McCain's speech

Sen. John McCain

I liked his speech tonight.As I have posted on many gun forums lately,I will cast the 1st vote against OBAMA/BIDEN in Port Orange Florida this Election Day.To take the chance of ruining the way we do gun business in the FREE State of FLORIDA will best stay the same with John McCain in the White House.0500 to be 1st is where all of us should be on election day.Just think of what kind of Federal Judges OBAMA would appoint to the Court system!!!! Think 2nd Amendment rights,clear your minds.then do all that you can to make sure this un-American never runs our great Country.He won't even stand up for America,he's LEFT of Hawaii;and has picked a running mate that is in lock step with every kind of take the guns away plan that has ever been suggested on the Senate floor.Lets bury these bums on election day.
Pbp, I agree. It's almost like they are polar opposites when it comes to public speaking. Obama is a truly gifted orater with a script but stumbles when he speaks extemporaneously. McCain is the other side of the coin.

Intune, I reference your concise statement in the hopes that it will reinforce my own. John McCain is a man, a human being. BHO is a self made product, a product that is polished and up for sale. No sir, John McCain is not a grand public speaker but he's not a slicked up hype machine either. My lawn is covered in McCain/Palin signs, the sticker is on my truck and this weekend I will go door to door again, my old cammie top beribboned with my fruit salad, asking folks to hear out a vet on why he is the man to lead us. Amen!
Oh, for a guy who has said he's reluctant to mention his time as a POW, McCain mentions his time as a POW a lot.
Yep, and his ability to speak, without totally breaking down, about his comrades in arms that helped keep him alive by sheer force of will in that hellhole for 5.5 years probably seem disingenuous to you also. At least you don't have to hear from the ones that died there.:barf: :mad:
McCain was a POW?
Kinda makes me wonder if you watched the speech. Or maybe you watched it but weren't listening. I could say much more but I'll bite my tongue.
I'm sorry, I thought certain levels of sarcasm would be so obvious that there'd be no need to punctuate them with emoticons.

If speech making and rhetoric are your qualifications for president then Obama is your man, if you want straight talk and substance, I offer John McCain.
I heard no more substance tonight than I did last week. Which is to say some, but no ta lot. I think I stand by my assertion from the other thread..."substance" is when a candidate makes vague allusions to policies you agree with, "rhetoric" is when they make vague allusions to ones you don't.

EDIT: On a side note, way to stay classy there, Code Pink. I felt ashamed for a moment when they interrupted him, and I don't even like them. But simply by the fact that I don't support McCain and they don't support McCain suddenly I felt that I may actually have too much in common with them.

EDIT: The guy just holding his sign quietly wasn't as bad. Still tacky, but at least he wasn't trying to be actively disruptive. If you feel the burning need to bring your protest in there, that's the way to do it.
Intune said:
You may want to rethink that criticism friend. His arms and a leg were broken when he ejected. They were never reset by the NV, not to mention the physical torture he endured. I imagine waterboarding would have been considered a vacation to the residents of the Hanoi Hilton.

Okay. I retract that statement. Sorry about that. :o
While I'm not a huge McCain fan I will vote for him over Obama much in part to McCain picking Palin as his VP plus his service record which I respect, please understand people who can produce results are usually people who don't give a great speech. While I enjoy a good speaker I'm never under the delusion their excellent workers after 40 years of work in various jobs I've found the two functions seldom match.
McCain has never been a rousing orator. To be fair, he is much better than Bush, but that is not saying much really.

This may well be the first election in modern memory where the republican Vice Presidential candidate is stirring up more excitement and devotion than the presidential candidate. I was wondering if we will see any signs that say "Palin/McCain '08".
Oratory is far less important to me than the ability to make a timely, thoughtful and measured decision when necessary.
Creature said:
Oratory is far less important to me than the ability to make a timely, thoughtful and measured decision when necessary.

This election is weird. It you combined McCain and Obama, you'd have
somebody good at making speeches who will get the job done when he
is elected.

It's like somebody took a perfect candidate and cut him in two.
Oratory is far less important to me than the ability to make a timely, thoughtful and measured decision when necessary.

My thoughts exactly.

McCain plays his status as a POW the same way gilded age Yankees waved the bloody shirt. I know it offends you that people point that out, too bad.

At least we know he can keep going on track when the going gets tough. I have zero problem with him playing this Ace of Spades. He earned it. What cards has the other guy earned with blood, sweat, and tears?
I watched the speeches both night, and I was curious as to how everyone will be responding. One thing that always seems to surprise me is how strong the reactions are when an individuals "hot buttons" are pushed or ignored.

