McCain worried

...........and one that won't discuss religion third...........and one that hasn't made a definitive statement on the matter fourth......
Looks like McCain just passed Thompson to take 3rd
NAH.......McCain isn't the slightest bit concerned with Paul.
I am surprised that Huckabee did as well as he did, not just a win but a strong win.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Goslash, our resident correspondent on the ground in iowa, say that Huckabee had no chance and that Paul would take at least 2nd?

Where is the egg on face smilie?
GoSlash27 said that Huckabee wouldn't even register in Iowa. Kinda cute, really...

Kinda makes you wonder about his "predictions" about Paul winning the nomination. Now I know why he didn't take my bet:D
I was suprised by Thompsons finish considering he seems pretty disinterested in the job. I thought Ron Paul would beat McCain but I guess I was wrong. I think he will do better in NH but I'm not giving up my day job to become a pundit. I'm voting RP in the primary to send a message. My vote in the general depends on who wins the Republican nomination. I can live with some of them but I refuse vote for Romney or the cross dresser. To tell the truth I am way more concerned with my local elections and am hopeful that the Republicans start leaning more libritarian in the future.
"see what you did there...with the whole "we're not going to spin" thing, then guys are crafty!

That darn Christian a Mormon into second place..."

I'm not spinning anything. The fact is, that Ron Paul doesn't have the support of the Christian Right. Well atleast not the way he should. I did point out that he and Rudy both didn't do that well. Well paul atleast had ok numbers, Rudy had nothing going for him. I'm not spinning, I'm being optiamistic just like every other supporter of wvery other campange.

Also the Christian right didn't vote for Romney ( I think?), the Romney dollars had the effect on the voters.
McCain needs to be worried. He will be keeping fingers crossed for a good showing in NH where they have a true primary. Ii'm not fond of McCain, but I'd probably vote for him if it was a McCain vs Hillary or Obama election in 2008.

I don't believe Thompson is disinterested at all. He has a straight forward way about him that I find refreshing. Thompson certainly doesn't have the party money behind him at this point. My take on him is he wants the job, but he is not willing to really fight for the job against Republicans. Fighting didn't really help Romney much in Iowa.

Huckabee needs to make a good showing in the next few primaries. I'm not holding my breath on this. Guliani pretty much stayed out of Iowa. My guess is he did not see a win possible there and spent his money in the larger states. I would love to see Guliani just die on the vine. He is no friend of 2A regardless of how he tries to weasel out from his gun grabbing past. I don't want to be faced with a choice between Rudy Guliani and Hillary Clinton or Obama. There is no choice at that point from my way of thinking.
Don't get me wrong Thompson is my runner up if RP is off the ballot by the time WI primary rolls around with Huckabee a very, very distant third primarily because of his (IMO) politicizing of religion. I think WI is the last or one of the last states to hold a primary so often the field is pretty narrow by the time I get to vote.
Here's my bet. If the republicans fail to nominate Ron Paul which they are desperately trying to do your next president will be Hillary.
McCain does not have a chance. He angered too many conservatives with McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Infringement on 1A, Gang of 14 in the Senate, and unchecked immigration support. The only ones I see having a Republican chance are Romney and Thompson. I like Hunter's positions, but he is too far back. Rudy could be a player if running as a Democrat.
As a Vietnam vet myself I respect McCain for what he lived through not certain if I could have however as a politician I could never vote for him because of his position on illegal immigration he would simply follow through with current administration policy to give away America.

All in all the choice is poor may sit this one out after 40 years.:(
The Christian Right (I'm a RC and I vote for the Constitution, not the bible)
seems to be quite comfortable with our Foreign Policy and Big Govt spending at home......seem they are content giving just lip service to things like the Constitution, Peace and what it means to be "Conservative".

They will help get the party crushed in 2008.
xd9fan - You are painting with a very wide brush there, son. I have found that every group of people (be they the so-called Christian Right, Mormons or Roman Catholics) have a diversity of viewpoints as varied as the general population. There are plenty of conservative Christians who disagree with Bush's foreign policy and domestic spending. There are plenty of RCs who will vote for a candidate that supports abortion on demand. There are lots of LDS members who won't vote for Romney.

And most mysteriously, there are a lot of gun owners here on this forum who will proudly vote for a candidate who promises to reinstate the so-called assault weapon ban because said candidate supports "other freedoms" that are apparently more important. (Here's a hint - They're ALL important!)
You are painting with a very wide brush there, son.
I don't think I am. Its clear that they where the reason that Bush won in 2004.

and we all know Bush is not a conservative.......History will repeat itself, The Christian Right will give the GOP its next guy the only difference that he will not win on 2008.

by the way, Gun owners are just not that strong of a group compared to the Evangelicals.

Evangelicals are just fine with Big Govt (their version of it) and 2A Rights are just not high on their list...sorry.
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