Mas Ayoob has an ND during a training class

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Style of grips ? I remember in the early days of Dan Wesson that their 'combat ' grips would hang up a round if the cylinder was positioned a certain way !!
I find the “nickel case in a stainless revolver” excuse ludicrous.

I think it was intended as an explanation more than an excuse.

This is a demonstration of percentages: someone like Ayoob handles guns on an almost daily basis. The more often you do something the more chances you have to do it wrong. Gun handling is one of those things where a 100% success rate is considered normal, and 99.9% might kill someone. I don’t handle guns nearly as much as Ayoob does and there is a hole in my shed where I “dry fired” my 1076 one afternoon.

No virtue signaling here.
If you know something about human error - failure to see or inattentional blindness is a common cause of accidents in many domains. It is not an excuse but an explanation as pointed out. I've been an expert in cases where folks ran into stopped semis.

Like I said, it may happen to all of us despite declaring that you are the God of the Four Rules. It happened to Jeff Cooper twice.
If you know something about human error - failure to see or inattentional blindness is a common cause of accidents in many domains. It is not an excuse but an explanation as pointed out. I've been an expert in cases where folks ran into stopped semis.

Like I said, it may happen to all of us despite declaring that you are the God of the Four Rules. It happened to Jeff Cooper twice.
To me people forget that the 4 rules exist as layered security. You can break one rule and have an unfortunate day, but not a life threatening one. It's when you break multiple rules that you have a problem.

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any semiauto should have some sort of tactile loaded chamber indicator, and I don't consider a little peep hole to be adequate.

Brian I am a fan of tactile loaded chamber indicators and I like being able to verify a weapon is loaded by using one, even in the dark. That does not mean I think they should be required on all semiautomatic weapons or that they are any guarantee to prevent a negligent discharge. We are all susceptible to this whether we admit it or not.
Well the reason you all missed, Mas is old you know! My Gen4 Glock 19 is never unloaded, except! Trips to babysit, Boy 5 Girl 7.

Prior to entering my Sons huge home, live round comes out of the chamber, pull the trigger on unloaded pistol "CLICK" reinsert now 14 round magazine, reholster.

Going home, rack slide, holster. Before hitting sheets, reinsert round into 14 full magazine (I have to use the little helper from Glock, my thumb's not strong enough to push the last round in (Old you know!) Gun on the bedside table, nite-nite.

Reference ND I once killed a mattress, with one round from a Steyr AUG! No, the bed was not occupied! Concrete apartment floor.

Mas wish me Happy Aniversary!! 25 of them today. Still just as happy as the day that happened.
Twice, years ago, I saw people with stainless steel revolvers miss a round with a nickel plated cartridge case when they were clearing revolvers after completing a course of fire.

The first time was at an IPSC match (back before there was a USPSA, so it was in the early 80s) and the second time was a student at the police academy in 1988 or 89.

In both cases, the RO supervising the clearing of the weapon noticed the problem and corrected the problem and there was no bad result.
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