Make Your Semi-Auto, Fully-Auto Legally!

This is a bump fire aid. It doesn't have a spring or anything that allows multiple rounds per trigger pull. You are just pulling the trigger really fast. Mr. Rubber Band Man said - your finger pulls the trigger EVERY time a round is fired.

There is no legislation on how fast your fingers move ;)

Could you imagine rigging up the rubber band to a semi-auto MG42/MG3 variant? Nothing but bloody nubs of fingers left :D
The fellow on Poor man's Machine gun has a letter from the BATF on his website. As long as the device does not make the weapon fire with "one" single pull of the trigger its okay. So if the rubber band makes the trigger operate manually at a faster rate and the round is fired with a trigger pull for each round its legal.
My main concern is that BATF, in their infinite stupidity, will somehow pervert their definitions in order to make this an "NFA weapon."
I have one of these I use on my 9mm and 223 AR's. I have some videos on youtube of my 9mm in action. I love it and it works great. Virtually a select fire for only $350 and you don't need a $200 tax stamp. :D

I'm trying to get it to work on one of my 22LR AR's, but so far no luck. Not enough umph to make it work.

You can find my vid's by looking for my ID -steel609
"It makes the anti-gun establishment madder than hornets and they can't do a darn thing about it."

Well, yes, they can try to ban semi-autos, and use things like that to "prove" that criminals convert them to machineguns. And netting a retired cop would really show that BATFE is "doing its job, but more laws are needed..."

I might have to build an AR just for that stock! Very tempted, even though I already have an AC556. I wish they'd make on for the Sig 556 (not sure if it's possible).