Major Firearms Taste Changes?


New member
I used love black and 'tactical'. Give me AR-15 and Glock. The 'uglier' the better.

But now I'm starting to really like Ruger No.1s, Manlicher(sp?) stocked rifles, blued steel and pretty wood. I even have a hankering for blued snubnose revolver with wood grips. Perhaps Colt Lawman Mk.V.

Anybody else change tastes over the years?
Yeah, mine did too...only in reverse!

I went from Ruger No1's, Red Label O/U's, long barreled revolvers and single shot pistols with scopes to AR's, Mini 14's, Glocks and 1911's and more 1911's and more 1911' get the point.

Trouble is, I never gave up the former when I started likeing the latter - so now I have everything.

Mikey (spoiled rotten)
Cripes, my tastes change every year or two. Military pattern, accurate bolt actions, tactical shotguns, semis, DA wheels, SA wheels, target pistols, etc. Haven't got the hankering for O/U, double rifles, big bore dangerous game bolt actions......yet.

- Ron V.

I used to be a Die-hard 1911, single action .45 acp (or variation) fan. Wouldn't hear of another defensive Auto....

Then I started interacting with a larger body of shooters (esp. LEOs) and I realized the advantages of double action. It is much easeier for the average shooter to be safer, quicker and more effective with a double action weapon. In helping people with DAs, I gathered a fondness for them myself, and I now carry a Glock most of the time.
Never did like Mauser rifles, wanted semi-autos like the FAL until I got a '98 Mauser in .308. It is now my favorite rifle. Still prefer 1911's to any other pistol. Can't stand the trigger feel of Glocks.

*****just have to proof read before posting. :D

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited May 11, 1999).]
My tastes seem to change every few months. When I bought a Ruger Vaquero in .44, I just had to have a lever action to go with it. When I got the Winchester 94 Wrangler in .44, I just had to get a side-by-side Coachgun, so I bought a Stoeger 20ga. I didn't want to have to order an authentic 19th century style holster for the Vaquero, so I bought a side of leather and made my own Mexican double-loop--no patterns, just a photo to go from.

Then I got the AR-15. Now that I have that, I seem to have an increased interest in more modern firearms, so I'm now getting into Glocks--have a 19, getting a 30 in a few days.

The interest in Glocks came about the same time as my interest in concealed carry. My interest in concealed carry lead to my interest in small revolvers, so I just had to get a S&W 442. The sudden interest in revolvers lead me to purchase a Rossi M740 (3" bbl) in .44 Special.

Ever since I was a litte kid, I've always had a love affair with the 1911's, so of course I have a couple of those lying around.

Where does it end??? All of my friends claim that I have an addiction to firearms (although my collection is miniscule compared to others I have seen). When I buy more than one or two in a month, they threaten to send me to therapy! But it feels so gooood!!!

However, I, like Mikey, tend to only add interests--I never seem to give up a previous interest for the next. That way, I keep everything. :D

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited May 10, 1999).]
Every one must get a taste for NATO or COM BLOCK calibers.... after these are secured, in suffiecient qty for each member of the family to have one , along with 5K of ammo for each, then you may pursue your hearts desire. What is the saying.... 'prepare for war and enjoy the peace' well a little fractured , but you get the idea....

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
I started off with the usual stuff, as a kid I had a single-shot 20-gauge and a bolt-action .22 rifle. From there, I went to the centerfire stuff: .45ACP (1911, of course), .270 Win. (pre-'64 Model 70), Model 94 Winchester in .30-30, Colt Python in .357.

Until the government started trying to push it's ideas of what I could or could not own, my interest in semi-autos was limited to a 10/22 and a Ruger Mark II target pistol. But they uncapped the can o' worms and I have added firearms ranging from SKS carbines to HK-91s to AR-15s to... well, you get the idea. Since I've got my chosen paramilitary weapons of choice (and sufficient ammo), I've turned back a little bit towards the "old stuff". My .308 K98 Mauser "Utility Scout" should prove a fun project. I hear the siren song of muzzleloading, too - gotta get one of these in-line percussion rifles and a big supply of Pyrodex pellets before Bill figures out a way to move against them too. Hmm, a Bushnell Holosight on a .54 front-stuffer... that goes together okay, right? ;^p
Yep, my tastes definitely changed, or should I say "expanded". Always loved 1911's and Sig's - couldn't stand Glocks. Thought they were really, really ugly and had WAY too much plastic. My son finally talked me into renting one during a session at the local range. Had a ball with it, and shot well. Started to sit up and take notice of them. To make a long story short, I'm now the proud owner of 3 Glock's - a 19, 21 and 33. Hmm, what's that about old dogs... :)

Regards - AZFred
I guess variety spices up firearms as it does life. Anyway, I used to be totally for blued steel and walnut. But after resisting the material and look of Glock pistols for about ten years, I've become about as fond of them in their way as of the traditional stuff.
I think Fred hit the nail on the head (or should I say hit the cartridge on the primer) with, " tastes definitely changed, or should I say "expanded"."

- Ron V.

My tastes have really changed..... I used to be very anti-gun when I was younger and had no responsibilities. It was Art-school brainwashing. But I started to foster my closeted desire to own modern military weapons ( must've been all of the Japanese animation ), finally buying them with my liberal friends/family none the wiser.

Now I'm a matured NATO/soviet bloc weapons fan, and am now fostering an interest in US WW2 rifles--I need a Garand. Now. :)
My taste changes as often as my socks. My rifles used to be Dakota bolts with English walnut, Mannlicher Schoenauer 1952's, pre-64 model 70's, etc. At that time I shot double action Smith and Wesson revolvers with hand checkered, custom fitted Hogue grips in rosewood.

Now I shoot Sako rifles with fiberglass stocks, H&K pistols, and a Sig. Still can't make myself buy a Glock.
My tastes haven't changed YET. i stress yet. I've just gotten into the "gun culture" I got my first firearm, an AR last november, on of 2 guns i'vewanted to own since I was like 10. and I pick up my M1911A1 friday, the other gun I've wanted to own since I was like 10. I have broadened my target list thought. I grew up also wanting guns based on US designs, but now I'm looking at F/N Fal and its clones, SKS, MAK-90, Desert Eagle, I've decided to think globally.
I like 'expanded' better than change also. I still like the old wood and blue, but i am gaining a new appreciaton for the new high tech weapons. I started out with WWII rifles,a S&W modle 10 and an Inglis Hi Power my dad gave me. I still like the old stuff (picked up a Swede 38 last gun show). BUT, a recently purchased Kahr 9 has given me new respect for double action weapons. Darn it. :)

[This message has been edited by Swamprat (edited May 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Swamprat (edited May 10, 1999).]
My Tastes change pretty regular, but now I've come full circle and I'm trying to buy all the firearms that I wish I had never sold. After I get them all back home, Then I'll see where my tastes are and go from there.

Use to love HK91s and all those other black guns. Now, I'm stuffing patched round balls down with a ramrod. So many guns, so little time. Oh, home on the range...

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
All I ask is that I have the time and funds to collect the likes of what some of you have--geez. All I have is a nice 20 ga. and a fairly cheap .22 AR15 lookalike my dad gave me. Wish list, in this order:

12 gauge pump--probably buy one of dad's old Ithaca hunters off him and customize it a bit.
Glock 23
Anything .308 to play with.
Anything in 7.62 to play with.

That's all for now.
I started out cheap. Mostly 22s and old milsurp stuff. As the years go by, I tend to spend more money on fewer guns. It was hard to start paying bigger bucks, but you really do get what you pay for.....