McCain's speech


New member
Single, maybe a double. But, that's all we can expect from McCain.

Edit: Removed a comment about McCain's arms. Anyone who was tortured as a POW has earned the right not to be questioned about physical awkwardness :o

Dude, you do not have to pause at the end of every
teleprompter line.


McCain did o.k. tonight.

I think it will be a closer race than we Republicans had any right to expect
given how badly W messed things up. Thanks goes to Democrats screwing
up again and thanks to the choice of Sarah Palin as VP nominee.

EDIT: So, what did you think of McCain's speech?


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After the war McCain needed extensive surgery to repair the clumsy, cruel medical treatment he had received from his captors, and he underwent years of physical therapy to be able to walk normally. He remains unable to lift his arms over his head. His military medical records show that military doctors were impressed by his quick psychological recovery. For his military service, McCain won the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

I'd give it a much better score than that.
He did ok, I don't think there should be much question in any undecided persons mind about who is best qualified to be Commander in Chief.

If someone could answer truthfully, in their heart of hearts, that they thought Obama was better qualified to lead the country. The word that comes to mind is delusional.
McCain's speech, not as boring as Lieberman

Not surprisingly McCain didn't have any rhetorical fire. His biggest applause lines were references to Sarah Palin.
No wonder the GOP nixed Lieberman, the narcoleptic inducing duo would have been a danger to transportation had some unlucky driver or pilot heard the two of them in tandem.

Oh, for a guy who has said he's reluctant to mention his time as a POW, McCain mentions his time as a POW a lot.
McCain would probably tell you that speaking in large venues is not his strength. As for the POW issue? Plenty of people mock that, calling him McPOW for example. This might be the first time he ever got that personal about his experience and it will probably cause some people to look at him in a new light.
McCain is selling his character, he is showing America that when all other politicians make promises, it's not a big deal to abandon them. McCain has it in him to carry out his promises. If he says he'll do something, you can count on him to do it.
He's not going to back off now when he's had a real history of delivering what he believes in.
That's what I got from the speech.
Rather ho hum speech until the last few minutes and then he got very rousing and moving. Didn't have lots of specifics but these seldom do. I'd give him a C+ to a B-.
I think that he should have memorized the speech better, and I definitely
think there should have been some coaching.

"Remember, if you don't see a period at the end of a tele-prompter line, do
not pause."
I noticed that he was pretty toelrant of the protesters and the delagates would rally a U-S-A chant everytime one spoke up. That is until that one protester started peeling off her clothes.. what's that mean?
Curious about his response of "Don't pay attention to the ground noise and static"

Another thing, remember, there have been lots of problems with the teleprompters. Could be one of the issues... maybe.
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As a 25 year old Marine with 6 years in, and combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, I am not ashamed to say that Senator McCain's speech made me cry.
I humbly apologize if McCain is physically unable to flex his elbows due to
war time injuries, but if that's the case he should not be able to get dressed
in the morning.

There was one profile shot where he looked like a marionette, due to McCain's
always using his shoulders.

I say this with love, and don't pause at the end of that teleprompter line
unless there is a period.
I thought the beginning was a little dry. He didn't address the issues like I had hoped. I think that will come back to bite them. But I think that's the plan. They can't compete with the "rock star" on a stage and speeches. They are doing it right by bringing it to values and grit. I think he may of swung some swing votes, and brought the republicans together. There is still plenty more politicin to do. It's going to be a close one.
Thank you for your service Cope'. This old treadhead (M60A3's) had tears in his eyes also. My 17yo daughter asked, "Daddy, why are you crying?" I told her that this man spent 4.5 extra years in a cell the size of her bathroom instead of taking the easy way out because he knew that he would be used as a pawn to demoralize his fellow servicemen.

He should have pointed that out to the jerks that disrupted his address to the nation.

Dude, you have elbows. Use them
You may want to rethink that criticism friend. His arms and a leg were broken when he ejected. They were never reset by the NV, not to mention the physical torture he endured. I imagine waterboarding would have been considered a vacation to the residents of the Hanoi Hilton. :mad:

There is no doubt in my mind which candidate puts his country first and has never been ashamed to be an American.
Oh, for a guy who has said he's reluctant to mention his time as a POW, McCain mentions his time as a POW a lot.

McCain was a POW?

Ugh. Just ugh. Horrible, horrible speech. Not because I don't agree with him...that has very little to do with it. I thought Palin did well, and enough people were able to praise Obama's speech even if they had no plan to vote for him. But...I don't know.

It was just bad.

Obama did a decent job reaching out to independents, and probably even won a few of them over. I can't imagine even a stout supporter of McCain really thinking that went particularly well.

He's going to need to do better than that.
Considering who was giving it, McCain gave a fantastic speech, especially in light of those pinko protestors who decided to crash the party. Hopefully they got to have a taste of pavement before being ushered out.

For being a mediocre public speaker and someone who is very uncomfortable in venue like this, and in light of the needle he had to thread (jack up the base while distancing himself from Bush) McCain could not have done any better than he did tonight.
He's going to need to do better than that.
Nope, he really doesn't. It's not about the orator, it's about the man. Some people will always find the beat in a Milli Vanilli song. I'll enjoy the talent of the Beatles, thankyouverymuchsmoke&mirrors... :p :D

McCain was a POW?
Kinda makes me wonder if you watched the speech. Or maybe you watched it but weren't listening. I could say much more but I'll bite my tongue.
He did okay. He will never win any awards on his staged speaking. He does much better one on one when he can let his sense of humor show. In any debate where the format allows personality to be a factor McCain will slaughter Obama. Unless Obama has a cleverly hidden side to him that I have not seen yet.
Pbp, I agree. It's almost like they are polar opposites when it comes to public speaking. Obama is a truly gifted orater with a script but stumbles when he speaks extemporaneously. McCain is the other side of the coin.
If speech making and rhetoric are your qualifications for president then Obama is your man, if you want straight talk and substance, I offer John McCain.
Sarah will handle the oratory.