Maybe each Walmart will soon decide to sell ammo...

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I was at Walmart last week and went to the sporting department and saw 2 boxes of 300BLK ammo sitting on a shelf by themselves. I asked how much and after she told me the price I then agreed to purchase them. The lady behind the counter tried to scan them at the register then said they were not loaded so she could not sell them to me???? I am so done with these clowns.
Wal-Mart is the ultimate two-faced, virtue-signaling, phoney-bologna organization of all retail stores, ergo they'll go back to selling handgun ammo just as soon as they stand to make a profit with as little fuss from their usual hipster, man-scaping, man-bun-sporting, stretch-pants-wearing clientele as possible.

You aren't too far from wrong, but your demeaning tone is truly misplaced.

I know this will come to a shock to many, but Wal-mart isn't in business to support the gun community, electronics community, dairy buyers, homewares, etc.. They are in business to make profits, which is the general goal of business, because without profits, businesses fail. Wal-mart has to balance out all of their business across their client base. There are many things Walmart sells, many that they have sold and no longer sell, and many that they only sell sometimes.

They sell stuff. No, they don't want to get mixed up in a bunch of controversy that will otherwise hurt their overall sales or cause them unneeded hassles.

Gun stuff is a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of what they sell. It isn't like the gun community isn't similarly fickle. I never understood how we, the gun community, can whine so much about a company, for decades now, and not get a clue that may be Walmart isn't the be all to end all go-to source for supplies. Walmart does not put our interests first, yet over and over again we seem shocked, hot and bothered by this fact.

We complain about prices, quality, selection, the knowledge base of the clerks, customer service, competition with LGS, etc., yet we keep going back. Why? I wonder if that doesn't say more about us than it does about Walmart?
A lot of anger in here.

Walmart WAS the largest retail of ammunition. So gun enthusiasts can't be mad at them. I think by numbers they still are with the stock they still have. Haven't looked at 10K financial statements lately.

Then they had a massacre while still holding the worlds LARGEST inventory of handgun ammo. Walmart decided to drop sells of handgun ammo after the massacre, something they are welcome to do in America.

But then someone said they are mad Walmart didn't discount ammunition when they said they were done selling handgun ammo.

Can we diagram this out? Because there is no logic in this, cause I'm not sure the illogical position is Walmart's....
Our local Walmart store doesn't man the gun/ammo counter at all. You have to find an employee who will then call for an associate to come to the gun counter, you may have to fiddle around to 15 or 20 minutes while this takes place. I have stopped trying,I now order on line or go to Academy and pick it up off the shelf. Academy still sells 9MM and .223 ammo too.
They usually carry whatever sells at that store.

Saw a TV special some time ago about Wal Mart going global. Part of the content was about their inventory tracking and how they stop carrying things in a particular store if that thing does not seem to sell well there. I have Wal Marts both east and west of me about 20 miles each. One still has a pretty nice rack of long guns and ammo, the other just ammo no guns.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Bimart was mentioned earlier and when I lived in Washington State I found them to have the greatest scruples during the ammo shortage, where others were robbing the consumer price wise Bimart put their allotments of .22, 223, 9mm etc. on the shelf at normal retail. I purchased a Henry Golden Boy Youth from them several years ago for a grandson’s birthday, about ten days later it arrived and I went to pick it up. Did the paperwork, manager called to review papers, called NICS check, manager returned to check paperwork, I checked rifle and returned it to box, manager called back to carry box past sporting goods register to one at front of store, paid for rifle while 90# female manager watched, asked her if I now owned the rifle, manager picked box up took four steps to front door and then relinquished custody to me......that was the most fun I had that week watching her follow “store policy”..
I've bought more ammo and reloading supplies from BiMart than I can remember over the past 30+ years. I've also bought at least 4 guns from them. They only stock a limited supply of guns but their prices are always reasonable. I try to always give them my business when I can...

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