Man Chases Intruder from House, Shoots

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I know this post will seem inconsistent with some other posts I have made.
While I value human life, there are some who cannot live in a civilized society.
There is also an element of living that says I have the right to own property, and the right to resist as necessary to retain my property. I once had a neighbor who was a district judge. I told him that under the law if my auto was parked at the curb in front of my house, and a thug or two decided to take the tires or a battery I would be unable to stop it unless I were larger and stronger than the perps. I could not use deadly force.

He stated that one could not take a human life to save the tires from being taken away. My reply was that the law zeroed in on the wrong thing. I agreed that a life is more valuable than tires, but is a life more valuable than the right to own and keep property? Do we not fight wars and millions of people die to be able to have that and other freedoms?
He had no answer to that except that the law does not permit deadly force to defend or save property.

So in a way I am in sympathy with the home owner regardless of the law. Can a thug commit a crime and run, and if you cannot catch him he gets away clean? Evidently that is the way the law sees it.

I understand that there are those who would over react and shoot when unnecessary. I do not have a good answer to that, but continue to believe that I have a right to own property, and with judgment do what is necessary to keep it. The line is a difficult one.

you can't shoot someone for being stupid. i think many of the gunhoes who frequent this site suffer from bloodlust. you better know the law before you blow someone away, cus you certainly will know it after the fact.:eek:
He got shot
for being drunk and stupid!

And that gets this one closed :mad:.

The whole mission of TFL is to promote responsible firearms ownership. We shoot only to preserve our lives, definitely NOT because someone's "drunk and stupid".

Hartlock, see my sig. line. You're not helping our cause.

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