Mccain- 45 new reactors!


I like what I am hearing, decreased nuclear red tape, more coal, more drilling in offshore waters. He is saying music to me ears. At least it's a plan.
Got to start somewhere.
I don't know why we disparage the French. They figured out nuclear power long before we did. Matter of fact the lead in large reactor innovation has passed to the French while we maintain leadership in small, portable reactors.
I agree we definatly need to produce more of our own energy's instead of being at the mercy of foreign powers.
All I have to say is it's about time. The most efficient energy ever produced and it's been stymied by the .gov for decades. Whoever passed the original legislation that tied it up should be vilified by the media and the public at large.
The French and Japanese both have shown a great deal of foresight on Nuclear Power.

The French with their standardized reactor design, the Japanese with their fast breeder reactor program.
I have to agree with McCain. Maybe 45 reactors is pushing it a bit (too much protests etc.) but perhaps half of that is feasible.
All I have to say is it's about time. The most efficient energy ever produced and it's been stymied by the .gov for decades. Whoever passed the original legislation that tied it up should be vilified by the media and the public at large.

TMI, Three Mile Island happened, and that was right after the big Hollywood hit movie The China Syndrome. The anti nuclear legislation followed, coal and oil were still cheap as well, so the boogey man of meltdowns and nuclear wast disposal spurred lots of no nuke legislation, plus it wasnt as economical as it seems now, because of the huge investment.
Well the more reactors, the less protestors at each one, spread those (tree hugging, granola eating, tofu sniffing, long haired) hippies out so thin on the protest lines they will be so lonely they will make friends with the contrustion crews. :D
Where did he come up with the number 45?

Where are they designated to go?

Is this just a magic number designed for the political season or is this a well thought out plan he has worked on and presented a case for? I'm not against nuclear, and welcome the discussion. I just don't want to see a "throw everything out there and see what sticks"
That was pretty funny about spreading out the protesters.

Today Gov Crist in Florida reversed himself and said he was in favor of offshore drilling. That is miracle. He made a career saying keep Floridas beaches safe from Drilling. I think it may have finally hit him nobody can afford to drive here anymore to see the beach.

Now if we can add about 6 reactors to the Crystal river complex Florida will be in pretty good shape. I'm more than ready to plug in a car for a dollar a day off atomic power.
Where are they designated to go?

I volunteer a big piece of land on Long Island and it already has one built and sitting there empty. Shoreham was built over 10 years (my father was a steam fitter on the job) and run at 2% briefly before a deal was cut to shut it down (thank you Mario Cuomo). My grandchildren will still be paying the debt off with the highest energy rates in the nation50 years from now.

This is exactly what McCain needs to do and the Dems. Push cheaper energy. Push new drilling. Push new nukes. Push Push Push and every time the Dems say no no no call them on it. Those morons already came out in proposition to Bush's push for more oil exploration. When people are paying $4.39 a gallon they do not want to hear a politician telling them that obtaining more US oil is not the solution.
And now you have some coastal state governors saying they will block all drilling along their coast lines...

Can you say Hummer?
and then there will be

the trillion dollars in incentives for some private developer to create all these.
I don't care if they build plants that runs of fly sh*t if it operates on the business model where profits from energy sales make it work. But I sure don't like to think a project is going to need billions and billions of tax dollars to make it work so the owners can make a profit by building with tax dollars.
Nuclear power plants, and more advance refineries NEED to be built. The majority of American people cannot afford this energy cash crunch for long. As for my family, we are right now debating if it would be cheaper for my wife to just stay home than shell out the current gas bill every month, and just live off my meager pension.

She was offered a promotion at her company that would take her from $9.00 an hour, to $15.00 an hour. A nice jump. But right now she drives less than 5 miles to get to work. More like 3 miles, so gas is still not a HUGE problem. The new job would be a 45-60 minute drive each way through some heavily congested areas. I told her that it sounds good, but by the time she pays for all that extra gas, she may actually end up bringing home less than she does now, even though she would make $6.00 more on the hour.

Its sad when you have to seriously consider wether or not to take a good promotion like this.
I drive 32 miles each way and average 23 mpg. That is 2.78 gallons a day, 13.9 gallons per week and 695 gallons per year (50 weeks). I filled up recently for $4.39.

Assuming just a $1.00 hike in gas means I see my cost for driving go up $13.9 per week and $695 per year. That $13.9 means I am brown bagging lunch much more, eliminating the need for people in the service industry. The added costs across the board for everything due to gas then clamps down further on my available cash.

Then there is home heating oil...

Then there are energy costs, which Long Island leads in I believe and also uses oil for about 8% I believe.

This is a huge issue and for the first time the Reps seem to be making a big point of it. They are slamming McCain for a reversal but there is a big difference between a decision on ANWR when oil is $30 a barrel and when it is $140 a barrel. The Dems are offerring no solutions for now and nothing that can be counted on for the future. "Research, innovation, conserve" are all we here from the Dems right now while the Reps are screaming "Drill Now, Drill Here, Build Nuke Plants!" The reps better pound the hell out of this issue because it is going to dwarf Iraq in the electorate by November when people see further implosion in retail and home building along with increases in oil. Wait till the first heating oil deliveries start up in the late summer / early fall...
I see "Three Mile Island" mentioned here and there.

Anyone know what happened there?? How much of a disaster was that? How much radiation released??

Write To Karl Levin and ask that question. I wonder how he would answer??