make sure your basic skills are good before beginning to shoot in competition

I see nothing wrong with the OP's opening statement.If a new shooter is an active duty /former military or a LEO or has taken advanced training beyond getting a CCW then they are most likely good to go.If the shooter has never shot anything but paper targets from a stationary stance then they need to stand by and watch the first match to see what is required.Next month they should be squaded with an experienced and patient RO and WALK not run the stages.If a club offers a new shooter clinic all the better.

you should give him some pointers ask him if hed like to go out to the range and shoot togethor sometime , that would be the best thing for the guy. Prob good for you to have a "refresher course"

Im new to the world of fireams...bought my first handgun 8 months ago and now own a 3 others lol go to the range atleast ounce a week, just took my CPW, did a combat shoot 2 weeks ago and it was a so much fun. Cant wait till this coming weds for the next one.

But made me understand that I need proper training, or just a helping hand for someone that has the knowledge.So I understand where your coming from but

I autox and road race sports cars and everyone goes out of there way to help people just starting out...keeps racing strong and just good karma. Plus I had alot of folks help me over the years so its my way to give back.

Dont get me wrong Ive already meet some great people at the range but at the combat shot must folks were kinda cold towards me. Lucky for me I had one guy kinda giving me the low down on scoring etc. Its kinda like car racing where you have to go slow at first to be fast.

But thats just my 2 cents. BTW I;m mike glad to be on this site already I can tell Im going to learn alot by reading alot of threads.So thanks to everyone thats shared their knowledge.
I have seen it both ways, you have to strike a happy medium.
I have seen people enter an IDPA match who are barely qualified to operate the mechanics of their guns.
On the other hand, I have heard and read people to say "I need to get ready, maybe I can get to a match next year."

It would be nice if everybody could get training so that they would be safe and effective from the start, but that is not likely. Said training is either expensive enough to discourage many or it is offered by the same volunteer labor that puts on the matches. Those volunteers only have so much time and energy to support the sport and training is not as frequent as it would have to be to catch all the beginners.

It is up to the shooter to study and practice the requirements of his chosen event so he can be safe and not interfere with proceedings. But don't while your life away "getting ready." Get out there and test yourself and see what you need to learn and practice. If you pay attention and stay active, helping out around the range, you will get plenty of help and advice.
i deff understand

One thing we do in the grassroots car racing circles is have "meet ups" or socials cookout, talk, learn from each other, plan for up coming install days where people with more experience helps others install parts that are out of their comfort range.

In autoX we have instructors that vol for the race day..depending on how many newbies are there the instruc has 1 or 2 students. He rides with them,gives input on what they did wrong, gives input to correct them. ANd they dont have to be the best of the best in world of racing. Just someonethat knows the rules,safe, top 10 kinda driver.

I could see that to be very helpfull in shooting sports. Bt it is alot to ask of someone, but others (like myself) love helping others out Its pretty great when you can see your student getting faster and faster, and they know where they made mistakes..

I will add that there is a ton of great info on here if you search for it. More then enough to get a nice solid grasp of the basics as far as being safe and a better shooter.

I can deff see where someones nerves at the first few events would make them forget certain key steps in safety. I guess another cross over from racing ....".you have to slow down to go fast"
new shooters

New shooter's seminars are a great idea. I've helped out with a bunch of them, although it's been quite a few years ago now

New shooters really have to concentrate on where their muzzle is pointed and how to move / reload / clear malfunctions with their fingers OFF the trigger.

They also need a little bit of tutoring so they don't break the 180, re-engage targets they have passed, or sweep their support hand while trying to manipulate a door or window.

Time permitting, I think there is nothing wrong with coaching a new shooter a little bit as they do a walk-through prior to shooting.
thats great man

I deff dont want to come off as vets of the sport must help all the new guys out. I know some take there time very serious to mentaly prepare for the match that day.

Also nothing more dis-hearting then trying to help someone and they are not taking what you say serious, giving you 110% of their atten, etc. I can only speak formyself in saying when someone goes out of their way to help me Im in racing,shooting, playing guitar, etc I give it all my all weather its trying everything they tell me, most importantly the steps that I "think" i have mastered. Seems like thats where I need the most improvement ...the steps that I "know" lol

Also most people can learn alot by just watching, really watching what the top guys do weather its how they shoot, carry themself at the match from the time you walk though the gates till the time you leave, equipment, how the maintain all their gear, the list goes on and on.

Anyway Im really pleased by the response Ive gotten in this thread, Ive got 4 emails from members all over the country on shooting tips, matches going on, classes. So a BIG ol THANKs to you is in order ! Stay safe and on target out there. TO all the newbs like myself look, listen, ask questions, and number 1... be respectful to everyone no matter their age, gear, can always learn something from everyone...good or bad
Jeff22 said:
Somehow some people chose to find negativity in my original post that wasn't there.

No, Jeff, the negativity is there. As new shooters have problems, so do new writers. One of the first things I learned in creative writing is that a writer cannot defend his work. It either is, or it isn't, and that is up to the reader to discern. Let's work with that first sentence.

Make sure that your basic safety & marksmanship & gun handling skills are reasonably well developed before you attempt to shoot IPSC/USPSA or IDPA type matches.

