Match grade 22 under $500

New guy throws a wrench into the gears!

Tikka T1x is made by Sako, best rifle made under 500.00, Sako accuracy, adjustable trigger that's excellent and no tool marks anywhere.
Mine is on the left with the tan grip.

Some 10 shot groups at 50yds, it's my practice gun for silhouette so I limited the tests to mid-grade target ammunition, it would group much better with Tenex or Master.

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To hit match heads repeatedly at 50 yards, you'll need accuracy of 3/8ths inch maximum extreme spread. I doubt you'll find a 22 rimfire rifle retailing 500 bucks or less that'll do that. I doubt rebarreling would help

I have to ask what do you do when the breeze picks up and pushes that little 22 off course?
I have to ask what do you do when the breeze picks up and pushes that little 22 off course?
See how far it misses your call, then check the wind after reloading. If the wind is the same, make a full windage and elevation correction on the sight for the next shot.
I shot a horsefly off of the target board at my range at 50 yards with a cheap Marlin bolt action. It sounds like BS, but I kid you not. It took a few shots as it was moving across(walking) the board, but I got it on the 3rd or 4th shot leaving just the wings and a little juice around the hole. A horsefly is a little bigger than a matchstick, but I was using a $100 rifle with a $25 Simmons scope. It was a Marlin 981t.

I've never had a CZ, but their rimfire rifles are right around your budget and are spoken very highly of.
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I'll have to do that. I thought I had some pictures of some of my groups, but I couldn't find the ones I thought I had.
I shoot at my local sportsman's club with outdoor 25, 50, and 100 yd ranges. I don't have a rangefinder and my longest tape measure is 100', so I can only confirm the 25 yard range. I have to assume the 50 and 100 are close if not exact.
I shot a horsefly off of the target board at my range at 50 yards with a cheap Marlin bolt action. It sounds like BS, but I kid you not. It took a few shots as it was moving across(walking) the board, but I got it on the 3rd or 4th shot leaving just the wings and a little juice around the hole. A horsefly is a little bigger than a matchstick, but I was using a $100 rifle with a $25 Simmons scope. It was a Marlin 981t.
How much was the biggest miss?
Hard to tell. The target boards used at the range is foam board and I wasn't the 1st or only shooter. There were many many holes of all different calibers. As I said, the fly was walking across the target board. It was a target I had to follow across the board.

Drill me with questions about it all day, I don't care. My story won't change cause I'm not making it up. I'm not trying to claim I'm some master marksmen. It was probably luck, but it happened. I've shot golf balls and lollipops at that distance with that rifle too. It's just a good shooter, but the trigger is a challenge.

In case you missed it, I recommended the CZ. My Marlin is capable of great accuracy, but I don't know if I would want it for serious competition. Not so sure I would call it "match grade". Accuracy can come from all price points.
Peter R, I apologize if I derailed your thread with my horsefly story. It seemed relevant with the small targets at 50 yards, but I'm afraid it might be distracting.
Years ago I met an older fella at a LGS who taught college level math, he was group br guy and spoke often of statistical probability of hunting rifles to occasionally shoot incredible groups, it happens, not very often but statistically it's inevitable if enough groups are shot.
We all remember those vividly and have a tendency to forget the crap ones.
These threads always evolve into Bart telling us what it takes to support an NRA Master.

But here we have a teenybopper shooting at lollipops. I would find it hard to justify a bona fide target rifle and premium ammo. My first choice would be a CZ but I have seen good shooting done with a Marlin.
My club used to run CMP Rimfire Sporter with a 7.5 lb weight limit, 6X maximum scope, and a 1.75" ten ring target. About any decent repeater (there is a rapid fire stage) will serve. You can work on your marksmanship and not overstress your credit card.
I've seen people try and compete in silhouette for years with CZ's, every once in a while they make one that will group under an inch at 100yards but it's not very often. They make nice little hunting rifles, no more no less.
Tikka T1x's which are made by Sako will group under an inch everytime with mid-range target ammunition and are basically the same price as CZ's at 459.00.

I have played with my Ruger Precision in 50/100 yard matches. It shoots ok for the money, but the guys with the old match rifles shoot rings around me.
Took the Marlin out today to try and get some groups together. I've done better with less flyers, but it is what it is. I'm not a competitive shooter. I am a recreational shooter. 5 shots on the left plate were during a downpour. After the rain stopped, I put another 10 rounds on a 2nd plate(right). Each has a couple flyers. Those are me, not the rifle. Marlin 981t, Simmons 8point scope, Aguila Super Extra 40grn LRN.


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For an inexpensive hunting rifle those are great groups, those shots off to the left were probably due to a little over exuberant follow through coupled with to much cheek pressure assuming your right handed.
CZ 457 Training bolt action .22 with 24.75" barrel Around $400 and change. Accurate!
Look at These are exceptional rifles.
Took the Marlin out today to try and get some groups together. I've done better with less flyers, but it is what it is. I'm not a competitive shooter. I am a recreational shooter. 5 shots on the left plate were during a downpour. After the rain stopped, I put another 10 rounds on a 2nd plate(right). Each has a couple flyers. Those are me, not the rifle. Marlin 981t, Simmons 8point scope, Aguila Super Extra 40grn LRN.
I have a 981T that I have restocked and upgraded with a Rifle Basix trigger. A fantastic shooter. Same here, I haven't competed with it, but it sure shoots rings around most any 10/22 I have seen at Appleseed.


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