Maybe I've met my match

603, if you let him live on, you might have an army of offspring with his's sad, but taking him out might indeed be your only option. Lol
lol, all my nonhunting friends always ask me how can i hunt squirrel....theyre so cute and the way they just sit there in the park and look at you, its plum unsporting. I try to explain to them that a woods squirrel and a park squirrel are 2 totally different beasts, and this is a perfect example. What youre dealing with is pretty much what I hunt...sneaky fast critters who either take off across the tree tops at the slightest noise or they flatten down on a branch and blend in until you go away. I think you should pick a morning or late afternoon and setup somewhere between the feeder and the woods and catch him coming in.
If the feeder is on a post, a sheet-metal cone can prevent climbing, but it must be above "jump up" height. If it's hanging from wires, a cone above the feeder, large enough to fully shade it, prevents dropping down onto it.
These work great. There were two squirrels eating the seed the birds kick to the ground when I opened the door to take the photo. But, they can't get to the feeder to tear it up.

Shoot from within your house.. Open a window take the screen out, shoot through an open doorway.Which ever give you the "lane" of opportunity.
My gunsmith had a similar problem. He built a trap door in the side of his shop. He could open the door and shoot from his shop. The squirrels never learned.
Don’t shoot him . Buy him a bag of salted peanuts.. His blood pressure will kill him. . . . . :eek:
And it sounds like he is already using that tactic on you be careful !! ;)
Get a squirrel sized live trap such as the Hav-a-hart live traps. Bait with birdseed at the bottom of your bird feeder posts. When the squirrels get caught (and they will) put a .22 in their head and after a bit of gutting and skinning send'em to your freezer. Repeat till you have enough squirrels to have a small feast then invite the neighbors or at least till you no longer have squirrels raiding your bird feeder.

This worked well for me when I lived in the city. It would work for my father-in-law if he didn't idiotically drive a few blocks down the road to the neighborhood park and release them to return to his bird feeder instead of killing them.
You need bigger birds. A friend of mine brings his hawk over to hunt and when he lets it go, any squirrel in sight is a goner. If it runs into a nest, the hawk will stand on one leg and shred the nest out of the tree til he gets his man. :D
It's very impressive to watch. (especially since the bird comes back to him, I couldn't believe it til I saw it, I figured it was a one-time deal)