Man sues city after police shoot, kill dog

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While I think bravado over killing dogs is misplaced-- human life is worth more than a dog's, period-- there is the double-standard that killing a police dog, even ostensibly in self-defense, will elicit a much, much harsher penalty than killing any other dog.
Seriously folks, take a deep breath here. I absolutely love my dogs, & I'm p*ssed too, but let's not start generalizing cops. Some shoot dogs, some throw parapalegics out of wheelchairs, it's true. Some even run the wrong way when people are getting hurt, but not all of them. Some do pretty damn heroic things, but the news doesn't always find this sensational enough. I know one who jumped into 15' of water in winter to pull some drunken a-hole and his girlfriend out of a car that went off a bridge. My car once broke down four towns away from home & a cop drove me to my door, stopping at each town line to get permission.
I'm a teacher, and a fourty-six year old man. Any idea how it disgusts me when some teacher is on the news for "innapropriate behavior"?
It's this guy who was an a*s, sometimes it spreads like decay, EG Katrina confiscation, but I think we want to keep a good relationship with cops in general. The uniform stopped impressing me twenty-five years ago. We don't elect cops, but we elect the zipper-heads who hire the chief who hires them. My town is fine, but I could tell you of a few nearby towns that are run like a crime family, and half the residents either don't care or don't realize it, so on it goes. It's a mess right now. Let's keep hope alive that most cops are still in it for the general good.
I hope you guys are never put in the position where you have to choose between your dog's life and the life of another human being. No matter how you feel about them, they're still just a dog. Property. Self defense is one thing (even in a case of mistaken identity) but a police officer being murdered and his children growing up without a father is NOT justice over a slain pet.
Your right, perhaps taking the life of one of his children in exchange would be the better punishment. Property is property and all. Hows that go, eye for an eye....

human life is worth more than a dog's, period-
Thats purely a matter of opinion. A lot depends on where you are and who you are, and your feelings on the matter.

We're all animals, humans are uppity, and just tend to think better of themselves. Then again, 150 years ago, some humans in this country could be shot on a whim, just like a dog or anything else. Of course, it would have been more of a civil matter then, if you werent the owner. Money is money and all.
Mistakes happen, but there ought to be consequences (otherwise there is no incentive to minimize mistakes but to just shrug them off.) Suing the city does no good; they don't care. They'll just pass the cost on to the taxpayer. Bring *criminal* charges against the cops. Criminal negligence, assault, false imprisonment, destruction of property, cruelty to animals, etc. There are lot's of criminal charges that do not require premeditation.

Throw a cop in jail for a year or two and *that* will get people's attention. At least stand him before a judge and jury like they would do to us under similar circumstances. Maybe these simple mistakes will become less frequent.
May the Gods have mercy on your soul if you happen to shoot/injure a police dog. You will not see the light of day for weeks and be several thousand dollars short in the billfold, and never be able to hold guns again.

Whats good for the cops dog is good for the peoples dog.

Suing the city does no good; they don't care.
The problem here is, they have given themselves immunity, and unless you can prove willful wrongdoing, they have noting to worry about.

May the Gods have mercy on your soul if you happen to shoot/injure a police dog.
Good point.

So, if their "property" comes into my house and my "property" kills theirs, is this a homeowners issue, or a matter for the courts? Oh, wait, what was I thinking, their "property" is a sworn LEO (I wonder if thats on tape? The I swear part I mean...woof, woof.) who isnt a human, but given human status above and beyond my life. Hmm, how many standards above double does this go? I mean a dog with a badge and human rights and immunity...WOW! I know the booze is flowing freely, and Brittany's had the news all tied up and all, (boy aint she gettin hard lookin lately? ) and but come on, whats next, DNA check points? Oh, wait again, there already here too.
I have to totally disagree, the only cold blooded murder was that of the dog.

I've got a newsflash for you, if you shoot an identified cop in your house who is not a direct threat and strictly in relatiation for your dog, THAT my friend is murder. You will deserve whatever you get. Most states even strictly outlaw shooting a police officer in self defense. Right or wrong, it is the law.

Your right, perhaps taking the life of one of his children in exchange would be the better punishment. Property is property and all. Hows that go, eye for an eye....

If you truly believe that the life of a dog is equal to the life of a child, you are not fit to own a firearm. YOU scare me far more than any cop that accidentally busts into the wrong house and has to shoot somebody's dog.

Thats purely a matter of opinion.

