Mandatory gun turn-in begins

I wonder if it will be successful as the one in NSW. They were banned in 1992, probably around 100 000 were sold in NSW alone, in Queensland even more they never even got 10 000 back.

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As someone who has fought tooth and nail to PREVENT such laws from being enacted, All those brave gunowners who boast, "They will never take MY guns away from me unless the come and get them" need to get ready - they will not take on gun owners as a group - they will come to work in the morning, have their coffee, and then "take on" the next name on the list of registered gun owners.They will confiscate as many as they want to without working too hard in one day, and then go home at night to their families. In the words of our beloved president, "So what if they (gun owners) have to put up with a little bit of hasseling. It will save thousands of childrens lives per year." Here comes the hasseling. It's not too late - but it's almost...
Sorry about my sense of hummor - Sarcasim doesn't type to well.

This ban is just plain stupid - like all the rest...

But what can we do about it at this point?

I think this relates directly to my comment on the HI-CAp issue.. What would happen if instead of turning in the rifles, people, Tens of Thousands, waited until the day after the turn in period and then CAme out and "confessed" their ownership.

It is unfortunate that this is actually a firearm, and that it is only affecting California.

I know that I would not be turning my SKS in, but I can;t tell you exactly what I would do.

Well all, I live in Kalifornia and I own three of these critters. Fortunately, mine are of the fixed (10 round) magazine type and do not (as yet) qualify for the "BUYBACK". In reading the legislation (very long and verbose)it is pretty specific that only those SKS "Sporter" rifles (detachable magazines, and oddly, the ones with the thumb hole stock)are "eligible" to receive payment. And yes, after a certain date, it will be a felony to have one in possession PERIOD.
We (all of us in the USA, not just Kalifornia) are in for a long battle and I do not know where it will end.
I do know one thing, I eventually will become a felon along with many of my patriotic friends. It is a sad state of affairs our country is moving towards, but I will not give up. I will continue to make my voice heard and I will continue to support the voices that we have, as those voices are currently all that we have.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Kodiac: Nothing to be sorry 'bout. We(the regular forum) knew it to be a sarcastic remark. It's the unregulars, like the HCI and Rosie bunch that feed on that kind of quote. Personally speaking, under a different set of circumstances, your suggestion of trading a communist produced SKS for an American piece of mechanical perfection has great merit. ;)

Now, aren't we sorry we lost "Jury Nullification"?

Ya know, if we could win back Jury Nullification, we could (as gun owners) deep six a bunch of this illegal legislation.

Even without Jury Nullifications, all it takes is one holdout on each jury to constipate the system beyond use. Be smart and don't let them know it's a movement - just say "I'm not convinced." I don't think you can be punished for your personal opinion so long as you don't make fraudulent statements beforehand.

Hmmm, civil disobediance combined with jury sabotage. "They" deserve it. Any lawyers out there? Could this work????
Ironically it seems that a lot of gun owners support stiffer sentencing for criminals. Unfortunately I believe harsher treatment of criminals will be enforced when law abiding gun owners become the criminals as the playing field continues to shift. It's starting to feel like a giant chess game. Paranoid who me? And so I can see Kalifornia making an example of the SKS owners. The liberals in the Democratic Party are hoping to split the Republicans on the gun issue before the next election. Off cource if you turn most professional politicians inside out you can't tell the difference. Any way I think we are in for a tough time of it. Solution get out and vote and send money to good candidates.
I also fear that we will get the harsher enforcement of the laws once we administratively (rather than violently) become criminals. Then, many of us actually will become violent criminals - proving their point and cutting our own throats.

The only RKBA candidates I have seen in the Democratic or Republican camps are so far
to the religious right they don’t have a prayer of being elected. They will be defeated because of their stand on abortion, if nothing else. The government has done a fine job of dividing the population on so many issues that we can not band together and the Dems/Reps don’t have to do anything but be photogenic and appeal to those members of the minorities who vote only on emotions rather than issues.

Hate to beat the same drum again, but that’s why I’m sticking to American values and will
not vote for Republicans. They have become Democrats! So the only choice I have is to
vote Libertarian - the closest thing available to original American values.
Send them to me I will be happy to provide asylum to any refugee weapon. They will be stored in a climate controlled room locked in a steel box.

Do not turn them in … Do not turn them in … Do not turn them in … it is absolutely imperative that no one complies with this.

Turn them in … yah right … muzzle first maybe …
to locate, close with and …

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited June 08, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited June 08, 1999).]
Turn them in... who's going to do that? A network of gun owners is now being formed in CA. Simular to the minute men. If they come to confiscate one person's arms, the phones will start ringing. The way that I have seen these get started is just a couple of friends, a few neighbors exchange e-mail's, telephone numbers etc. I'm not saying that this is right and that you should do it.

Sounds like a great idea - providing, of course, that the government is courteous enough to keep all the phone lines working....
From:Ivan8883 6-8-99 615Pm EDT Guys, I am firmly convinced the USUN Government is getting ready for a nation wide call in of nearly or maybe all guns here in Amerika. Forget the political parties, forget the judicial system of Black Robed Thugs who follow corporate law(US Government has been a legal corporation for decadesand its judicial system does not follow any Constitutional Law),forget any legal or political redress to all the violations of the entire Billof Rights, not just the Second Amendment,important as it is. I am afraid that Martial Law is in the windand before it is declared, the Government of the Elites has a big primary list of people to either pick up or liquidate(Militia leaders, outspoken religious leaders, Tax resisters,) I may be sounding alarmist,but these opinions are backed by strong circumstantial evidence over the last few years and even going back to the Bush Reagan Regimes. It is no coincidences that US military has been training in Urban warfare the last few years. Gun confiscation nationwide is the ultimate aim probably coming in under Y2k generated Martial law.I can only say: God Bless the Republic and Death to the New World Order. We must never turn our guns in no matter what! Ivan
Poor California gunowners. The only up side of this despicable situation is that when California finds a way to ban all guns, maybe all the crooks will move there leaving the rest of the states virtually crime free.
I wish that someone would challenge this law in court. However, even I recognize that the odds of winning in California are slim because the California Federal courts are packed with gun hating liberals.

In essence the legal challenge would have to make it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court for any relief. Yet, then we would run the risk of having a negative legal precedent damaging the 2nd Amendment nationwide.

The solution: There's law and then there is natural law...follow the natural law as indicated in the spirit of the Declaration of Indpendence.