McCain and the Militarist Mentality

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John McCain is as qualified and fit to be President as any other candidate. He has much better leadership ability then many and his history actually makes him more RELUCTANT to enter into frivilous conflicts then many as he has some pretty dramatic first hand experience about what the real cost is in war.

I've seen no actual war mongering behavior from McCain. The author builds conclusions off of assumptions and trys to make substance from them.

The fact that a certain group hates him so virolently makes me like him a little more. If a they hate him he must good!:D
I have reservations also

My reservations come from the all to often mention of McCain and his experience in Vietnam. I completely believe he was a hero during his days as a POW. I have no doubt he was a good pilot. And there is little to fault his career in the military.

However he has been in DC since he was a special envoy to the Senate in 1985. He's been in the Senate for 25 years. That is along time to be away from the reality of today's military. I know number of individuals want to make his being on the Arms Committee for many many years as a an indicator that he has stayed in touch over the years. McCain is not the only one on the arms comm that has been there a long time. I doubt most of us would consider some of the other long term member, either present or past members, as being in touch with the military. There are secretarial staff who have been on that assignment for twenty year and I sure would not call the military leaders either.

THe author of the story in the opening post probably has not been 100% accurate. So I won't rely on his opinions. I'll chose to simply indicate that there are a number of old war heroes sitting around the country who believe they are ready to return to battle. Most of those would never know how to deal with tactics in fighting insurgents.
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