Mcain and Obama on energy...

2 TRILLION....with a 'T' TRILLION barrels of oil in oil shale. That is more then all the middle eastern reserves combined. Let's float parched with thirst on a sea of fresh water so we will have plenty in the future.....not a wise idea.

So why even bother drilling?

Are there difficulties extracting oil from shale that you havent perhaps mentioned? Such as cost? Environmental impact?
Yes Unregistered there are. The biggest difficulties being the political B.S. between Dems and Reps. I spoke of in earlier post . Meanwhile the general public foots the bill of the ego`s of each party trying to prove the other wrong. Seems as though,today, thats more important than whats best for our nation as a whole.
I recently read an article that said until gasoline costs $5 a gallon, it is not economically feasible to extract oil from shale.

So shale may stabilize prices for a long time at around $5 a gallon. Is everyone OK with that?
Just the talk about opening up the coast and ANWR to oil drilling helped bring down barrel cost of oil, because the promise of increasing supply reduces the likelihood of speculators messing with oil futures.

Yep. Traders discount future supply and demand into the current price of oil. They assess potential new supply and risk of supply interuption. Drilling now will help immediately.
Yep. Traders discount future supply and demand into the current price of oil. They assess potential new supply and risk of supply interuption. Drilling now will help immediately.

Then there is also the hope that by dropping the price some the US will back off from developing its own resources. We get serious about drilling, prices drop, we stop looking at drilling, prices creep back up...
So why even bother drilling?


applesanity said:
Royal Dutch Shell wanted to start pulling shale out of the ground there; got a block from Congress instead.

I've also read that extracting oil shale won't be economically feasible until oil costs $80 a barrel. Say what?

Then there is also the hope that by dropping the price some the US will back off from developing its own resources.

Yeah, we won't develop our own resources. But Russia has, and China will. Our resources. Okay, they are technically in international waters, but you could go to Florida, blow up a few inflatable tubes, and float there.
If paris joined the Obama campaign, i am not sure if the collective IQ would drop, rise or stay the same. Her policy actually can make more sense then Obama's and she is just as arrogant.
Obama said that if we all inflated our tires properly, we could save ALL of the oil they are talking about drilling for. That's a very stupid statement for several reasons.

1. How many car owners don't have their tires properly inflated today?
He says that we could save 3-4% on gasoline if we all inflated our tires properly. But if half the drivers in America already do this, then that number drops to 1.5-2%. And remember, this is just the savings for gasoline.

2. inflating our tires has nothing to do with home heating oil, diesel fuel used for mass transit and commercial shipping. Trains, cargo ships, barges, etc. do not use air inflatable rubber tires, last time I checked.

3. We use a lot oil to manufacture all sorts of plastics and other materials that have nothing to do with how much gasoline we use.

When the republicans made fun of his stupid remark, Obama tried to change the playing field. They were making fun of him for the very three reasons I just listed and probably more. But Obama comes back and says that the republicans are making fun of his statement when most of the automobile industry and NASCAR (odd to include them in the mix) would agree that properly inflated tires can save 3-4% on gasoline use. But that's not the point he was originally trying to make and that's not what the republicans were makine fun of, Barack.

You are a dweeb, Barack, and you don't even understand how much of a dweeb you really are. But your stupid statements are helping to shine the light on you for the american people and they are beginning to understand how green (meaning inexperienced not environmentally related) you really are.

You have to constantly backtrack on your statements and restate yourself to cover up the stupidity found in many of the original statements, such as, "There are many people in small towns who are bitter and cling to religion and guns". That was another knee slapper, dude.
you make good points, however, Obama and his disciples don't think past anything more then what's symbolic. to Obama and his ilk, tire pressure is the one stop fix for all our problems. it takes the pressure (no pun intended) off of him and his party to fix the energy issue and puts it on the people. and coming from Obama, the people applaud and think it will solve the problem..

the left thinks that wind and solar power are the future and the replacement for oil...

