Man in Ca. defies state registration, #2


It doesn't matter whose “fault” it is. It’s a given we must work with.

Until now, legislators, businesses, schools, and other organizations have
done anything they desired with impunity. HCI has shown these outfits that
their actions have consequences. All too often we have done little to
counteract the political power of the gun bigots. That must change.

If a Senator receives 1,000 letters from HCI and no opposition, we lose.
If he also receives 40,000 letters from Constitutionalists such as us, we win.

Okay, maybe not 100% of the time, but if we lose with the schmuck
repeatedly, we publicize his defiance of the Constitution and his
constituency and try to weaken his political position and find a pro-freedom
candidate to oppose him.

We have the internet! We can organize people as we see fit! We did it with
the Hobgood raffle and with the Rosie/K-Mart debate.

We need the media and, in the beginning, they will defame us. But as we
gain power and influence over those who advertise in their media, we will
gain influence over the media.

We were not disenfranchised overnight and our recovery will take time. But
if we don’t try, we can not win.

Let’s get ‘em where it hurts ‘em - in their wallets!



My oh my, you ARE the prickly fellow! :D

I like your suggestions! BIG time! Our views differ slightly but that's OK.

“11) Distance us from the militia crowd and convince them to disband as a
long range tactic.”

I know the type you mean but, because WE ALL are the militia, I would try
to develop the current militias into respectability by improving their training
and doctrine. No big deal, but let’s USE them rather than ignore them.
There are many good people in the militias - only the irresponsible
individuals need to be corrected. (Many of these people vote!)

“13) Support gun-buy backs from people who don't know how to safely use
and store a gun, but not from criminals. Resell the guns through personal
protection instructors to women at low cost.”

If all else fails, yes. However, wouldn’t it be better to educate and train
them and include them in our movement?

“14) Support free training for women and journalists.”

Kids! Don’t forget our future! Also, I believe the government should
subsidize training for ALL citizens to ensure the intent of the Second
Amendment. (“Well regulated”, etc.)

(NOTE: Actually, I believe firearms training should be mandatory - similar
to military basic training. But I was nearly beaten to death when I
suggested that on an earlier thread! ;) )

Some of your ideas are merely good. ;) Others are fantastic! I hope
TFLers will jump on the chance to implement them!

But now to your strategy and tactics.....

Go for it! If you have a plan that will work, implement it! Just do it!

Let's not argue about whether an option is a strategy or a tactic and end up
doing nothing.

Implement your plan! Begin it yourself and, by your efforts and
effectiveness, attract supporters to your methods.

As you point out, we will never unite the un-unitable (can we use that as a
word?); but the good news is we do not need to unite 100% of all gun
owners in America before we can do anything.

If we could get HALF the 80 million gun owners in America to fight gun
control, we would win. Forty million adamant voices saying gun control
must go (even if they have somewhat differing details to their demands)
would represent a force NO politician could fight effectively. This would
cripple the current one (two?) party system and again put our people in
charge of our government! Great!

So let's start with what we have. Begin the movement. Others will join.
Reduce the fear and stigma of fighting government gun control and more
will join.

We have no need to work on exactly the same program, ie fight only *this*
law first, then only *this* law second, etc. The key is not one standardized
program. The key is many people actively supporting a single movement!

Look at all the differing approaches to the civil rights movement. From the
quiet Ms. Parks who would not be moved, to the fire-and-brimstone
preachers, to the power of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., to the reckless and
violent posturing of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael - all were different
approaches to the same goal. All are approaches WE can use.

Such approaches are not mutually exclusive - they are mutually supportive,
synergistic, and attract more people to the movement by providing a
palatable approach to more potential supporters. We can and *should* use
several different approaches concurrently.

Already we are stronger now than we were five years ago. Yes, restrictions
are being passed, but people are beginning to see that gun control disarms
the honest people and makes them victims of violent criminals who already
disregard the law, human rights, etc. etc.

Let each group advocate freedom and justice under Constitutional law and
find its own route to the battle. The important thing is that we fight (within
the constraints of the Constitution we are trying to restore).

Motivate those who are apathetic or afraid, or for any reason inactive. Win
over the ignorant, the ambivalent and the undecided. In that process, we
even will win SOME converts from the other side.

