McCain slated for N.R.A. meeting

NRA sent this out? Can anyone verify?

By mandate of the U. S. Secret Service, no firearms will be allowed in Hall A of the Kentucky Exposition Center, the location of the Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum, on Friday, May 16. Please be prepared to go through security screening to enter the venue. We look forward to seeing you at this outstanding event!

I guess you can have a gun at the convention, but if you are going into the room where the Leadership Forum will be held(read- where McCain will be), you have to go unarmed. So, the group that is one of the biggest supporters of the 2nd is allowing their members to be disarmed. :rolleyes:

Irony at its best.
I guess the reporter got it wrong in the article. NRA has updated their web site ( to now state " FIREARMS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN SOUTH HALL "A" DURING THE CELEBRATION OF AMERICAN VALUES LEADERSHIP FORUM."
Comment regarding McCain/NRA convention: In this article, the writer uses the same techniques to smear McCain, that several in this forum have used to smear Ron Paul (w/ some guy named Don Black), and Barack Obama (w/ Rev. Wright)...guilt by association. :p. Goes so far as to include unflattering Nugent video clips... It's petty and transparent, and unlikely to gain traction. But if it did, one could imagine McCain suddenly withdrawing from the NRA convention?

McCain to speak at same event as violent Nugent

Although mostly hidden by his campaign, on May 16, 2008--four days prior to the Kentucky Primary--Sen. John McCain will participate in the 137th NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky--in the same event as a right-wing pundit well-known for his violent rhetoric,Ted Nugent.

Sources say McCain is 'penciled in' to the Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum, but not officially listed on the schedule.

Why might McCain be reluctant to have himself officially listed on the NRA's event? The answer may well be his concern about being associated with Nugent who, less than one year ago, held up two machine guns at a concert and--in one of the most brazen displays of violent rhetoric by a pundit ever caught on video--threatened the lives of a Governor and three Senators.

"Suck On This Obama...Piece of S--t!"
It is stunning that McCain's decision to appear at the same event as Nugent on the eve of the May 20 Kentucky Primary has not yet became a major story in print or broadcast media, particularly given the prominence of Nugent in the NRA event website and the preponderance of video on Nugent widely available on the internet.

Why might McCain be reluctant to have himself officially included in the NRA's schedule? One reason might be the prominence the NRA routinely gives Nugent on their website and at the event as well as the large amount of video available on the internet showing Nugent using violent language, encouraging citizens to engage in vigilantism, and threatening the lives of sitting members of government.

Nugent's past violent outbursts are well documented and widely available for any reporter who wishes to examine them.

The following video from 2007, for example, shows Nugent at a concert holding two machine guns in his hands and threatening the lives of a governor and three sitting senators:

These are some of the violent lines Nugent shouts at the cheering crowd in the video clip:

* "Hey, Obama! [holds up machine guns] You might want to suck on one these you punk...Obama, he's a piece of s--t!"
* "Hillary! [holds up machine guns] You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b---h!"
* "Hey Diane Feinstein! [holds up machine guns] Ride on these you worthless whore!"

In this video from a 2007 edition of Texas Monthly, Nugent explains his position on the Second Amendment. About two minutes into the recording, Nugent appears to urge citizens to take up arms and 'blow the brains out' of criminals:

The quote from that sequence is as follows:

"...instead of arresting people for molesting children 24 times, I would rather the dad walked into the room, found a person molesting that child and blew his brains out."

This video of Nugent was posted on YouTube in 2007, but appears to have been recorded either in late 2001 or early 2002. About two and half minutes into the interview, Nugent expresses his violent belief that certain criminals should be summarily 'destroyed':

These videos are in addition to the interview published in the Detroit Free Press where Nugent said, in reference to his decision to give a conference in South Africa during apartheid,"My being there (South Africa) isn't going to affect any political structure. Besides, apartheid isn't that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal." Detroit Free Press Magazine, July 15, 1990 (from this page on Nugent).

Nugent, apparently, believes that Democracy can be reduced down to one interpretation of the Second Amendment, yet one of the most basic principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence is expendable (e.g., "All men are created equal.")

McCain Hiding From Nugent's Violent Rhetoric
The strategy of the McCain campaign seems to be very simple: benefit from the over conservative program of NRA event without suffering from any association with Nugent.

The NRA for its part seems to be playing along.

Despite past statements critical of McCain by right-wing pundit and NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre, the NRA seems to have done what it can to accommodate McCain's political need to strike a distance from the well-documented violent language and threatening antics of Nugent.

But what about the media?

When Nugent appeared on stage with the Governor at the inaugural ball Rick Perry--wearing the Confederate Flag--big media hardly blinked an eye.

Certainly, McCain is free to associate with the NRA, and without question there are tens of thousands of NRA members who will disagree in part or in whole with the views of Nugent and other speakers who may appear at the NRA event.

Nonetheless, journalists and producers at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC have an obligation to bring McCain's participation in the NRA event, as well as the concurrent role of Nugent, to wide public attention.
Guns Freedom and Terrorism

In his book Guns Freedom and Terrorism, Wayne La Pierre, President of the National Rifle Association wrote on Page 24 "Not missing a beat was the gun-ban cabal in the Senate--Led by Senators ...Schumer, Ted Kennedy, ...Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, ... Lieberman and their newest ally, Senator John McCain.
On page 27 of the same book Wayne quotes anti gun Joanathan Cowan who claims Criminals, terrorist and illegal aliens should support John McCain.
Now why would the NRA wish to throw their support behind John McCain?
Is not or was not Bob Barr a NRA Board Member? Has not Ron Paul (who is still on the republican ticket) voted pro-gun his whole career.
The NRA is wrong to hitch their wagon to a looser like McCain, Ron Paul will be on the ticket in November, he may or may not be on the republican ticket but he will be there, maybe with Bob Barr as a running mate!!
McCaine at NRA meeting

The NRA refused to endorce a canidate when Bill Clinton was running for prresident and look what anti-gun legislation we go...
The NRA must endorce John McCain. He is the least anti-gun Presidential candidate running. Oboma and Hillary want to do away with individual gun ownership.
NRA endorsement

is a precarious issue. An actual endorsement for any candidate is one sure way to loose members. RKBA is a biggie for the NRA. But not everyone who belongs to the NRA is willing to support any candidate simply for RKBA. Each candidate has a number of positions on a lot of different issue. To many RKBA does not out-way thier beliefs on other issues a candidate might have.