...last time i checked, wind and solar don't power cars, trucks which move people and stuff.
you make good points, however, Obama and his disciples don't think past anything more then what's symbolic. to Obama and his ilk, tire pressure is the one stop fix for all our problems.

I'm not fan of either Obama or McCain, but it should be noted that McCain agreed with Obama over the weekend that proper tire inflation and tune ups are a good idea. There is an estimate that the USA could save 800 thousand barrels of oil a day if every car were using proper inflation and had regular tune ups.

Not a solution by any means, but it is certainly an amout worth saving.

As far as McCain's drill off shore now plan. I'm okay with it but as even McCain agrees, we won't see any of that oil hit the pipeline for at least 10 years.
i don't like mccain either...but mccain is not using it as a solution. Any normal car owner would check tire pressure and get tuneups w/o govt. mandating they do so.
Any normal car owner would check tire pressure and get tuneups w/o govt. mandating they do so.

Sadly Black, I think you and I might be more diligent than others on tire pressure and tune ups. There are a lot of cars rolling down the road that need both.

While I think there are things the government can and should do to help this energy crunch, there are also things that the populace should be able to do for themselves. Tire pressure and tune ups are one. Government mandate? No way. Common sense, of course.
possible 2 out of 10 car owners think its ok to drive with poorly filled tires...fine with me...they will pay for new tires and more gas...let them, but the vast majority know that driving with flat or low pressured tires is stupid.

as it is, the govt. wants to bring back the 55 mph speed limit...

what the govt NEEDS to do is get its hands off our land and let the American people do what they have been telling congress to do for the past few months.
Mr. Obama doesnt understand that you dont just go get a tuneup. That is what the car computer decides. Most cars are not even scheduled for a tuneup until 100,000 miles. most cars have been computerized since 1985. Since 1996 they all have computers that adjust the engine parameters to run at the best parmaeters for speed and conditions.

I have an air gauge and a air compressor at home already. Tires are not cheap anymore.

Just since President Bush announced his eliminating the executive oil ban prices on oil have come down. Seventy to Seventy Five percent favor domestic drilling. If Congress gets rid of the ban on domestic drilling you will see more drops in oil prices.

Oil companies are drilling around 4400 holes on the land they lease now. They are also buying new leases as they become available. The United States has the best drilling technology in the world. 10 years to get oil out....maybe 5 with our technology

How can you tell Reid and Pelosi are lying when it comes to domestic drilling. Thier lips are moving.....
I`d rather have the oil found, drilled and capped when sitting down at foriegn oil price negotiations than the way we sit now. Some people here seem to have the mindset of "why drill now,it won`t help todays price" maybe so but we cannot keep sitting here and not drilling. Foreign countries have us by the short-hairs cause they also know we`re aways from producing even half the oil we consume. I personally don`t like gambling with to little money especially when opponent knows my situation The tire inflation may end up costing the government money. If everyone keeps tire prop. inflated tires will last longer thus there`ll be less tire replacement and the usually $3.00 per tire disposle fee we pay(part of which goes to gov.) will decrease:rolleyes:
look at how the market reacted when Pres. Bush removed the executive ban on drilling....the futures market took note and the price dropped because the probability of more oil coming on the market in the future grew with just those words. I can only imagine how much the price will drop if the democrats got their act together and did the right thing.
Kreyzhorse posted:
I'm not fan of either Obama or McCain, but it should be noted that McCain agreed with Obama over the weekend that proper tire inflation and tune ups are a good idea. There is an estimate that the USA could save 800 thousand barrels of oil a day if every car were using proper inflation and had regular tune ups.

Not a solution by any means, but it is certainly an amout worth saving.

As far as McCain's drill off shore now plan. I'm okay with it but as even McCain agrees, we won't see any of that oil hit the pipeline for at least 10 years.

Proper tire inflation is a good idea. Tune ups, if your car requires one, are also a good idea. Driving with the windows up is a good idea as most modern cars are more aerodynamic with the windows rolled up. There is a debate about which saves more gas, windows down with no A/C, or windows up with A/C.