That's your opening line without introducing any particular faults or solutions. It's over-broad and makes the reader question exactly what basic safety you're talking about. Then you talk immediately about gun handling and marksmanship skills in the same sentence, and about how well developed those skills should be BEFORE the new shooter attempts.... Yeah, that's not only negative, it's confusing to a newby who might want to shoot. Where should he develop those skills? Do you offer classes for new shooters?

How would I have written that first sentence? Good question. After studying it, I'm not sure that it can be fixed. It might be best to discard it all together, and start over. Something like this:

New shooters present special challenges in club matches, mainly because they are not familiar with the protocols. We appreciate their enthusiasm and their effort, but sometimes it's difficult to coach basic safety while at the same time maintaining the flow of the match. We're trying to deal with this issue in our own club and stress basic safety and fundamentals while being a welcoming environment for new shooters.

Now, let's go down to your last sentence.

What he needs to do is a basic shooting course like MAG 20 (what used to be called "stressfire") or Gunsite 150. But he doesn't see it that way, and would instead rather try to find a competition oriented class to go to . . . which I think may not correct his problems.

So, your recommendation to this new shooter is that he spend a couple of thousand dollars, travel to Paulden, AZ, and take a course so that he could come shoot in your competition? I don't believe that I'd want to shoot in your club either. After a recommendation like that, I'd just flat-out leave.

Yeah, I'd say that's pretty negative. But keep writing. Or, better yet, maybe you should go to the University of Iowa and take a basic course in creative writing. Just sayin'.
I witnessed an accidental discharge yesterday

I shot in an indoor USPSA match at my local club yesterday.

One of the shooters had an accidental discharge. He's new to action type shooting, and got a little ahead of himself and was trying to move and release a magazine at the same time while his finger was in the trigger-guard, and he put a round into one of the prop walls used as part of the stage design.

This resulted in an instant match DQ. He was quite mortified. However, to his great credit, he had a good attitude about the whole event, took it as a learning experience, and stayed for the rest of the match and helped paste targets.

(I guess a few of the guys worked with him a little bit after the match was over)

New shooters often try to go too fast before they're ready. Sometimes this results in an accidental discharge. In this case, there were no negative results because he had good muzzle discipline and kept pointed in down range, even though he did manage to shoot a wall . . .

(He was using 115 grn hollowpoint ammo in a Springfield XD. After some searching, his bullet was found lying on the floor. The hollow point cavity was plugged with particle board and the bullet did not expand or deform in any way)
Even somewhat experienced shooters can have issues under match pressure. (When the buzzer goes off you are half as smart as you were before.)

Inviting a total newbie to a match to shoot I think is a setup for less than optimum results. The newbie will try to win it due to adrenaline and the regulars will try to help but be ineffective in that environment because the match must roll on and they can't practice what the newbie needs help with.

I think new shooter orientations and several practice sessions simulating some of the things found in matches for newbies go a long way to setting the newbies on the right track.
new shooter orientation

We haven't done a new shooter orientation at my club for YEARS and we're past due I think -- that would be a good project for us to do on the indoor range in the winter months.

The IDPA club up in Ripon, Wisconsin (north east of us -- I shoot a few matches a year up there -- great group of people) runs training classes for new shooters a couple of times a year and they've have great success.
new shooter orientation

You should do one a year. To keep current. The big thing with IDPA, to me, is I use the same gun, Glock 19 Gen4. For IDPA, CCW, and G Lic. Security carry.

The pistol basically shoots it's self! Tricked out a bit, as a carry gun, TruGlow fiber optic sights, extended glock slide release, 4lb trigger, clean as a breaking glass rod? How? Don't know, it came out that way.

How do you get good? Watch, shoot, have a good time, safe direction, keep smooth, fast comes.

Nice to know that the pistol you can hit a 12" plate at twenty yds, sits on your hip for protecting your life.
My first match wasn't that long ago, uspsa, and i didn't go into it with any thoughts of winning, i mean i went to several to watch prior to going to complete, so maybe that is where my view on it was different. I have seen how good a shot some of those guys are, and how fast others were, while not the best shots.

While i was just watching someone who was one of the better shooters i came to find out, accidentally had a discharge during his draw, luckily he had already cleared the hostler and was at least aimed in the direction of the target. He said later it was a stupid mistake he knew better, but it happened all the same. Point being, no matter your skill level your just one moment of stupidity away from being "that guy" his friends razed him a bit for what happened, but everyone also said, at least it wasn't worse.

My first match went great, i ended up around the 3/4 area in the ranking for the day in my division, so i was very pleased that i had not come in dead last. but i was expecting to, so instead of trying to out do everyone i just said, well its a given people who do whatever it is your trying for the first time, will be better at it then you are, you are never going to win your first time out, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it.

All of the shooters at my club, and i mean every single one, once they saw me show up to watch for a 2nd time, approached me either that day or on one of the next few to ask me questions regarding what i was wanting to do, and buy, and offered suggestions on everything from ammo, to firearms, to holsters, belts even shirts and pants, and after the match was over, 2 of them on different days even let me walk the course with them, using there gear and actually shoot the targets, and when i offered to cover the cost of the ammo they declined. they offered pointers along the way, and welcomed me into the group, expressing how excited they were to have another person wanting to join in.

now i will grant you, i am not like the person that the OP spoke of, but then again, at least from the way that sounded, he isn't like the people at my range either. or maybe he just had a particularly bad day, and that flavored his view of events.