Mccain- 45 new reactors!

I heard on the news the other day that most people calling themselves Democrats favored more exploration and more nuclear power plants. It was a bona-fide poll.

(IIRC, around 50 to 55 percent of people calling themselves Democrat favored these possible solutions and, overall, over 70 percent of the polled people favored these possible solutions. I can only assume that these numbers will increase over time?)

The people are clamoring for it, so it probably will come eventually. Why the Democratic leadership is not jumping on this bandwagon amazes me. They're simply nuts IMHO. If they fail to go for these solutions they are in BIG trouble in November IMHO.

Our way of life depends on allowing more exploration, drilling and building more nuclear power plants. It's just that simple IMHO. (And, apparently, it's just that simple for millions and millions of other Americans. With the numbers probably rising every day.)

I tried to find out where McCain wants these new plants built but couldn't. I do know that about 30 States currently have nuclear power plants.

We'll solve this problem guys and gals. We're Americans for Godsakes!! :)
Anyone know what happened there?? How much of a disaster was that? How much radiation released??
As best I can recall,they had a main coolant flow issue. There was some problem with the main coolant, and the "backup" system had been deativated for maintenance previously, and not reactivated like it was supposed to be, but no one knew that, so when they tried to use it to suppliment the main coolant to lower them rising temp, there was no backup available with the secondary turned off, then I beleive when they did figure it out, a valve got stuck,which is just crappy luck, which caused the core temp to get too high, so even though they scrammed the reactor, the temp got high enough to cause steam voiding, and they had to release some of the radioactive steam to keep from bloing lines, and causing even bigger issues. The amount of radiation relaesed was WAY overblown by the media (big surprise). If you had basically stood right on top of where the steam was being vented (which was not possible), it was the equivalant of getting like 30 x-rays in a year, or something along those lines. I was studying to be a nuclear engineer in college, and did a fair bit of reading of reports of the TMI incident, and did a couple presentations on it, but that, sadly was about 15 years ago, so dont quote me on exact details. The point being, it wasnt really a danger to anyone (the radiation released that is, the screw-ups that occured to cause the incident, and some that follwed during the incident, could have been bad news, but in the end, it wasnt). It was just a big overblown deal that was used to say "see, things break, people screw up, it could have been a lot worse and killed a lot of people...", etc.
If you ask me (don't say you aren't) the GOP and Dems are waiting until they control house, congress, and oval office before letting somthing good go through. Then they can claim fame to being the party better for the country. At least that what it seems like right now.
If you ask me (don't say you aren't) the GOP and Dems are waiting until they control house, congress, and oval office before letting somthing good go through. Then they can claim fame to being the party better for the country. At least that what it seems like right now.

I don't think so. The Dems are too entrenched with the far left environmentalists to support any form of drilling or nuclear power. The base may want it but the base is not driving the party. The Dems want to hang their hopes on wind power (without ruining the view from their beach houses or killing birds) and some sort of miracle cure. Bottom line is the far left likes the idea of high gas prices because they want to force their view of environmentalism on the world. Make cars too expensive to drive and they feel they are helping the world.

This issue is going to kill them. When people see their weekly cash dwindling because of fuel prices while at the same time food prices go through the roof (how's the crop situation out west... now add in the ethanol fiasco driving up prices and giving lower fuel efficiency...) Iraq is going to go way back on the list of issues.

Against Bush 41 the mantra was "It's the economy, stupid!" The Dems are in trouble here. They have a candidate who frankly scares a lot of people in their base (and all of the right) and is becoming very divisive. They have a bloody primary fight where the other main contenders' followers are still not enthused about the choice, many feeling downright cheated. They have an opponent who is a weak enough conservative (term used loosely) to lure many of those disenfranchised Clinton supporters. Finally they have an issue which harms their white, blue collar base more than anyone else while the candidate and leadership of the party seem to at some level consider a good thing.

One year ago I would not have given the Reps a 1 in 10 chance of winning. Right now I think it is 50/50 and strengthening.
Master nuclear fusion...

And we will never have to worry about our electricity. If we perfect nuclear fusion and battery efficiency we won't have to worry about burning fossil fuels.

45 reactors is good.. what's bad is NIMBY towards transmission, you can build all the reactors you want, but it there is no cord for the electrons, it doesn't mean squat!

I'm for combined cycle reactors, build them near the coast and have a rail line going to them.

That way you can do 3 things:

Bring in coal --> coal is turned into syngas or distillates

Bring in sea water --> this is turned into potable water and or Hydrogen + oxygen + salts

Produce electricity

One can always dream I guess...