thing. Sorry but 4 yrs Bush 41, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush 43, followed by a possible 8 years Clinton 2.0 or open pathway to Bush Revision 3... NO THANKS. Lets see if a different family can have the White House after two have occupied it for the last 20 years (24-28 if Hillary gets it!).
Usually the job is attending State funerals and occasionally voting in the Senate. And that vote is directed by the President.

The VP also gets to vote in the event of a tie in the US Senate.
If I am not mistaken, Vice President Al Gore cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate that got us the AWB under Clinton.
McCain - Bush

Toss Jeb into the November election and you'll see a lot of the Republican voters carrying signs for the Democratic candidate. Dubya has already caused strife in the Party. Putting another Bush on the ballot would signal a Dynasty run. Jen might be a great candidate at some time in the future but right now the Bush name is not what the country wants.
The VP also gets to vote in the event of a tie in the US Senate.
If I am not mistaken, Vice President Al Gore cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate that got us the AWB under Clinton.

and helped to loose him his own state when he ran for President in 2000.
Condoleezza Rice


She can get the conservative, black and female vote.
Condoleeza is way too connected to the Failed Bush Presidency to be considered for anything except a return to academics (if she is lucky) when Bush finally leaves office.