McCain leads Obama Among "Likely Voters"

And when Obama makes corny statements such as "if you just keep your tires properly inflated, you can save as much as they are talking about drilling for", you can tell that he has spent too much time in a politicians bubble. He doesn't appear to have all that common sense. That is becoming apparent and people are beginning to notice. Of course, some folks might say that they want a President who thinks big and doesn't rely on common sense all that much. Well, Obama seems to be having trouble thinking big unless it's scripted for him.
From my link in above post.

In a speech in Michigan, the Democratic presidential nominee in waiting also endorsed long-term work on hybrid cars and renewable energy sources.

Now he actually beginning to sound boring. Is there anyone that does not endorse is work on hybrid cars and renewable energy sources? Yet another reason for his decline in the polls.
Obama has problems and nobody has really paid much attention to it. McCain, while carrying the stigma of being a republican still has the ability to appeal to a broader cross section than Obama.

The press is ignoring a herd of elephants in the room when it comes to cross section appeal. Voting blocs such as Latinos and Asians come to mind. On the race issue the press acts as if it's all black and white, but it isn't. Outside the black community I'm not sure how strong Obama's support is among minorities. The Asians aren't a significant voting bloc but the Latinos are. Almost nothing is said about them. There's also the older voters who seem to be getting ignored as well. The focus is entirely on white voters, especially white men, followed by white female democrats.

The youth vote Obama is drawing should not be discounted but also should not be looked at as absolutely critical. Simply put, most kids do not get off their butts and vote. It is as simple as that. They have no problem showing up for a rally someone tells them is going to start in an hour but try to get them to register or show up at the polls in significant numbers...

I think it's safe to say that the youth vote is nothing to base a political campaign on in the US. The first time I voted in '98 I was the youngest person in the room by 15 years at least. I saw nearly nobody in their 20s voting in '00, '02, '04, and '06. Both demographics (the 18-30 bloc is the smallest voting bloc by age) and lack of participation render the 18-30 voter insignificant unless he or she is a member of another voting bloc, typically defined by a hot button issue. The press anticipated a huge youth voter turnout in '04 because people 18-30 hated the Iraq war. Most of the youth stayed home like they always do. Statistics from every election going back 30 years and my experience as a young voter tells me the youth don't vote and a candidate who bases his/her strategy on appealing to them is a fool. Obama can expect just as much support from the under 30 voter as Kerry got in '04: hardly any.
I posted this link on another thread, but it applies well here. (Can I do that?... hope that is not cross posting).

That gap between expectations and reality comes as Democrats enjoy the most favorable political winds since at least 1976. At least eight in ten Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track. The Republican president is historically unpopular. From stunning Democratic gains in party registration to the high levels of economic anxiety, Obama should have a healthy lead by almost every measure. Yet, in poll after poll, Obama conspicuously fails to cross the 50-percent threshold.

ABC News Polling Director Gary Langer asked, “If everything is so good for Barack Obama, why isn’t everything so good for Barack Obama?”

Added. Since Obama's move to the center he is competing with McCain while sounding like McCain, and that's not working well for him.

and this:

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama may be the fresh face in this year's presidential election, but nearly half say they're already tired of hearing about him, a poll says.
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AR15 Shooter posted:
I think his "new and shiny" position that he has held for so long is starting to wear thin.

It's like that song lyric, "When the new wears off of your chrystal chandelier".

Obama is looking more and more like a kerosene lamp every day.
In response to Madmag's post (which was a very good one):

Gee, you mean the american people are getting tired of the over indulging and self indulging MSM? The MSM wants Obama to be Prez and they all jumped on the bandwagon, hyping him like they've never hyped a candidate before. They pumped him early and often. Poll how many americans have a favorable opinion of the mainstream media. I'll bet you'll find it's about 40 percent or less. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing I'm not that far off. We've heard this constant drum beat which seems to be saying, "if you don't vote for Obama as our next Prez, you are a stupid redneck who clings to religion and guns". Then the 3 big networks send their anchors with him on his first trip to the Middle East in years. They didn't send their best correspondents, they sent their anchors. Most people aren't stupid. They saw what was going on. Of course, the hard core left,, and rigid Obama supporters, saw this as a great thing. But the majority of americans may just have been put off by all of this dedicated hype. They smell a push by the MSM, which they don't have a great passion for, trying to ram Obama down the throats of the voters. I think this is hurting him almost as much as his silly statements about inflating our tires properly so we can save as much oil as they are talking about drilling for. Also, he has been pretty much in alliance with Nancy Pelosi (and her flying monkeys in the house), and Harry Reid in the Senate, who refuse to even entertain more drilling.

The left wingers running congress are being associated with Obama. This is hurting him more than the left is hurting McCain by trying to link McCain to Bush.

Ok that's all opinion stuff, but it's my opinion and you can't stop me from having it. :p