May PID project

:D:D OK you almost had to buy me a new keyboard, but thankfully the coffee this morning didn't ruin it, an the kkkkkeysssss only stttttttttttick onccce in a while...:eek:

gotta luv it.... and to think I was wondering what to put mine in the other day, and have probably half a dozen of those boxes sitting around. Well I would have to empty the ingots out of them first, but hey, kill two birds with one rock I guess.

Glad to see you got that thing going. Heck I haven't had time to run the one I already have built, much less worry about the new one yet.
And this one only took me a year to build! I better start orderin' parts now! :)

Mebbe I can cut the build time down to 6 months on the second one!:cool:
It would never have occured to me to use a cardboard box. I constructed a box frame from 1"x1" wood stock and covered it with 1/8" plywood and then installed my pid in that.