McCain's Chances


New member
John McCain is now the front runner for the Republican nomination. The question posed to the forum is: Will gun rights owners, people who don't want illegals given amnesty, and conservatives express their displeasure by not participating in the vote on Election Day? What are your thoughts?
The world is full of people who foolishly cut of their noses to spite their faces. Nothing would surprise me.
Will you sheep quit bleating about McCain's position on guns? He's not anti-gun in the least. Yes, he thinks background checks should actually be performed at places where lots of people who don't know each other get together to buy and sell firearms, yes he thinks trigger locks should be packaged with guns, but he opposed lawsuits against gun manufacturers, opposed the assault weapons ban, opposes bans in high-capacity magazine imports, and talks the talk about supporting the second amendment.

I'll admit the man's immigration policy can do with a bit of moderation, but a legal guest worker program combined with the proper border security (a compromise I don't think they'd have too much trouble with, at least compared to a highly conservative solution) would go a long way towards fixing problems.

So yeah, don't cut your nose off; you might miss it too. How do you think Obama will treat illegals or your guns?
I voted for Huckabee yesterday. But I'm not one of those people who doesn't think McCain is a conservative. I went to the American Conservative Union (ACU) website and looked him up. They are no Johnny come lately site. They've been rated members of Congress by "level of conservativism" since 1971.

I'm happy to say both of my OK Senators scored a 100. 100 is "most conservative" and 0 would be "least conservative." Scores are based on actual voting records in the House and Senate, not on what was said in speeches. Our two Democratic Senators running for President were rated for their time in office. Obama got a 8. Hillary got a 9. McCain's 24 year record in the Senate rated an 82.3. So there is no difference between Hillary and McCain?!?!

McCain is far from my first choice. But I was worried for a long time that Rudy would win. Talk about "not conservative!" Second worst was Mitt. I can't believe he is trying to sell himself as the "conservative alternative." For God's sake, he was the Gov. of Mass!! Seriously, I think we have to assume the people of Mass examined his policy positions and concluded he wasn't a conservative. Otherwise they would have never elected him in the first place. You think Tom Coburn could be elected Gov of Mass for any reason whatsoever?!

At this point, McCain is going to win the nomination. I hope he picks Huckabee for his VP. And I'll vote for them. With reservations. But it strains credibility for me to believe that substantial amounts of "true conservatives" will stay at home and let Hillary or Obama win without a fight. IMO, Hillary especially will motivate the base in a way that McCain himself would have a hard time doing. (Of course I think Obama is going to end up winning the nomination anyway.)

Like I've said before, buy whatever guns you need/want now and don't worry about who gets elected. Once you've got them there's not a whole lot they can do. I saw the imminent danger years ago and saved up and bought a couple of my so called "assault weapons" then and don't plan on giving them up. No matter who gets elected it's just a matter of time before assualt weapons are completely banned imo. There's just to many political people with power against them, plus there are more and more yahoo's running around with them ruining it for everyone else. It will start with a AWB extention but will end up in a all out ban, just watch.
Better to have Hillary or Obama. Then you can post all the 'shall we fight', 'can we leave the Union' - wah, wah crap for the next 8 years.

The reason the GOP establishment doesn't like McCain is that he won't be a stupid rich boy puppet for the economic interests like Bush was.

Also, they don't want to admit that they supported a dummy like Bush. McCain had the strategy for the Iraq War nailed. Hannity, still raving how Rumsfeld was great, can't admit he was a Orwelling mouthpiece for Bush.

So have Hillary and Obama - stock up on hi-cap mags and whine.
This, from the Investor's Business Daily.
McCain on immigration


I'll admit the man's immigration policy can do with a bit of moderation....

Moderation? Have you actually read the McCain/Kennedy bill? It essentially provides for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
McCain is certainly not my first choice but if he gets the nod I could at least vote for him.

If Rudy had gotten it I would have voted third party so the Reps could register my displeasure with their selection and act accordingly next time. If you insist on voting for any person so long as the party has chosen them you will find yourself in the position of the African American voting block... meaningless. The Reps know they won't get them and the Dems know they will go no where else. As a result they need only give some lip service and they will get their votes (kind of like what Rudy tried with the NRA).
McCain ... if you are a one issue voter, McCain is not bad on gun rights. As has been said ... voted against an AWB, for protection from lawsuits.