We agree that we must become active. We also must stop supporting those
who disregard or disempower our cause. We may argue whether that
means giving our support to a third party or simply re-constituting the
Republican party, but we must support only those who support our cause -
while doing many of the projects you listed.

As we become increasingly active and effective we will become more

That will help us attract, create, develop, and empower champions in our

But nothing will happen until we act.

The time is now. Let’s get started.

Stick it to ‘em. RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 25, 1999).]
Well folks prickly and otherwise count me in!
I vote, I talk, I pray..... Let's begin to unite now.
I was saddened when Bob Smith dropped out of the presidential race for lack of financial support. Now who do we support? I've been writing to our politicians for years, I've even printed up postcards by the dozen for friends to sign and mail. I'm certainly willing to do more!

David L. Blackburn
Ive missed these discussions....
I guess the question is how do we get everyone on the same page and develop the same understanding of what the page
I think a lot of the problems we experience are of course perception of the position that we find ourself in, granted we've taken a beating for a while and particularly in the last 7 or so years---were no were near beaten we are still in there and the tide is going to change, how it changes is what we need to work on, for worse or better----I still believe that a supreme ct. decision one way or the other is our best shot at defining a consolidated approach to defeating these sob's.----btw, does anyone know whats happened with the man in texas's case?, ive been unable to access the net in a while....back to what I was saying---we only have so much energy, free time, and money, so instead of fighting all these little battles if we could get the supreme ct to make a definitive decision on the 2nd we could concentrate our efforts. It could be it just all comes down to money for us to win---the money to take these folks to court and force these issues. Now in the mean time we have to thwart them at every opportunity and it siphons off our ability to least thats the way I see it........fubsy.
Yes, we need to consolidate our forces, divide and conquer is an old tactic, we know better than to be divided, but damn if my own father didn't just say "what do you need with a machine gun?" If a man who dragged artillary all over Europe in WW-II doesn't understand the difference between an AK of SR and a machine gun, what do all the sheeple think we're fighting for?
Any gun ban is 1 more step toward total gun bans! Starting with the machine gun ban of 193?, it set the stage for the current debate. And really it is only a ban for those of us who can't or don't want to pony up the big dough.
But back to the getting organized question, we need some leadership to coordinate the campaign, nothing official I wouldn't think, just someone or some group to monitor where the letters etc. are needed.
That at least is my view.

Dave Blackburn

"Gun control is hitting what you aim at"

David L. Blackburn
You want strategy?

Get involved in your local politics...your local school board is where the bulk of these roaches get a start.

Go to a school board meeting...then you will see how far we've attention to fiscal matters and how just a very few more dollars will cure all. Then give thanks because the socialists have the cure.

Get involved, and it isn't hard at the local level. There you are listened to. Make a candidate lay out the position and make them sweat for the job. Hold them accountable, punish them when they fail.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Im not saying that we should not fight to win at every opportunity, it would be foolish not to. I just think that until we receive a favorable supreme ct ruling on the 2nd amend we are definitely playing catch up against a group that contols the game. We find ourselves in the position we do today because in the past we have allowed the opposition to prosper and did not effectively refute them. Another words every little diversion that we take on expends some of the capital that we have and our gain is minor---so we can not expect to overturn the unconstitutional laws through our local actions----allthough they are necessary. So until we get a legal decision that is favorable to our side the area of battle is just to large and our resources are to limited. Im not saying that we should stop fighting, we cant afford too, we need to force this issue through the courts in order to win it......we have seen that electing officials dosent do it, no matter who they are, that leaves only the court system. .....imo fubsy....
A best strategy/tactic IHO is to get involved at the local caucus level. That is where the politico is initially offered up as a candidate.

If we don't decide who gets to run, we're stuck with what's offered. Hobson's choice.

One vote at caucus level is worth 1,000s at the primary & 10,000s at the general election. Many times, there are only 30-50 folks voting at the caucus.

Can you imagine 30 pro-constitutionalists in a caucus vote?

Half of "us" register Democratic & half Republican. To hell with the label. Offer up a canidate for both sides that's pro-Constitution at the caucus level & don't give anybody else a chance to vote for anybody else.


we gladly feast on those who would subdue us