But keep in mind, Obama's original statement did not just say it was a good idea. He said it would save ALL of the oil we are talking about DRILLING for. Now he's trying to shift the political winds to make it sound like republicans are making fun of a good idea he had, and that McCain agrees with him. Don't fall into that trap Kreyzhorse. Keep in mind how stupid Obama's original statement was. Don't let him get away with saying it was a good idea and stop at that.

Let's pretend that I made a statement where I said we could stop all of the violent crime in America if we let law abiding citizens carry guns. OK, that'd be really stupid to say that. I agree. But isn't it a good idea to let law abiding citizens carry guns? I'd say yes. See the trap Obama is using?
black posted:
look at how the market reacted when Pres. Bush removed the executive ban on drilling....the futures market took note and the price dropped because the probability of more oil coming on the market in the future grew with just those words. I can only imagine how much the price will drop if the democrats got their act together and did the right thing.

The futures market is the same thing as the "speculators" the democrats were warning us about and blaming for the high price of oil. Notice that when the "speculators" started to believe that the US is finally getting serious about adding more oil to the global supply, they started bidding the price down, even with not one new drop of US produced oil hitting the market. Also keep in mind the rhetorical shell game that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama keep playing. They keep saying that the republicans' "only" solution is to drill more. That's a bald faced lie. The republicans are putting forth proposals to drill more while also providing some incentives for development of coal, nuclear, biodiesel and other alternative energy sources such as wind and solar. The difference between the democrats is that the democrats want "no" new drilling, even though they might publicly say that they "might" favor "some" additional drilling. Them's weasel words, right there. The democrats also want no new coal or nuclear produced energy because they are beholden to the far left greenies such as the Sierra Club and

Also, keep in mind that the heavy greenies want gas to be expensive. They would like nothing better than $10.00 gasoline prices. Why? Because it would force more people to use their utopian mass transit systems and start forcing people to move back into the big cities from the suburbs because of the commuting costs. In the big cities, the far left reigns supreme. How many large cities (over 250K) aren't controlled by democrats and far lefties. I bet the list is rather short. The far left wants the US to become a spitting image of socialist Europe.

Here's something else to think about. Nancy Pelosi claims she doesn't want to drill because she's saving the planet. :rolleyes: Whoo Boy! OK, let's explore that a little further. If the US is not drilling, then who is drilling to supply the world's oil demands, including our own? The Chinese, the Russians, the Venezuelans, and the Arab Countries. How safety concious do we believe those countries are? How environmentally concerned are those countries when it comes to increasing the revenues to their economies?

Who would be more trustworthy to protect the environment as much as possible while drilling for more oil, the US or China, Russia, Venezuela, etc.? So Nancy Pelosi might actually be helping to destroy the planet by making sure the less environmentally friendly nations are doing most of the drilling.
Obama's original statement did not just say it was a good idea. He said it would save ALL of the oil we are talking about DRILLING for.


I understand his original statement. Even the best guess that if everyone in the USA had proper tire inflation we could save 800 thousand barrels a day isn't close to what could pumped by drilling off shore. However, what can we do in the 10 years until that magic bullet oil reaches our pipeline and lowers our gas price? And yes, I'm all for drilling off shore, hell you can drill in my backyard if it stablizes the economy and gas prices. Point it, drilling off shore won't fix the problem any time soon. McCain himself admited we won't see a drop of it for 10 years.

I'm not a supporter of Obama, but I can certainly admit that part of his point had merit, as can you, as can McCain If proper tire inflation saved 400 thousand of barrels of oil a day it is certainly worth doing and sure as hell worth pointing out.

I'm not voting for the guy but I can't slam him for pointing out a simple way to save oil. Is he flip floping and playing the game? He certainly is. McCain is as well. Sadly its politics today and these two guys are becoming pretty good at it.