It would seem that if YOUR specific issue is not the most paramount, hot topic of the moment, then you find fault with the whole package. To me that is very very short sighted, and potentially very damaging. People scream and argue their issue like nothing else should matter to the rest of the world. It is no wonder that politicians seem to never win at getting things done. There is always someone who screams and cries that their bread was not buttered.

I am not belittling the issues of the day. They are very important. They should be addressed. But to "throw the baby out with the bath water" seems to be not a wise decision in the long run.

The POTUS is dealt a hand of cards after he/she takes office. What they can do is most definitely helped or hindered by the Congress and the Courts. Remember it is a tri-level of government. The POTUS can and should lead and represent the United States as a whole, but it is naive to think that he will solve all problems that arise during his term, or solve all of the left-over issues from the preceding administration.

You did not hear what you want to hear, Grow Up! You want to throw the election just to send a message, Get Real! This is a very polarized nation. There are issues that separate the majority. Pick a side! If you are not happy then get involved and make sure that your voice is heard. This is not just to pick a write in candidate so that your vote doesn't count. What a spit in the eye of the candidate.

Want to know what I felt after watching McCain last night? I came away feeling that He, more-so than Obama, deserved to be the POTUS. McCain has worked his whole life for the US. He has given more personal sacrifices and has the life experiences that Obama does not have, and at this point never will. He deserves to be President, and I hope he wins.

Do I think he is the best choice? Out of what pool? He was not my choice in the beginning, but he is my choice now. If he is elected, I will support him in any way I can. Is this blind loyalty, NO, but I truly believe that we would be a better country if we did not pick apart the people running to the point that we create a situation that means that we always find a reason to belittle or hate the guy doing a very hard job.
New Strategy

Palin needs to take on a new hobby. She needs to learn ventriloquism. Then her and McCain can take the stage together to make speeches. She will sit in a chair and McCain will sit on her lap. He will move his lips but Palin will do the talking. A glass of wter will help lend authenticity to this act. She will also have to deepen her voice a bit.;)

All kidding aside, he is not the most exciting speaker around. I hope this doesn't cost the GOP the election. I am not crazy about McCain becoming president, but Mr. Obama scares the bejesus out of me. It is not only the second amendment issue that concerns me, but his whole agenda.
roy reali said:
Palin needs to take on a new hobby. She needs to learn ventriloquism. Then her and McCain can take the stage together to make speeches. She will sit in a chair and McCain will sit on her lap. He will move his lips but Palin will do the talking. A glass of wter will help lend authenticity to this act. She will also have to deepen her voice a bit.

Palin is a lot more conversational. McCain looks like he's being drawn and
quartered <<sigh>>
If McCain is smart, he will put Palin in front of the people as much as humanly possible. It is his only chance at beating Obama.
If McCain is smart, he will put Palin in front of the people as much as humanly possible. It is his only chance at beating Obama.
That is risky too. The reaction of the left to Palin has been very bad and the reaction of the middle has been mixed at best so far. I think they will test the waters before putting her too far forward yet.
I for one am sick of hearing about something he did 30 years ago. That would be like me trying to get a job based on stuff I did when I was 15--if I tried I'd be laughed out of the interview. What someone does half their life ago is nearly irrelevant, and it sure doesn't characterize him today at all or what he's done since. Further, I've known dozens of veterans in my time and none of them have to any extent worshipped themselves for it nor attention whored themselves out like McWeasel. It really makes him look horribly vain and sacreligous for doing so.

If you serve one term in government, you're serving the people. If you serve two terms, you're serving your party. Anything beyond that and you're just serving yourself.
Yellowfin, I know your sick of people talking about what Mccain did 30yrs ago. Lets talk about what Obama did 30yrs ago. Probably while Mccain was getting tortured in the U.S.`s behalf Obama was home here writing books about himself. Don`t you think that his(Mccains) experiences then is what helped to build the character he`s got today. As well as Obama attending a church of a marxist bigot, so called minister for 20 yrs. listening to him preach his bigotry every week having a character affect on Obama. To the point Obama let this guy baptise his kids. I don`t feel Mccain has,as you put it "worshipped himself " in the fact he was a POW, in a camp that was known for its torture that I hope you and I will never have to endure. Many people around him talk more about it than he does and as previously posted if he does bring it up he`s earned the right to do it.More than we have the right to be tired of it.
Like I have said before, when any party want to play the character game (which they all do these days) that means things like what a person did in their past is fair game and applicable.

McCain's experiences are part of what shaped his character. When we elect officials we are not just electing a platform, we are also electing the person that stands behind those ideals. Things that made that person who they are deserve comment and scrutiny.