Make Your Semi-Auto, Fully-Auto Legally! is not the noise of our burst that is hits that count, we will hit...

I had something like that in HS and it was fun on a 10-22, at pennies a round.
I wouldn't mess with the rubber band thing. A similar setup with a shoelace led to the infamous "we find that the shoelace is a machinegun" decision by the ATF. Why risk it?
Risk sh+t

I've had one since May...Ist utilized " It's a HOOT" qualities at THE FUN GUN SHOOT in Jun outside Wall SD. Less than 2 minutes to put it on one of my two COLT LE6940 some cool video blasting thru 1000rds of 223Federal,PMC and nato 5.56...using 30rd Mag Pul magazines and 20 rd colt mags. My son and I were actually accurate out to over 100yds. Spray and played all day with it. Alot of the FULL AUTO crowd stopped by and were duly impressed by my 349 dollar plus cost of the LE fun gun. It did anything that a 15k class3 did. :cool: Being a retired police officer I'm easy to find (photo and fingerprints on file worldwide) if someone wants to take it away
I'm all for any device that legally simulates full-auto fire. It makes the anti-gun establishment madder than hornets and they can't do a darn thing about it.:D
I once decided i was gonna pretend to be Arnold and fire my CETME with 1 arm. I proceeded to fire a quick 3 round burst. round 1 landed on target, round 2 went downrange and struck the ground over to the right near a bank of targets that was another 30 yards away, round #3 hit the burm at the 2nd further bank of targets. thats what .308 rapid fire does for ya if youre not prepared for it.
sorry to bust yalls bubble but anything that is used to make or modify a semi auto shoot like an automatic weapon is deemed illegal modification by the all knowing god the ATF and E, unless you have the proper license issued by them to do so.