McCain leads 46 percent to 40 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama

another flip-flop pole

How many times has the presidential race flip-flopped since January according to the reports. Lets see its been Romney, no McCain, No Hillary, No Huckabee, no Obama, no Romney, No Hillary, No Obama, No McCain. About as often as you chose to read one prediction you find another.

And then there are still the undecided voters who can not decide becasue they have not had enough information about any of the candidates. I don't know when they'll finally make up their mind. Maybe after the election.
If we take a financial hit between now and the general election, McCain will be in trouble as the phrase "Keating 5" gets kicked around.

That's the huge skeleton in his closet. I can't believe people didn't realize it in the primaries...the dude has an Achilles Heel from hell.

Don't get excited about McCain. Obama has just been Clintoned.

McCain is due to be Swiftboated here pretty soon. The man's closet is a mausoleum. The Keating Five is one skeleton which needs to be reviewed. Then there was the little problem with what happened in North Vietnam. He will have to explain why he went far, far out of his way to diddle the hearing of American POW's held in SE Asia as late as 1985. He will have to explain why he simply shut the hearings down.

And recently it became known that foundation he started up (I believe the name is Freedom Foundation, or some such) was seeded with donations by Soros and the Tides Foundation. I would love to see the evidence some say they have that the funding was a reward for his enthusiastic endorsement of McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Control. Furthermore I want to hear more of his relationship with Mr. Soros and if that relationship extends to financial endeavors.

McCain has stuck his thumb in the eye of "conservatives" of all stripes for his entire career. He now thinks he can win without support of moral conservative and talk radio. McCain has more than enough people who want to take him down for a variety of reasons. McCain ain't no prize. He is temporarily the choice of the establishment. That choice, if I understand republican tribal rules correctly, is held for one ballot at the convention. If enough slime oozes out before the convention we could well see some unscripted actions.
McCain is another ghoul. He presided while this country was dismantled. Hillary also was "in power" while it was being destroyed. There's no way I could support either. Obama is an "unknown" but there is hope that he will not be taken in by those who wish for Global Domination via nuclear warfare.

Of all the candidates I feel that Ron Paul is the best.
Obama is an "unknown"

The problem for Obama appears to be he is becoming more known , and many don't like what they are learning. In fact, it Looks like to me that is one of the points of this thread. Obama was trying to pass himself off as having the answers to race problem, it looks like he is part of the problem rather than the solution.

Yet another recent poll that indicates the racist church Obama attends is hurting his poll numbers.
I still see it as propaganda. We've ALWAYS had a "race problem" in the USA. Can you see any other candidate being able to bridge the apparent "gaps" in racial disharmony?
Can you see any other candidate being able to bridge the apparent "gaps" in racial disharmony?

I am going to assume you think Obama can. First, if we are just talking about apparent (not real) gaps, then there is no big issue. But in Obama's case, he chose to attend a church that wants to keep racism alive rather than look to solutions, so that does not make him the person with the judgment to attack racial issues. I would say any candidate that does not throw gasoline on the racial question would be the person to choose. We will know more as we get close to November. I suspect more skeletons are going to be coming out of Obama's closet before the elections.
There is only two things I like about Obama more than Clinton (I will be voting for McCain come November)

One- he unlike her will take longer getting up and running and his ties to others in the DC power connections are not as strong, thus it will be harder for him to get things done.

Two- if he is elected a big blow comes against they blow hards who claim white America is keeping black America down. You dont get more power that President of the United States.
Madmag, I'm not assuming anything. I know he's got the ability to do so if that's his intentions. I cannot fathom the other two accomplishing this - especially if one peers into their treasonous backgrounds.
Isn't it a little early to pop the cork. The race will tighten once the Dem candidate is chosen. Remember Kerry was leading by a wide margin in March of 2004, yet he lost the Presidency. I expect the same with McCain.
especially if one peers into their treasonous backgrounds.

Well, that's interesting. treasonous? Any facts?

having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor; "the faithless Benedict Arnold"; "a lying traitorous insurrectionist"

I am beginning to think you took a wrong turn and missed the web site.
big hidden guns

before the general election we all going to find out what hidden in the hills about all the candidates. Obama might get burnt less than the rest becasue it's happening now and not latter. American voters seem to demonstrate the attention span of children on these things: today its a big issue but after ice cream they don't remember thier gold fish died. The closer to November the more affective undisclosed information becomes. McCain has a few issues he'd like to keep undercover. Obama's are now know. While Hillary's more of a mixed bad where some are known and some are still undercover.
Obama's are now know

Some of them are known. He's gotten caught lying about his pastor but that's only because the media is now willing to look at him. He's been untouchable before. The glamour is off a bit and the cult of personality is being questioned.