Marlin 336


I Have been toying with the idea of picking up a marlin 336 or an 1895 cowboy but I am kind of leaning towards the 336 because of ammunition prices, what are your thoughts on the marlin 336. Instead of getting a marlin another option would be to get a Russian sks and deck it out withall tapco acessories.
I'd WAG the final choice will come down to your druthers - traditional or tactical.

The older M336 is a solid, reliable rifle, as is the SKS (aka: poor man's .30-30) - and seems handiest when pepp-sighted ILO scoped.

The SKS can be easily peeped or scoped - and has all those accessories you know about.

I've found the M336 to be lighter than the SKS, except for M336CB Cowboy models, which have a longer/heavier bbl.

FWIW, I've found the Marlins a snap to take apart for cleaning ( one screw), vs the SKS - but YMMV, of course.

I would suggest you find & handle (aka: coonfinger) a sample of each before making up your mind.

I have a 336. You can not go wrong there. I love it, but my total fav is my 1894c in 357 Mag.
If I had the extra cash and cast my own I would go 45-70 in the 1895.
Word of caution. find a gun a few years old, The new ones are real git or miss in quality.
If you are near Washington state in know where there are 3 pre-crossbolt safety 336;s for sale. one in the .35Rem cartridge.
I'd considered some of the same options in the past. Personally, I ruled out the SKS because they tend to be pretty heavy, and I wanted something that would be enjoyable to carry for hunting. If I were only going to shoot from a bench or a tree stand, the weight might not matter.

I ended up going with a Marlin 1894c in .357 mag. With the right ammo (Buffalo Bore, for example) it can be comparable to a 7.62x39. But it also shoots .38 specials which are relatively inexpensive, quiet (quieter than .22lr out of my pistol) and mild enough that I can shoot small game without blowing them up.

If you're looking for a designated deer rifle, I'd maybe go with the 336, but maybe give the 1894c a look if you want a fun little general purpose gun.
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Opposite ends of the rifle spectrum for me, SKS looks like fun but I love a good 336. Handy, accurate, enjoyable to gaze upon. YMMV, of course.
This is my Glenfield 30GT made by Marlin. 30-30 is a keeper!

Mossberg 464 is a well built carbine and accurate, too.



I'd pick a 336 over an SKS in a heartbeat. I am not a fan of comrade Simonov's overweight, overlength, stop gap rifle that parades around as a carbine.

The 336 is made here, made in an adequate and popular caliber, and has a long and deep support network. If you want to go tactical or down a different path, a lever .30-30 can be tricked out with scout scope, XS sights, butt cuff, and the wood stocks replaced with synthetic or black epoxied, and you will have a lever scout.

Old school? Put a convetional peep on the 336 and have at it. I do not shoot leaf and bead sights so well anymore.
JJP you can always buy a mould and cast bullets for that 45-70. I don't know that it'll make up the diff in ammo costs, but it will certainly save you money over store-bought bullets. I know several guy who hunt with cast in various 45 and 50 cal single shots and after looking at their field dressed deer pics, you can tell they aren't hurting for more gun
336 I would take over the sks but as noted make sure its the older models 15 to 20yrs back (Marlin had some quality issues google the Marlin Jam) But my 336 in 44mag is a champ she is flawless never fails
i own quite a few lever action,s but this marlin 95 in 45-70 is one of my favorites and will kill any think in the U.S. and by reloading its not expenceve to shot. eastbank.


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I'm all about my 1952 336RC Waffle-Top in .30-30 :)
and this is why they call it a waffle-top...NEVER D/T one of these...kills the resale.

I even ditched my 1895SBL (.45-70) in favor of the 336...main reason, a gun from my grandpa's era makes me feel closer now that he's gone...
and the 336 is dead nuts precise...minute of deer heart :D

Its my go-to rifle for deer & hog...and the occasional coyote for overkill ;)

And no, that minwax clearcoat was there for a crib I was finishing...didn't use it on the 336...God Forbid...eeccchhh.
I used to own an SKS and they are very accurate or was for me at least.
I used to own a 336 and I can say no bad about that rifle. It liked my reloads, was easy to maintain, and cheap to load for. The only reason I don't have it still, is that I bought an 1895G and I figured if I'm casting and loading for it, the 336 is redundant. I have a friend who's always wanted a 30/30 so I gave it to him.

My feeling is, if you are going to wind up casting and loading for your rifle eventually anyway, go for 45/70 and enjoy the greater versatility of the bigger round.
I have a 2006 vintage 336 in 30-30 with a Williams FP peep sight. Light to carry and accurate out to 100+'s a classic 336 for general hunting purposes, an SKS if you envision a gun fight with a motor cycle gang.
The SKS and the Marlin 336 are very different rifles. The intended use of the rifle should determine your choice.
One other nifty thing about 336 over an SKS...

Cops & Civilians both will look atcha funny when yer holding an SKS...
but few will think anything but "Hunter" or "Cowboy" when they see a lever-action in yer hands...

Of course...the lever-action was the Original Assault Rifle!!
Just ask Geronimo ;)
My Marlin 336 C has been with me since 1973, It's my most go-to rifle out of the six I own. I also have a 336 T (Texan) - 44 Mag . both have given me great service.
I own both a marlin 336 and a SKS. An't nether one of them going know were. The 336 is better for hunting. Yhe SKS is better for social service. both are great for plinking. The SKS is cheaper to shoot than the 30-30.