McCain pledges support to gun owners

Yeah! The Keating five! And that dude on survivor! That tells you exactly about McCain's position on guns.

Hey, did you guys know that the moon is made of green cheese, which proves that McCain doesn't like guns? And Mayor Nagin confiscated guns after Katrina, and that also proves that McCain doesn't like guns, either. Oh yeah, and Obama wants to ban handguns, all semi-auto guns, and he voted against the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act, which is the most compelling proof of McCain's position on guns.

Of course, we'll ignore the fact that McCain voted against the assault weapons ban. And that he voted for the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act. Because man, that green moon, survivor dude, and Mayor Nagin prove that McCain doesn't like guns. Just ask all of the neo-libertarians and neo-liberal-dems. They'll tell you it's true.

More neo-lib kool aid. This place is getting to be sort of like the daily kos, only with more hysteria and less critical thinking. I didn't think that it was possible. :rolleyes:
More neo-lib kool aid. This place is getting to be sort of like the daily kos, only with more hysteria and less critical thinking.

What a perfect world if everyone thought like you, eh? Damn'd independent thinkers!

By the way, the daily koz is full of liberals. The people you don't seem to like on this forum are conservatives... real die hard conservatives.

If anyone can beat the extreme left candidates coming from the democrats it is McCain.

Because....... he is just like a democrat, only worse because he pretends to belong in the republican party.
Not underserving. More like whining three year olds who need a nap. And a huge dose of reality.

A neo-libertarian is a whining, complaining, the-sky-is-falling, totally unrealistic complainer. Everything is unconstitutional and illegal. Nobody is conservative, at least under the neo-lib definition of the same. Neo-libs love to brand Republicans as "not conservatives." Only a libertarian is conservative. They are isolationalists. They have a 19th century view of the Constitution, and they totally ignore the last 100 years of Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution. Most of all, they are incredibly bitter that the libertarian party is totally irrelevant, and they refuse to accept the fact that 99% of Americans don't want to elect libertarians.

The neo-liberal-democrats are only slightly more shrill and looney. They blame America for everything. They view America as an evil, horrible place, and believe that the United States deserved 9/11. They despise the military. They are complete pacifists. They would be happy to have America lose its status as a superpower, although when it affects their ability to drive an SUV, go out to dinner, or buy a house, they'll complain that everything is a non-neo-liberal's fault. They are different from the neo-libertarians inasmuch as rather than being isolationalists, they would cede the legal and political sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations. They believe in the mantra of "hope" and "change", without any specifics about how the change will occur.

Both neo-libertarians and neo-liberals are outstanding complainers. They are the best complainers in the world. I gotta respect them for that. Actually, I'd like to complain about it, but I know that my complaining skills aren't nearly up to the neo-lib shrill, freakin' out, crazy, incessant, and nutball complaining levels of the neo-libs, so I won't even try. :D
In this case, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. In December you can go back to pointing fingers. The critical interests are the nominations to the Supreme Court, not who is the "most" conservative (fringe) candidate.

Agreed. Ledbetter, that's about as clear assessment of the situation at hand as can be made.
My apologies for not reading all the posts, but in response to the title, John McCain also pleged and swore an oath on many occasions to support and Defend the constitution. Can anybody tell me from some of his landmark legislation how he looks like a supporter of the constitution? With friends like that- who needs enemies?

The Republicans lost this one by default. Gunowners will lose this election too nomatter what. I don't think that at 72, John McCain gives a flip about reelection or his party. He's served his time in the Senate and now the Republicans have done what they did in '96 with the selection of another war hero who did his time in the Senate: Bob Dole. In that election, the Democrats ran a youthful, charismatic candidate and trounced the Republicans.

The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history.