Mall Ninja-itis

Hemi, just using my own experience on cases I've worked. The idea of shooting a drunk 15 year girl who stumbled into the wrong house is with me today and forever. Your house is NOT a freefire zone contrary to what the GSCs think. Identify your target.

As for the rules:

1. All guns are ALWAYS loaded;
2. Never point the muzzle at anything you are willing to destroy;
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are on target and you are willing to shoot;
4. Know your target and backstop.

The rules always apply--in the gunshop, on the square range, in a fight.

A fight is not what you want it to be, it just is. You may not fight in your house. One may have to fight on unfamiliar ground where you are uncertain of who is foe and who is friend and what they are doing, see, e.g., Diallo. Bring a light; it may be dark.

Plus, you can look cool when someone needs it (I've also heard young, nubile women like guys who carry lights around).:D
Well, the rules willand do apply... but like i stated,my HOME is the only place that I do not have light... (the truck or Jeep both have headlights, and there are streetand parking lot lights everywhere in town...)

as fjr the drunk 15 year old stumbling into my place... she'd have to climb over a gate, or over a 5'tall barbwire fence, then walk a few hundred yards of unfamiliar driveway, and then break down a steel door with a deadbolt, to "wander in"... at this point, she deserves to be shot, as she is DEFINITELY a threat...
Well, the rules willand do apply... but like i stated,my HOME is the only place that I do not have light... (the truck or Jeep both have headlights, and there are streetand parking lot lights everywhere in town...)

as for the drunk 15 year old stumbling into my place... she'd have to climb over a gate, or over a 5'tall barbwire fence, then walk a few hundred yards of unfamiliar driveway, and then break down a steel door with a deadbolt, to "wander in"... at this point, she deserves to be shot, as she is DEFINITELY a threat...
What if the truck or Jeep is kaput or you need to walk somewhere? What if you are outside the city limits of your town? What if you are not at your house? What if your GF left the gate and door open and the UPS man needs a signature? Et al, ad naseum.

Just what exactly is that 15 year old girl doing that she needs to be set on fire? Maybe you should ID her with your light and attempt verbal compliance before tempting the Prosecuting Attorney?

"Don't play the what if game; play the I am losing game!" Clint Smith.
Truck and Jeep both HAVE flashlights... GF does not have a key to the gate,

UPS does NOT enter the house... they ring the bell/knock...

the UPS guy OR the 15 year old are BOTH illegally INSIDE my house, and had to make a VERY definite effort to BE in the house...

To get inside my house, if I do not let you in, is a HELLUVA accomplishment, and is DELIBERATE... anyone in there who's not invited is a BG... and has to be MEANING to do harm to me and mine...
Can't enter my home without breaking in, therefore I already instantly know you - you're the guy that just got shot.

If its the middle of the afternoon, broad daylight, and you brought me a pizza for advertising you're still shot, but I'm eating the pizza before I call the cops.

In South Florida its not a problem to carry a piece IWB-MoB under a t-shirt and a pocket gun. I do it frequently, its not a problem.
KSFreeman- "I've also heard young, nubile women like guys who carry lights around." C'est vrai mon ami! I've picked up countless chicks with my E2! ;)
Ronin, yeah, chicks like a guy who follows rule #4 and is not in prison from the criminal proceedings or broke because of the civil trial!:D

You pick up chicks? I thought you were spoken for? If not, can we go to Harry's. You can introduce me as the OLDER brother to the young hotties.
CR Sam

Yeah, a couple years back I was looking at a Bianchi factory color holster catalog, and it showed two pictures of John Bianchi - One with him in a white tuxedo, looking pretty normal with a teensy bulge or two here and there under the tux if one looked closely. Then the next pics shows him with the jacket off - ol' boy was concealing 32 (that's thirty-two!) handguns on him at the same time, between pockets, ankles, shoulder holsters, sobs, etc. Coo...
KSFreeman- Really I don't pick up chicks...I wuz just teasing...I have a nice, beautiful fiancee who buys me guns so I'm set :) I don't think you'll have a problem getting chicks at Harry's. Just wear a shirt that lists your annual income and you'll be big pimping! ;)
KSFreeman... "Ronin, yeah, chicks like a guy who follows rule #4 and is not in prison from the criminal proceedings or broke because of the civil trial!"

like I said, I CAN see... so I'm not violating rule #4...

and if they are in my house, it's illegal, and they are breaking and entering, presumably with the idea of doing great bodily harm...

also, if they're in the house, then the "R-Panel" closed cell foam and double 3/4" OSB walls are the backdrop,so that's pretty tight...
Hemi, I'm glad you trust your ultravision. Sadly not everyone can see in the dark.:(

Your house is not a free fire zone despite the bromides of the gunshop commandos. Don't forget that self-defense is an "affirmative defense" meaning you can claim all you wish but the prosecutor can still come after you, check local listings for likelihood. Further, the civil side is expensive--those darn lawyers.

Be careful. Know your target. Watch 6. High Alert. Blah, blah, blah......

Besides, we want you around so Ronin and I can borrow stuff from you at skul.:D
I go off on tangents. Mne zhal, Erick.

Just call me the wet blanket on GSC "kill `em all" polemics!:D Comes with the territory.:barf:

Dudes who claim to walk around with 4 guns, 15 spare mags, 22 knives, 3 walking sticks, a sword, 6 attack dogs, pepper spray, CS/CN grenades, a 12-cell flashlight etc. all concealed while wearing Speedos and a windbreaker are full of it.

I carry at least 2 (or sometimes 3) guns, a reload or two, always two knives (Commander/Sebenza sized, usually), and various other odds and ends. Had a bad experience with pepper spray (It incapacitated my attacker. For all of maybe two seconds.) so I usually don't tote OC any more, although I know I should.
I have carried as many as 3 firearms (.40, 9mm, and .32), two knives, a flashlight, a microlight, and a cell phone, as well as SBA. (I only carried all that once, as I kept worrying about what the police would say about all the hardware, if I had to employ it!) Most often, in the past year or two, I have contented myself with a single firearm and knife, and often a reload.

Sam, I sold my beloved Glock 23 right before I left for ITB, but I've been carrying my 3" 657 when packing since I've been back. I'm your height, but the scale today tells me I have gained 16 lbs on you- fortunately, some of it's in the right places, so my N frame is actually quite concealable now, thank god.

Can't enter my home without breaking in, therefore I already instantly know you - you're the guy that just got shot.
Heh, heh, heh.