Maybe each Walmart will soon decide to sell ammo...

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We know that some Walmarts discontinued selling even long before the recent "Troubles". This is Not about that.;)

Some of their stores which recently allowed sales probably restocked the shelves again---after having a strange agenda during the looting.

Simply wanting to avoid using more than 10-20% of my .22LR ammo reserves.
The multiple overlapping factors, along with the Walmart situation have increased demand at our local Academy Sports.
WalMart has no consistancy store to store for sale of firearms and ammo. The closest one to me, 5 miles away, all you can buy is .22LR, shotgun shells, and 3 or 4 common hunting rounds, but nothing that would be used in an evil black rifle such as .223 or 5.56 also no handgun ammo. I can drive 20 miles farther and buy long guns at a WalMart. Makes no sense, but it is what it is. Doesn't matter I guess. I haven't bought a gun or ammo at a WalMart in 20 years.
Wal-Mart is the ultimate two-faced, virtue-signaling, phoney-bologna organization of all retail stores, ergo they'll go back to selling handgun ammo just as soon as they stand to make a profit with as little fuss from their usual hipster, man-scaping, man-bun-sporting, stretch-pants-wearing clientele as possible.

Considering that folks are currently preoccupied with the pursuit of such criminals of social justice as the lady on the syrup bottle and the guy on the cream of wheat box, Wal-Mart could probably go back to selling whatever discount rejected ammo they were getting from the ammo companies before and nobody would care because school shootings just can't compare with the travesty that is mascots of foodstuffs being mildly racially offensive to certain folks who've been left with too much free time on their hands since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Been awhile since I bought ammo at Wal mart. I have found some good prices there. When I find it at a good price I'll buy it. Most of my good deals I have found on line. Find it cheap and stack it deep.
Silly also because there really isn’t any such thing as rifle or handgun ammo.
We know that, but those are terms that execs in focus groups are coming up with to differentiate "sportsman ammo" vs "mass shooter ammo." By in large, mass shooters are not using .22 LR or 12 ga field loads, they're using AR's, AK's, and pistols.

The one thing Walmart could have and should have kept was .38/.357 and .44 Mag because those are popular calibers for hunting, but also happen to be revolver calibers.
Our Texas Walmart has many handgun and rifle calibers available along with clerks with no knowledge of anything firearms related.
I haven't bought Walmart ammo in years, but the cash register would always prompt the clerk to ask if the .22 ammo was for a rifle or pistol for age verification. I always replied it's for my slingshot just to see the confused look.
Yes there has been looting, and it’s not confined to Fox News:

Now is there looting everywhere? No. Is it to the extent that some media sources would like people to believe? No. But saying “there isn’t looting” is the bridge too far. I know people that work at businesses that have been looted.

Most of the protests have indeed been peaceful. I believe that. Some have had confrontations. Those confrontations have typically happened after the main protest events. IMO the threat level for the average concealed carrier hasn’t changed that much on a daily basis.

As for Wal Mart, they made a business decision. I’d be curious what percentage of their business was ever in the area of handgun ammunition when you consider how the vast majority of their floor space was devoted to selling other goods. It’s their choice to sell or not sell ammunition. I’d rather buy online or local anyway.

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When the looting started both local Walmart's moved guns and ammo into the vault in the rear of the store. There were no problems locally and within less than a week everything was back on the shelves.

All of the Walmarts within driving distance of me have a good supply of guns and ammo in stock. But none of them carry ammo for guns they don't sell. Since they don't sell handguns, they haven't carried handgun ammo for some time. But you can buy ammo for any rifle or shotgun they have in stock
A number of posts have gone walkabout. Discussions of racism and politics are not appropriate here. I confess that I still don't fully understand the point of the opening post (if there is one), but many of the responses went completely off the rails.

The topic of this thread is Walmart and ammunition.
The 2 Walmarts closest to me still sell ammo and guns. They stopped selling 223/5.56 and handgun ammo a little while ago. It's a disappointment, but I don't really like going to Walmart, anyway. I do miss $60/200rds Winchester 5.56 and $30/200rd Federal 9mm. It was good while it lasted.
I understand from the local store mgr. that Wally’s is selling off their substantial ammo inventory which they are not replenishing. The prices for ammo among the other local sources has gone up a bit since Wally’s announced they are getting out of selling ammo. I still want to support my local sources, the independents as well as the chain stores.
I don't need Walmart. We have BiMart stores around here and they want our gun business. They never did stock a huge selection but they have a limited stock of rifles, shotguns and handguns. Most of the time they have a pretty good stock of ammo and reloading supplies...

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Walmart to return as sellers of handgun ammo.

The Walmart CEO made the decision to stop selling handgun ammo. I'm sure the decision was made after being pressured by Wall Street and his own personal anti-gun stance.
Last time I bought ammo at Walmart the checkout girl asked for my ID to prove my age. I am over 70 but look younger maybe 65. I have an old federal government issued ID that very few people have seen it is from an obscure federal agency. It has by DOB on it but not where one would expect. The DOB is also written in European format. She looked at it then made the sale. I asked her how old was I, she shrugged. I asked her what year was I born, she shrugged. When I told her my year of birth and asked her how old I was her answer was "I am not good at math"
WalMart showed its true colors when it decided that it would be OK to sell all their remaining pistol and "assault rifle" ammo at full price after they made the announcement that they were not going to sell this type of ammo any longer. I guess the remaining inventory was somehow blessed so that it would not be used for the heinous crimes WalMart was worried that this type of ammo would be used for? In my estimation, the "moral ground" they were trying to stand on crumbled when this decision was made.
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