Mauser rifles

If I were planning to do another build, I'd look for a JC. Higgins M50 FN Mauser and not look back. Two of my builds have been based on those rifles at a reasonable savings on the cost of the build. With a bit of luck you might find one under $500 and much of the expense of converting a military action will not have to be spent during the build.
A couple I've picked up over the years only need lightening up the stock for a better look although I consider them strictly hunting rifles and not custom builds. About the only major change on all of them, customs and those slightly modified was the replacement of the factory trigger with a Timney.
Paul B.
"Why the JC FN Mauser over the Dumoulin Mauser?"

Simple because they're the same as the Browning FN Mausers. The Brownings has some slight modifications that really don't do much but price wise, the Sears M50-M51s are a good action and comparable to the Pre64 M70s which they competed against. Check out some of the older gun digests from the mid 1950's and you'll see the prices for either were very close. Frankly, I prefer the Higgins FN over the pre64 M70 and I have owned both. The M70s are long gone.
You can find a clean M50 for about $350-$500 depending on condition and they come in .270 Win. and 30-06. The stock is a bit clubby but clean up nicely. Barrel are usually in great shape as they're chrome lined. Most shoot so well I haven't converted them to something else yet. Something about not shooting the donor. About the only change I have done to any of mine is replace the trigger with a Timney and frankly, that may not have been necessary.
Probably the best way to answer your question is to locate one and check it out for yourself.
Paul B.