Martial Law declared in Arkansas town

As far as I'm concerned, at 3 o'clock in the morning, nobody has any business being on the street, except the law," Councilman Eugene "Red" Johnson said. "Anyone out at 3 o'clock shouldn't be out on the street, unless you're going to the hospital."

Stargazing, maybe going out for a late night snack, sneaking home or away from the girlfriends house before the misses realizes it. A little drinking at a friends and you live right around the corner and you dont want to drive so you walk.

How did this former KGB man get a job in Arkansas.
New Hampshire has a "loitering/prowling" statute... Perhaps the folks down in Arkansas think that being out at 3am in a small town where the streets roll up promptly at 10:30pm constitutes reasonable suspicion for a Terry stop.
I hope the mayor and PD get slapped down by the courts. That is ridiculous. I like the mayor's "it's ok to break the constitutin, but we haven't" bit.:mad:

I never seriously contemplated an American police-state in my lifetime. I would have thought anything like that would have been a little bit more subtle.
Walking Tall in Arkinsas?

Yawning... I'm concerned that a disproportionate<sp> number of the police/politicians/drug that town... all have the same last names...
and play horseshoes together at the same family reunions. I bet they show some attitude when handing out speeding tickets, and that an unusually high number of assaults have occured during their routine traffic stops. It's a place to circle on a map - and avoid all roads that might inadvertantly lead there. :barf:
I can't believe that this isn't getting more air time. As far as I know this hasn't been repealed yet although it certainly denies Constitutional rights.
What really kills me is this:

You institute a curfew (everybody off the streets)

You send in a boat load of cops and the state guard

You find virtually no one to arrest


Holy smokes, maybe increase LE presence when things are actually happening? Call in the guard if you have to... when people are actually out on the streets maybe?

Ignorant of basic common sense AND THE CONSTITUTION, the best part? The town folk elected this moron.
The town is not under martial law as the civilian government controls the city. martial laws means that the military administers justice and administration.
I don't know that it's necessarily the case that the mayor is imposing will over the citizens because they'e all black. Note please that the city council voted 9-0 to to implement this city law.

This is hardly unique, sadly. LawDog reported that our nation's capital was doing the same damned thing.

Anyone who was stopped for a "curfew violation," regardless of residency, would have standing to sue on a fourth amendment violation. Anyone who lived in the district would have standing. The proper venue would be federal district court.

It should quite easily be overturned, if anyone here is local to the area and wants to file the test case.
I personally don't see a problem with it. People can scream "Constitutional rights infringed" all they want, but I see rights being violated as well if the mayor doesn't crack down on the apparent uncontrolled crime.

After the curfew in place, how many stray bullets have struck victims' homes?
What futher crime has taken place since? Why haven't the citizens spoken up? What portions of the Constitution have been violated?

People have jumped the gun here. Imposing a temporary curfew to get things under control isn't martial law. There isn't any law abiding citizen that I've seen had their car searched because he was travelling home late at night because he works an off-shift.

Argue and speculate all you want. But, the citizens that live there know the situation better than we do. All we're basing our information on is what the media has provided.
Quick comments: Associate from the area. Violent, illegal Hispanic gangs and methamphetamine smuggling associated with the Kosher meat plant in Pottsvile, Iowa (I think it's called Agriprocessors) using the the Mississippi River for transit. Local news reports claimed there was a methamphetamine lab in the plant and were bringing weapons into the plant as well as selling social security numbers. The meth and cocaine was being smuggled from Arkansas (like it was claimed during the eighties through Mena, Arkansas).
"After the curfew in place, how many stray bullets have struck victims' homes?"
--Don't know.

"What futher crime has taken place since?"
--Don't know.

"Why haven't the citizens spoken up?"
--...well, they are under a 24/7 curfew in a crime ridden town...

"What portions of the Constitution have been violated?"
--1st Amendment, probably the 4th Amendment as well.