Maybe powder


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7.62 x 39 powder

I’m looking for different powders that’ll work well with 7.62 x 39.
It’ll be for an AK47 and be using Berrys 123 grain spire point bullets.
Thanks in advance
Accurate Arms #1680 is the best powder I ever found for 7.62x39mm. I used it often with my dearly departed CZ 527M/CSR. It also worked well in a Czech vz-58.
The only data I have for Berrys bullets in 7.62x39mm was for the 125gr FP, 25.5gr #1680 at a COAL 2.17 ran at 2270 FPA, and is simply listed as "good" in my notes. That is nothing but my note, academic purposes, etc.
Ok fellas. I’m looking for a powder to use for my Ak-47 with the berrys 123 grain spire points.
This is the powders I have if any of these would work.
IMR 4198
H 4895
Tire Group
Reloader 25
IMR 4064
IMR 4350
H 4198
IMR 4227
My best results came with CFE BLK for the 122 - 125 gr. bullets. Of the powders you have I would start with H322. H322 worked well for me with 150 gr bullets. My rifle is a SKS.
the H-4895 will work well, but i don't have load data on it. it's burn rate and density are very close to that of Accurate 2200 which i also good for that. that's all i have any exp with.

the reloader 25 is way too slow unless you want to re tune the gas system the imr-4350 is also too slow to function cleanly. the imr-4064 will probably work ok.
oh, and if you have to buy powder for it. the reloader 10x is good and works very well in 5.56 ar i was quite pleased with the sub-MoA results i got from it pushing the 55gr V-Max. in my psa-5.56 m4 carbine 1:7 sub minute at 125yds from that seemed like noteworthy stuff. anyway it should push a ak's-7.62 just as well, though maybe a little less accurately.
I used accurate 1680 with good results.

My hornady manual shows h322 with a max of 28.5g at 2200fps, out of the powders you have, that would be my choice to start with.
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Accurate Arms #1680 is the best with 7.62x39mm, I used it for YEARS.
I do have ONE load for the stuff you have listed, used 28gr of H-4895 with the 123gr Berrys FP bullet, COAL 2.165, gave 1830 FPS and the notes say it worked well in my vz-58.
Thank you all.
I’m gonna try with what you guys have suggested with what I have first before I buy any other powders
CFE BLK CFE BLK CFE BLK btw did I mention CFE BLK.

It is handsdown the best powder for the 123/125 grain bullets in the 7.62x39 case. I am sure A1680 is a great powder also, but once I got my hands on CFE BLK no other powder comes close.