Manhunt for a cop killer is going on outside

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Guys wow I'm in Tampa where last night two police officers were gunned down during a traffic stop, both died. Right now outside my place of employment seems to be the epicenter of the most massive manhunt I have ever witnessed. At least 50 police vehicles (that I counted from the window) and several helicopters are swarming this area. Several patrol cars are positioned in stationary locations including one parked blocking the traffic flow going into the residential neighborhood behind our shop. Pretty spooky.

I have pulled the winchester defender from its hiding space and its right next to me as I type. Good god this is crazy.
My prayers and condolences are with the Officers family, their loved ones, and their Co-Workers.

I suggest rule .303 for the perpetrators.
One officers wife was 9 months pregnant the other had 4 young children. The families definitely needs our prayers.

Perp fired only two shots from what I have seen on The officers didn't have a chance to return fire or call for help.

We are on a kinda lock down right now here at the shop. We have his photo. If he shows up here it will be very bad for him. One way in and it is locked unless we press a button. We are dug in with a shotgun waiting for him.
That's not crazy. What is crazy to me is that some people today have no idea why police go all out to catch a cop killer. Jack Webb said it best in an episode of Dragnet. It went something like this, "They shot an armed Police Officer what makes you think they would hesitate to shoot an unarmed citizen?". Cops go all out for these killers because they know this type of killer will not hesitate to kill someone else. No matter what some say when a cop goes down some of the good of society goes down as well. My heart goes out to those officers and their families.
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Reminds me of the Newhall Incident in Southern California back in the 70's. Four Highway Patrolmen were killed by a couple of crazy guys. This was back in the day when two CHP were in each squad car. It is shootings such as these that chill my bones. My thoughts and prayers go to the families.
I've been watching it on Bay 9 news since I woke up at 7am this morning. Could not believe it, I feel so sad for the famalies that are affected by this & all of us in the Tampa community. And that guy was pulled over for a minor felony to start with (bounced check of all things). It's a shame it had to come to this thats for sure...
What a sad day indeed......And with the current gun rights in the news....

All i can say is i hope it never see's the inside of a court house.

Bless the families affected by such brutal crime.
I know that this has nothing to do with tactics or training, but could somebody perhaps post a URL of a site for information and maybe donations to help with the families of these officers? :/

Other than that, I just want to post a thumbs up on WildAlaska's comment. It's perfectly understandable to be enraged at criminals who murder policemen who were just doing their job. My husband's family lives daily with that possibility -- both his brother and his stepbrother are policemen. But there are good reasons that the founding fathers of this country wrote "presumption of innocence" and other basic protections of civil rights into the constitution, and insisted on a real trial with real evidence before executing a murderer or punishing any sort of criminal. It wasn't to protect criminals; it was to protect the rest of us against ourselves when we are too angry to think straight.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of these officers. :(
I hope the perp gets the same treatment that the cop killer in the next county over got a couple of years ago. That was the one with dozens of holes in him when he tried to resist arrest.
What is crazy to me is that some people today have no idea why police go all out to catch a cop killer. Jack Webb said it best in an episode of Dragnet. It went something like this, "They shot an armed Police Officer what makes you think they would hesitate to shoot an unarmed citizen?".

Well Jack Webb played a fictional cop in highly highly edited stories based on real events. People tend to shoot armed cops because the cops are the immediate threat to them. I just wish the cops would go after other murderers with the same fervor they would use to go after cop killers.
followed the link and found info about fundraisers for the officers' families at the bottom of this page:

It says:
Fundraisers for the officers' families

Several area businesses have already started organizing fundraisers to benefit the families of the slain officers.

Nikos Restaurant
3705 Tampa Rd., Oldsmar
Forest Lakes Plaza
Click for more information

Cornerstone Pub
Natalie Spencer or Marilyn Wright
3895 Northdale Blvd.
Tampa, FL
They are taking a collection for the families.

...and the link where it says click for more information is:
I've been a cop since 1975. This is any cop's worst nightmare.

Thank not only our armed forces members but also police and firefighters for their service when you see them. It'll make their day!

God bless those who keep America safe, both at home and abroad!!
Unfortunate situation, but how is this related to firearms training & tactics?

As the information unfolds on how this scumbag was able to kill two police officers with two shots the tactics both good and bad will come.

We implemented a set of tactics at my job to prepare for the possibility of this guy showing up.

This morning he is still at large. I haven't received a report on his suspected whereabouts yet but I will be employing a few tactics as I roll to work, the potential epicenter still.

Today the AR will see service. My coworkers and I are going to meet a few miles from work to go into the shop together. We are going to use the electric door locks until he is captured. If he enters either of our shops and is recognized we will all say a code word to inform each other and he will be immediately drawn upon. If he attempts to enter but is recognized before we unlock the door we will call 911 and stay put despite the desire to help or the 95,000 dollar reward.

Clearly this thread is latent with tactics with more info sure to come.
God forbid they should have a trial first

Sorry Wild in this case a waste of tax payer money. Up here in central FLA we had a resident ambush deputies killing 2 and wounding 2 more. Unfortunately the end of the man hunt was caught on live TV by crews in choppers overhead so we had to have a trial.:mad:

Wild, with the reports on the news, other than giving this picture of a model citizen his constitutional rights to a trial what will be accomplished?

What will this do for the 2 officers who gave their lives in the line of duty? Guess cause they are dead now screw their rights they don't need them.
Hopefully the man hunt will end with no media around and this can be settled without trial
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