Man fires gun at a gun show.

At the shows I regularly attend, customers bringing firearms into the show must have them inspected and then have a yellow zip tie attached in a manner to prevent a loading cartridge or shell. Obviously, it would be easy to cut & remove the zip tie but dealers, regular visitors and LEOs would notice the absence of the zip tie and responsible people at the show would quickly advise LEOs (hopefully).
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Whom ever fired the shot. Accident or on purpose? The table owner too. >Both suffer the same consequence> Lifetime Ban from future shows.

When one picks up a gun any gun without a his finger on the trigger first thing to do is point that firearm in a safe direction and check its chamber for a live round.
Dealer should make sure his tables weaponry are not functional. By strapping a action or some sort of trigger lock install. No excuses allowed for this type of negligence. i.e. gun goes off in a packed with people gun show.
Gun shows I've attended have all weapons carried in checked for magazine and chamber rounded and are then ziptied o prevent loading. I also question whether the gun in question was actually checked and zip tied. The prospective buyer was extremely careless in his actions. Doesn't seem like he seller was paying attention to what was going on. Both are negligent IMO.
I've been to shows with negligent discharges. In all cases but one it was a vendor problem. Shows I attend require all patron weapons checked and zip tied at the door. Vendors required to inspect all weapons before the show opens and most shows require zip ties for all displayed firearms.

The vendor cases usually involved not inspecting all firearms as required by the promoter. One case the vendor loaded a live round instead of the snap cap he thought he was loading. No or minor injuries in all the vendor cases I've seen.

The exception was where a patron had his weapon tied at the door but reloaded it after entry. He was trying holsters and his weapon discharged severely wounding another patron.
It must be the zip ties causing the problems. :D

The 2 times I have been at a show where a AD occurred had a tied gun policy. Another show I have been going to for decades, I bought my first handgun there in the late 70s, is an inspection only at the door. In talking to the shows security (I DO use that term lightly) there has only been 1 AD across the decades.

Got to be the ties.
After a lot of years, I started to hit a few shows again. I have never seen a zip-tie through a barrel in PA. I was at a large show in the city recently and was catching up with a dealer I knew from way back. I commented how I had seen no primers for sale that day. He told me that the Fire Marshal would not allow them in the show. I guess how things are done is pretty much a patchwork of where the show is held at the time, even if it is in the same state.
jwt said:
Gun shows I've attended have all weapons carried in checked for magazine and chamber rounded and are then ziptied o prevent loading.

I've helped a friend set up a several dozen gun shows, I've NEVER seen one where the vendor's guns were checked then ziptied when they're carried in Friday evening. The vendors were responsible for having their guns ziptied. The typical agreement lets vendors remove and replace zip ties to "inspect" guns.

Can you imagine the line of dealers waiting to set up if they each had to unpack, check, ziptie, then repack several hundred guns before they got to their tables to set up?

The Texas gun show vendor agreement is here:

All firearms must be secured. Only Vendors are allowed to remove secure ties. If you remove a tie to inspect a firearm, you MUST re-secure that firearm before it leaves your table.

Meanwhile in Wichita Falls, TX...........
Just like in my earlier post where I told about picking up a venders gun only to find it loaded and chambered here we have another vendor ACCIDENTLY discharging a 12ga just before the show opened injuring 3 people.
While I completely agree with attendees having their guns checked and zipped tied at the door maybe its time for the vendors to be held to the same standards.
Just like in my earlier post where I told about picking up a venders gun only to find it loaded and chambered here we have another vendor ACCIDENTLY discharging a 12ga just before the show opened injuring 3 people.

You mean to say an anti didn't sneak into the gun show while it was going on and go around inserting live rounds into firearms? You think another vendor might have actually brought in a loaded gun?
I have attended gun shows in four states, and I have never seen a zip tie through a barrel. Not for vendors, not for customers.

Come down to FLA, making it your 5th state and you'll see guns being zip tied
I meant all guns carried in by individual sellers who walk around looking for a face to face personal sale. Not larger vendors with displays.
The 3 local shows I frequent and The Nations Gunshow in Chantilly all require zip-ties on customer weapons. I don't know if it's a VA thing or policy of the companies that run the shows.

From a liability standpoint, requiring ties makes sense... one more thing the lawyers can haggle over.

I take my G19 to every show always hoping to find that "perfect holster" and get it tied at the entrance every time.

Although I've never seen it, I would expect vendors to call out patrons who were in violation of this rule... you cannot miss the 2 cops sitting directly in front of the main door with a stack of orange zip-ties and the signs posted everywhere "NO LOADED FIREARMS".