Wrong, it is a matter of established law and morality. When dogs create civiliation from nothing I'll be willing to consider putting more value on their lives. Feel free at any time to remove yourself from society and retreat to a remote place and worship dogs as equals but do not expect any rational person to do the same.

All that said, I don't believe a police dog should be treated any differently. Strictly as property with a set monetary value.
If you truly believe that the life of a dog is equal to the life of a child, you are not fit to own a firearm. YOU scare me far more than any cop that accidentally busts into the wrong house and has to shoot somebody's dog.
What that got to do with firearm ownership?

Fear is the mind killer... :)

Wrong, it is a matter of established law and morality. When dogs create civiliation from nothing I'll be willing to consider putting more value on their lives. Feel free at any time to remove yourself from society and retreat to a remote place and worship dogs as equals but do not expect any rational person to do the same.
Its still a matter of opinion. I've seen more civility and morality from my dogs than from a lot of the humans I've run across.

Whats your definition of rational, and where do you find rational people these days?

There is a whole world of rational people who pray to a god,(and also willingly kill in its name) but if the god talks back, they are not rational. Hmmm?

At least the dog is real, and wont hesitate to give a real, and usually civil answer. Unless of course, your here for other business. In that case, the dog, and its followers are probably not going to be real civil, no matter how rational you think you might be.
human life is worth more than a dog's, period-
Thats purely a matter of opinion. A lot depends on where you are and who you are, and your feelings on the matter.
Get real. You can eat dogs without moral or legal problems. The objection to killing another person's dog is that it deprives them of their property. People aren't property.

Well personally I don't know which would be more fun, Killing the cops who murdered my dog or owning the cop's paycheck for the rest of their earthly lives. It would be a tough choice. I just hope to God that gentleman sues those cops for everything they own. For those of you who think that dogs are meaningless, souless objects all I can say is you're heartless confused people.
People aren't property.
Perhaps where you are now. It hasnt always been the case here. Or have they already removed that part of our history from the schools history books?

How about the rest of the world? I'd be willing to bet humans are still bought and sold on a daily basis and you could even buy one to bring home here, if you were of a mind to.

Legality and morality are group specific. They also dont necessarily apply to each other.

If it bothers you, you dont have to own the dog, or pull the trigger. No one said you had to do anything you dont feel you should. Stand there and do exactly as your told if you feel better, its not my decision, its yours.

All I'm saying is, if someone is in my house and shooting my dog, theres a very good chance that person is also going to be soon dead. Who they are, or why they are there, has nothing to do with it. Nor do law or morality have anything to do with it. A threat is a threat, a cop can kill you just as easily as any other home invader, and the reason they are there means nothing. The difference with the dog is, even though your not supposed to get emotional, your probably going to be just be a tad more ornery about what happens next if the dog gets shot first. But thats coming from a dog person.

....yet the irrational dog-lovers here probably think those eastern cultures that worship cattle are loony.:rolleyes:
No more loony than any other "cult". ;)
Threads like this make gun owners look bad, and I regret posting here.
Is that the way out to safety?

Regardless of what you own, and regardless if your the most squeaky clean example of the owner, you can and will, easily be portrayed as anything the propagandist wishes, and at their whim.

If you think that your shying away from the "subject" will make it better, think again. Those who retreat to the end of the line seeking safety, tend to suffer the most when its their turn.

Fear truly is the mind killer.
Is that the way out to safety?

Regardless of what you own, and regardless if your the most squeaky clean example of the owner, you can and will, easily be portrayed as anything the propagandist wishes, and at their whim.

If you think that your shying away from the "subject" will make it better, think again. Those who retreat to the end of the line seeking safety, tend to suffer the most when its their turn.

Fear truly is the mind killer.
When I read this thread the first time, I thought there were a bunch of people calling for insane, immoral, and illegal retribution. Turns out it was just you, like here where you promote the cold-blooded retributive murder of the cop's children "in exchange for" killing your dog:
Your right, perhaps taking the life of one of his children in exchange would be the better punishment. Property is property and all.

Cops need to be held personally and criminally liable for their mistakes, and so do their departments. People also have the right to self defense.

However, CragiC has it right- if you shoot a uniformed policeman in the circumstances of the first post, you are most likely going to jail for a long time. If you later seek retribution, it's you will go to jail for life or get the death penalty. No sane person would give up his life, his family, his entire future for a dog. It's irrational.

The way to get satisfaction is to go through the courts like Mr. Riggin.
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