McCain slated for N.R.A. meeting


New member
Thought you guys might want to know about this. McCain will be speaking at the annual NRA conference in Louisville. It seems like McCain is busy trying to shore up his base. He's got a lot of work to do IMO.

Here is the full story:

Also scheduled to speak at the forum are former GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, former White House political director Karl Rove, Republican U.S. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear.

Arulanandam says Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were not invited to this N.R.A. event
Gee, I wonder why the NRA didn't see fit to invite Barack (stick to your guns cause you're angry) Obama or Hillary (I shot a duck once) Clinton to speak about gun rights. I doubt either of those two would bother to show up. Plus, there would be guns in the vicinity. Obama and Clinton could never "feel" safe in that environment, even if they say they believe in the Second Amendment and it's "protection" of an INVIDIDUAL right. They are blowing more smoke up our kiesters than Pittsburgh has in it's entire atmosphere. :)
Thought you guys might want to know about this. McCain will be speaking at the annual NRA conference in Louisville. It seems like McCain is busy trying to shore up his base. He's got a lot of work to do IMO.

It's one step forward, two steps back with McCain lately.

Speaking at the NRA convention is good, speaking at the La Raza convention undoes that good and more.
cool hand luke
Speaking at the NRA convention is good, speaking at the La Raza convention undoes that good and more.

It's as if he is playing both sides of the fence... so to speak. He does something which sounds nice and conservative like, and then he comes out and defends his stance on amnesty and says he will do it again when he is elected.

Uggggh! I want so bad to like John McCain but he is not an easy person to like if you are conservative.
John Mc Cain

Remember, "When you are up to your ass in alligators,your initial objective is still to drain the swamp." McCain will pull the plug, Hillobam will just add more alligators. Do we have any other choice?
You know something I wonder about, with a senator/presidential hopeful speaking, will they allow those with permit, to carry? Even though it's an NRA convention. Would they allow you to carry if it were the president speaking?
Would they allow you to carry if it were the president speaking?

Can't imagine they would.

with a senator/presidential hopeful speaking, will they allow those with permit, to carry?

I wonder where the event will be held? When Ron Paul came to Reno recently, I could not carry because he spoke at a local high school. However, I did carry during Mitt Romney's Ice Cream Social that very same night, since it was in a local casino that lacked "Firearms Prohibited" signage. Both candidates were in town for the Nevada Republican Convention.
are you dreaming

back in 1991 I was at a convention in Cleveland when a presidential candidate was a guest speaker. There had to be 100 of those federal security people at the doors and around the convention hall. We had to be there two hours before the speech. Everyone went through metal detectors. All camera or other devices went through inspections.

I can not imagine there will be less security today than there was in back then. Should you even enter the area packing you probably will get a tour of the local jail facilities. Carry into the convention hall will never be allowed IMHO.
By far the lesser of the evils..

If you are going be sure to catch Glenn Beck. I believe he is to speak at a ticketed dinner.
Just what we need. Another Republican president pretending he gives a damn about firearms rights of the people. We heard this same pandering for well over half a century now. McCain is well known for his antigun and voted for more antigun stuff than Obama and Clinton put together. Strange that the NRA flocked to a guy who regularly gets an F rating from progun groups, just because he has a little R after his name.

I think Barack and Hillary are very comfortable around guns. Both have security guards, secret service. They just don't think we deserve the same treatment.:barf:
I would have liked to seen Hillary and Obama at NRA meeting. Curious as to what they'd say standing in the middle of everything they don't like. Heck, I'd be hoping by some miracle they'd actually come to some sense about their own policies by being there - kinda like an education process.

Geez I'm in a good mood today.
Good question NRA U2 ... isn't it pathetic that with 300 million people in this country, these three are the best we can come up with? Did you watch the John Adams series, I think on HBO? Those people were patriots, all we have now are politicians. We're as doomed as doomed can be ...
back in 1991 I was at a convention in Cleveland when a presidential candidate was a guest speaker. There had to be 100 of those federal security people at the doors and around the convention hall. We had to be there two hours before the speech. Everyone went through metal detectors. All camera or other devices went through inspections.

I can not imagine there will be less security today than there was in back then. Should you even enter the area packing you probably will get a tour of the local jail facilities. Carry into the convention hall will never be allowed IMHO.

Isn't that ironic... you can't bring a gun to an NRA event. :eek:
FireMax, that is what I was getting at. But, I can see the saftey aspect of the whole thing. Just like for me and the rest of the world, I'm not worried about the folks that have a permit and carry conceled, its the ones that don't that drive me to carry mine.

If you like your freedoms, gun ones and all, you better pray that McCain wins this one. No, he ain't causing me to do cartwheels in anticipation of his administration. But the alternative scare the bejesus out of me.

We all know how some states like California have nutty gun laws. If McCain does not win, all fifty states might end up like the Golden State.

Please pray that he wins.
Isn't that ironic... you can't bring a gun to an NRA event.
Packing Heat: NRA members can be armed at Louisville convention

11:35 PM EDT on Wednesday, May 7, 2008

(WHAS 11) - One of Louisville’s biggest conventions, the National Rifle Association, begins Friday May 16th with most events at the fairgrounds. The NRA is advising its members to feel free to bring along their own firearms if they are so inclined. And apparently even to a speech by the republican presidential candidate John McCain.

When McCain appears at the NRA convention in Louisville next Friday, not only will his security detail be armed, but so will the audience.

The national rifle association's Ashley Varner says it's "a treat" that the Kentucky Exposition Center, unlike previous NRA convention sites, allows concealed weapons.

Kentucky law does allow some public buildings to ban concealed weapons, like courthouses, jails, schools and city hall. Private businesses can set their own rules. But the NRA website is alerting members that Kentucky recognizes concealed carry permits from all states.

The NRA says they have no way of knowing how many of the 60,000+ attendees will bring their guns with them. There's no word yet from the Transportation Safety Administration if they are making any special plans at the airport.
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