McCain's Boeing vendetta

The Boeing tanker is smaller and holds 20% less cargo or fuel. It also is less efficient to operate.

Ironically, Boeing is the loudest complainer. Yet, the 767 procurement was itself rife with corruption. One DOD employee ended up going to jail and Boeing CEO Philip M. Condit resigned CFO Michael M. Sears got fired.

Of course, I suppose it all boils down to production in the Pacific Northwest or the southern gulf coast. I, frankly, would like to see Mobile, Alabama get the assembly plant over another order going to Washington. But, in that desire, I am biased as I am a southerner.

connect the dots

"Again, Bravo McCain for providing leadership to rectifying the specious way this contract was awarded. Although it may not have been the intent of the OP to present McCain as the strong leader in rectifying this, it does show character that you are able to see it now."

and tell me where McCain rectified the issue. the letter issue was two years ago and the letter issue questions if McCain unduly influenced the process. No where has there been any indication that McCain rectified the situation by that intervention. It was the GAO who examined the process and found problems.

Meanwhile as a member of a committee McCain did not have the authority to act independently to "punish" Boeing for their actions. As a committee member you are to act with the committee and not simply userp the committee process and administer your own prescription for a remedy. Otherwise there would be no reason to establish a committee everyone could just go do their own thing. McCain overrode the committee when he took his personal actions against Boeing as a member of the Armed Forces Committee rather than allowing the committee to write the letters.
Again WHAT letter(s)? Your asserting as fact something that has not been shown as such.

And doing the right thing and not waiting for a committee to do so is what leadership does. McCain has a reputation as a Maverick for a reason. The situation was clearly corrupt as evidenced by the convictions/resignations/contract cancellations that came about.

McCain led the charge against the Abramoff corruption while the Republicans held control now he is leading in this.

You keep asserting some mythical letters and crying prove they DON'T exist or that they DON'T say what you believe they may because of the article you admit is slanted claims they do.

If the letters tell the tale then let's see em'. Otherwise face value shows McCain busting up another corrupt scheme like he did with the Abramoff scandal.