Manhunt for a cop killer is going on outside

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Sorry Wild in this case a waste of tax payer money.
Maybe so, but the Bill of Rights are not on a budget.

Wild, with the reports on the news, other than giving this picture of a model citizen his constitutional rights to a trial what will be accomplished?
It will accomplish following the law.

What will this do for the 2 officers who gave their lives in the line of duty? Guess cause they are dead now screw their rights they don't need them.
The trial isn't for the dead officers as it isn't to determine if they are victims or if they are killed, but if the arrestee did the deed or not. They are dead and they did have rights, but part of their job was upholding the Constitution. Our legal system has measures in place to deal with this type of problem within the bounds of the law.
This would probably be a topic to discuss in a new thread in L&CR rather than here. But I'm dismayed that some of you take such a low view of the Constitution that you'd ignore it just out of strong feelings.
Glenn Dee:
Could anything be more tactics related?

Yes. There is no info now that is tactics related. Two were shot and killed, the suspect is attempting to or has evaded capture. There's nothing to learn from this, and no discussion of tactics in this thread that I can see, other than perhaps "don't get shot."


Clearly this thread is latent with tactics with more info sure to come.

The thread may be latent with tactics, but what is that worth? Wild speculation based on 2nd hand accounts has no more practical value than a zombie scenario. Until there is specific information regarding the incident (which there probably never will be because the shooter won't likely incriminate himself, and the driver has already been uncooperative and will likely plead to a lesser charge 'down the road') there are no tactics to critique or learn from.

And your "tactics" at work aren't anything revolutionary and nobody is discussing them. If you were to present a detailed Emergency Action Plan, or a Continuity of Operatons Plan, then that's another story. If he comes into your shop, you're going to relay a code word and draw on him, an armed ex-convict who already has the drop on you? Okay, sounds great. "Muskrat, this is Tango Foxtrot, we have a 10-417 in progress! Roll out!" If you're really that concerned, keep your doors locked throughout the day with a sign on the door that instructos patrons to knock/ring and wait for admittance, giving you the true tactical advantage through positive identification prior to entry (you choose the time & place of initial contact), with an alert (center of mass) staff (concentrated firepower).
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Well, tactically speaking, I hope the S.W.A.T team brings plenty of ammo to the shoo... um I mean arrest. Remember the story below from 2006.

Florida Cop Killer Shot 68 Times

A Florida gunman, who shot and killed an officer and his police dog, was shot at 110 times and hit 68 times when SWAT team members found him the following day hiding in the woods under a tree trunk and he refused to show his hands. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said the fugitive would have been shot more, but the SWAT team ran out of bullets.

"That's all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told reporters. :)
Oh, dear - the tactical nuggets may be found under the nontactical info and opinion. The latter might start a flame war over emotion vs. rational views of justice.

Thus, I regret my call to close it - with all respect and sympathies. The fundraiser URL is posted.

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