McCain reneges on tax promise...

Kreyzhorse said:
Pandering? Flip flopping? Forgetful? Maybe just another election year two step. Sadly, this could be any candidate from any party.

Where in your "chronoUNlogical" calender does he say he will raise taxes?:rolleyes:
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McCain appears to have shot himself in the foot
I don't think you could find very many voters who would claim that McCain is the perfect candidate. He's got plenty of flaws. I deeply and sincerely wish there were far better candidates offered from both parties!

On the other hand, we have Obama, a true villain and fraud who is comprised entirely of wrongheaded traits and personality flaws (they've been itemized dozens of times on this forum, not going to waste the space to do it again.) He aspires to be America's Mugabe, and HOPEs to CHANGE America into Zimbabwe. (For those not familiar, Mugabe "redistributed" wealth from the rich to the poor, and now their economy is destroyed and they're starving to death.)

So, Unregistered, go ahead and fire off the shots you've got against McCain, and they might even be good shots. But when it comes time to choose the lesser of two evils, the decision will still be easy. McCain is a flawed patriot, Obama is a dire threat to America's well-being.

No surprise there. McCain will sell us all out in a heartbeat. With McCain we will get new taxes, new gun control, etc.

What in his past has ever shown him to be a solid conservative? If two years ago someone had said McCain would be the candidate and would be hailed as an ultra-conservative super republican, backed by the NRA, who would have believed it.

Look at actions, not words.
Where in your "chronoUNlogical" calender does he say he will raise taxes?

He never said he would raise taxes.

However, he clearly moved away from saying that he wouldn't raise taxes and offered it (raising taxes) as option. Pretty big "read my lips, no new taxes" moment in my book. Don't take my word for it though, take Mr. McCain's

To quote:

""Sen. Obama will raise your taxes, I won't."

But then again.....

"There is nothing that's off the table. I have my positions, and I'll articulate them. But nothing's off the table. I don't want tax increases. But that doesn't mean that anything is off the table."

In other words, raising taxes is now an option. Is it a flip or a flop?