McCain's Chances

He's not anti-gun in the least. Yes, he thinks background checks should actually be performed at places where lots of people who don't know each other get together to buy and sell firearms, yes he thinks trigger locks should be packaged with guns

I wouldn't say that's pro-gun either. Someone who is pro-gun takes the time to understand that these sort of things don't work.

Background checks aren't bad in and of themselves, but it's "in the system." While I've done my buying through FFLs, I think people should have a right to keep things off the books altogether. The promise that they will not be logged or registered is only as good as those making it. While McCain might not abuse a mandatory background check system, what if Hillary is up in 2012? You don't think she would leverage such an architecture to create a registration system? And you don't think a registration system could eventually result in widespread seizure?

Though the ratio is undiscernible, trigger locks certainly cause some problems, and may cost life, the same as unlocked guns. The difference being that responsible citizens can be harmed by locks, which would be required to protect the irresponsible ones. Basically reverse-natural-selection, opting to save the dumbest at the cost of the wiser.

No, McCain isn't anti-gun in the way Hillary or Obama is. And he's a damn sight better than Romney. But that doesn't make him pro-gun. I'll vote for him, certainly, but we needn't tout illusions of his perfection.
John McCain is now the front runner for the Republican nomination. The question posed to the forum is: Will gun rights owners, people who don't want illegals given amnesty, and conservatives express their displeasure by not participating in the vote on Election Day? What are your thoughts?

That would be incredibly stupid. McCain may not be perfect on gun control, but he's a far sight better than either Billary or Obama would be.
Its truly naive, and dangerously so, to think that there is no difference between McCain and Obama or Clinton. As much as I disagree with McCain on immigration and some other issues, I know that he is much closer to supporting my philosophy than either of the Democrats. I think that if he selects a strong advocate for border security, such as Duncan Hunter, as his VP running mate, the Republican base will support him with enthusiasm.
Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea went to Iraq. While there she talked to a Marine Sgt.

She asked him "What are your greatest fears over here?"

His answer:
and Yo momma"