Mandatory gun turn-in begins

walkin' man

New member
I hope this isn't true.

Apparently CA has given immunity to thier subjects, as long as they turn in thier SKS's by 01/01/00 they won't be arrested. They will be given a voucher for $230 for every SKS surrendered to the proper authorities. Just look at the web site explaing the few painless procedures to follow.

One of the posters on AR15.COM said he traced the web site to the CA Atty. Generals office.

I hope when I check back tommorow someone will have proven this a hoax.

land of the free and the home of the brave......WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT

[This message has been edited by walkin' man (edited June 01, 1999).]
Hate to tell you but it's a fact. Have a friend in Kali that has a SKS ans had to give it to his brother in a gun friendly state to keep it. Plus he can never bring it back into
Yep, I was really hoping it was just a bad attempt at humor when I learned of it over on AR15.COM. Then I looked up the Internic domain registration is was registered by the CA AG Office. So its official.

And what's even worse is that most people will sit back and do nothing becuase they don't live in CA. If these type of laws are not overturned quickly, by the time they come to your state it will be too late. The precident will already have been set.

Wow - that really blows... but hey - $230 for an SKS? Thats actually a good deal - you can make enough on a couple SKS's to buy an AK!

Wait a sec - this is only banning SKS rifles with detachable box mags... So - most likely, your SKS is still good to go!


[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited June 01, 1999).]
Kodiac : I hope you are kidding,,, kind of a gallows humor. Today's SKS will be tomorrow's shotgun.


That sure sounds like,
"Workers of the World, Unite!"
(Feel free to correct spelling errors, CR.)

Thought we just whipped them Commie buggers. Already there's a new crop. Well, history repeats itself....
"In April, 1775, General Gage in Boston decided to send out a small force to Concord to seize cannon and stores collected by the Massachusetts Committee of Safety, and to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock, two prominent patriot leaders. At Lexington the troops were met (April 19) by militia, historically called the Minutemen, and there was fighting. The British destroyed the stores at Concord but did not capture Adams or Hancock, and were assailed on their return to Boston by the rapidly gathering militia. As news of Lexington and Concord spread over New England, militia under Benedict Arnold, John Stark, and Israel Putnam hurried to Boston and beseiged the city. To make the siege effective, cannon and powder were needed, and these were secured by hasty expeditions, which captured Fort Ticonderoga, May 10, and Crown Point, May 11, on Lake Champlain."

Excerpt from The American Peoples Encyclopedia, Vol. 16, pg 475, ref; Revolutionary War, Conduct of the War....
Come on! I dare any of you to tell me with a straight face that you didn't know this kind of crap was coming.
Is there some legal way to fight laws which turn honest citizens into criminals with the stroke of a pen? If I understand correctly, all these weapons are registered and they know just who has them. If so, ignoring this would bring the gestopo to your door?
Man, this really sucks! Where's that damned earthquake when you need it!
Yep, it is true. And, this is a perfect example of registration becoming confiscation.

A little known fact as well: if you move to Calif, ALL your guns must be registered within 30 days. Thus, they will get yours before the natives.

The poor fools who complied with registration are marked, and they will have to be able to prove they no longer have the gun (or it is inoperable)....very much like when the tax man calls; i.e. guilty until proven innocent.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
You can fight unjust laws by working for their repeal or you can do it the way that Dr. King and others did: violate the law, get arrested, go to court, get convicted, and keep appealing up the chain until either 1) you go to prison, or 2) a court overturns the law. This is called a test case, but you have to be prepared for 1).

The problem for most of us is that 1) doesn't appeal. We are basically law abiding and don't want the conviction on our records. It takes courage, money, and support to do what the Civil Rights folks did. Even though they felt sure they would win in the end, some died for their cause.

Has anyone sought an injunction to stay enmforcement of the law until it can be tested in court? That could be the first step.

Its not just in CA. We are fighting the same battle where Gen Gage started it all 200 years ago. The new gun law in Mass was so bad that our political "leaders" had to do two amendments. One was immediate last fall. The law prohibited veterans from carrying weapons in parades and at memorial services. The second was this spring. Re-enactors would not have been able to carry their muskets at Lexington and Concord in April. The musket on the wall of the state house has a trigger lock on it.
The way it stands now if your local police chief decides that you are not going to get your permit renewed. You have to give up your guns. See the posting on the May Rally in Boston and check out our GOAL website for details. They are testing out their new laws here but you can be sure they will try to go nationwide.
<a href="">GOAL</a>

<a href="">LARGO Lawful and Responsible Gun Owners</a>

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited June 01, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited June 02, 1999).]
Dear SKS owners of California:


This is an oportunity to send a message to gun-grabbers. "WE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN OUR OWN DESTRUCTION!" Not on any scale or in any increments.

I know $230 is a great price for a used SKS that you paid $99 for. That's $230 that you could put towards a nicer gun, or more ammo, or whatever. But what their $230 is really buying them is an affirmation that gun owners will play ball... That's not for sale at any price!!

Bury it, sell it, throw it in a river but never give them the satisfaction.

They are testing the waters... show them that this water is boiling hot and they dare not wade any deeper.
I think most of us immediately react by thinking what Jim Keenan voiced: Force them to place SKS owners under arrest and begin the lengthy court process. Unfortunately this my in fact play into their hands. A quick conviction with a token punishment would automatically make the arrestee a convicted felon and ineligable to own ANY gun. (I know convicted felons can own non concealable firearms under certain conditions.) There by disarming the masses in a *legal* and difficult to challenge manner.
I don't know the answer but law abiding gun owners allowing themselves to be arrested and lossing their rights is not it. But what.......................


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
"The musket on the wall of the state house has a trigger lock on it."

Good Lord.
Isn't that a prophetic sign of the times...
Ok, I'm confused. Reading the text from the bill, at the beginning it says........

(Approved by Governor September 27, 1998. Filed with Secretary of State September 28, 1998.)

On this date I have signed Assembly Bill No. 48 with a deletion. This bill would grant immunity from criminal prosecution to anyone who is subject to prosecution under the state's assault weapons law for conduct related to an SKS rifle, as defined, committed during a specified period in which there were conflicting administrative designations of that weapon. This bill would make the immunity provisions fully retroactive to anyone who is subject to prosecution or prosecuted and convicted of violating the assault weapons law. I have deleted the $1.3 million appropriation. The expenditure of these funds appears premature in light of the pending review of the entire assault weapons law now before the California Supreme Court.


So my question is that if he signed it but as said above "I have deleted the $1.3 million appropriation" it appears that the funds to be used to pay the 230.00 have been removed.

Did I miss something here?

Speaking for the semi-automatic rifle free Country of Australia, this is a relatively painless process.

The Govt. with a stroke of "it's what the majority of the public wants pen" can do whatever they want to do!

Whilst in power, there is NO way to overturn what they do.... Unless you have a few Million $ to spare and the determination to fight the system !

Not wanting to sound defeatist but it worked in England & it worked here too :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
In Mass. they should go through with the re-enactment without the guns! Can you imagine 100's of people pointing their fingers at the "enemy" shouting "BANG!"!

That trigger lock on the musket is too much...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."