I carry a Kimber 4" as my duty pistol to my cop job every day. I carry the same gun off duty. It get's carried if I'm awake. About (that's right, about) once every 30 days or so it gets wiped off. It doesn't get unloaded, rubbed, looked at, tinkered with, or anything else. Enough times of that and you're begging for an ammo failure because of mangled rims.
I shoot 2000+ rounds a year through that gun, and it gets cleaned after firing, but beyond that, it gets wiped off and carried.
After many years of it being dragged around 365 days a year, sweated on when I mow, dusted out when I work around the farm, blah, blah, blah, it has never failed to do what it's supposed to when I pull the trigger.
The other thing to consider is the more you manipulate and screw around with a loaded gun, the more likely you are to have a negligent discharge.
My gun is a tool, and it gets treated as such.
How often do you shoot the gun and what type of lubrication do you use? I'm not discounting your approach at all, just trying to better understand it. It is pretty much the exact same approach I've used for years with my revolvers and would love to be able to reliably do the same with my p220.