I am not totally a 1 issue voter, but I will probably vote for McCain anyway. Socially he is slightly more conservative than the democrats. So immigration is a wash between the two, he's many times better on guns.

The hardest part to forgive are the restrictions he put on free speech with teh Mccain/Feingold bill. But if SCOTUS had it together they'd be overruling the whole damn thing anyway.

Either democrat will be many times worst. So if you decide to stay away from the polls in protest of McCain ... no whining when an AWB with no sunset becomes law, guns cost minimum $1,000 each because of anti-gun taxation, etc.
Yes, sasquatch, I've read the highlights, which is why I can say I want it to be more moderate and less liberal. I don't think it's some tragedy of law, but then I never wanted to prosecute the illegals here right now anyway (to be honest, to do so now would be like handing out speeding tickets for every instance of going over the speed limit at all in the last year, since the lax enforcement people have come to expect is in effect the law of the land).

I'd be quite happy with slowly driving out the illegals by increasing fines and enforcement budgets against those who hire the illegals, corresponding with an increase in guest worker visas. No muss, no fuss. Gotta go back to Mexico for a visa, and people will become less and less willing to hire you if you don't...
McCain looks good--because Hillibama are tearing each other to pieces.

The next move will be that the Dems ask one of them to step down "for the good of the party."

Will Oprah back off? Will Barbra Streisand back off? Will Charlie Sheen back off?

Of course not. They are going to drag their dirty laundry into the convention and twist arms in back rooms. Everyone is going to be unhappy. I believe that Hillary will be forced to swallow Obama as a running mate.

You have to remember that Slick Willie never got more than 43% of teh popular vote. I don't think his wife can generate even that number.

In the end it will not be that McCain won, it will be that Hillary lost.

I've read the highlights, which is why I can say I want it to be more moderate and less liberal.

My guess is that you would never see a "less liberal" approach to the problem from McCain than what he has already proposed.

I'd be quite happy with slowly driving out the illegals by increasing fines and enforcement budgets against those who hire the illegals....

That approach you would never see from McCain, IMO.
Well then I guess I'll just thank goodness I'm not a single-issue voter and be happy that McCain has my back on gun control (little power to affect) and Iraq (a lot of power to affect), and some other issues that don't get nearly as much play here as the immigrants, the war, and the guns.
slowly driving out the illegals

Why is this an admiral approach? "Slowing."

To me that's like approving of a date who's sexually abusing your daughter more slowly.

The word in the phrase is "illegal." The concept of "undocumented aliens" is akin to referring to dope pushers as "undocumented physicians."

If aliens have entered this country illegally, I expect The President to do his job and uphold the law. Yes, there might be a protest without a permit. However, on the bright side you can deport an alien who breaks the law.

We have all of these Super Trains that go over 200MPH. We should set up a spur line to Guadalajara and use some common sense.
My opinion is we should hope Hillary wins the nomination, because I think that will unite Republicans in voting for McCain just to keep her out. I think if she is the Democratic candidate, then the Republicans will win the general election.

I also hope Huckabee drops out soon so as not to hurt McCain.

And before the flames start, I am far from a McCain supporter. I actually was working on the "Recall McCain" drive 7 years ago that was abruptly cancelled after 9/11. Many Arizonans are not overly thrilled with him. At this point though, practically any Repub could do a better job than Pres. Bush.
Okay, you can totally shock the prices for labor in the country, and drive ICE batty trying to figure out what to do with all these green recruits and all this money. Fantastic idea. Never mind that in your metaphor, the daughter is... Uh... Shall we say "physically engaging" with her date at least as vigorously as the young man is with her, and just as eagerly too.

Then there's the problem of what the law says and what the law does. If someone who looks very ugly in their jacket asks you "do I look ugly in this jacket? Be honest, I don't mind," but just shot the last person who said they look ugly, do you say they look good or that they look ugly (or, for bonus points, do you get inside their OODA loop and mozambique them with your CCW before saying "yes")? The law says "illegal immigrants will be prosecuted." The law does not prosecute illegal immigrants. And you're surprised when illegal immigrants come over? Aren't you guys always talking about politicians saying you don't care what they say, and that all that's important is what they do? :confused: